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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by DZIAD View Post
    Such people can just destroy everything, sad
    Given how this dude is firing lame sh*t like it rains crap... For example:
    I just would like to get a clean original 1.5 and modification of me uninteresting. Modification is also good, but nothing can compare with the original 1.5. You also think so???
    If I were involved in this mess I wouldn't release any "untouched" build, like ever. Some people can really act like the biggest ungrateful and arrogant idiots on Earth.
    Last edited by Gemini; 06-23-2012, 08:37 PM.

    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


    • I know. It's that strange sense of entitlement. I mean, I understand that the fanbase has been waiting over a decade, not too far from two decades now, but what the owner does with it, is their own business. That's just the bottom line. It sucks, sure, but we have no right to tell them what they should or shouldn't be doing with it. Maybe it was this guy's life long dream to complete the 40% build as best as possible? Who are we to stomp all over that, foaming at the mouth over wanting the original, untouched. It's not for us to say. The best we can do, is hope a benevolent soul either releases the modified version (which WILL get torn to shreds, regardless, so it's as a good as the untouched one, AFAIAC) alongside the untouched. Or either one, stand alone. We can't pressure them, it's their property.


      • Think people who proclaim stupid remarks and insulting matters should be just banned from here and anywhere else. Some people will never learn nor change and think 'they' have right to voice thier uneducated opinion.
        Zombies...zombies everywhere...


        • This post totally made my day. x°D

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Seems we have a troll on the RE modding community pretending to be the Italian. Something about the way he posts just screams an obvious troll. Stuff like this is why we won't possibly ever see 1.5.

            Also Darkside, hope you aren't referring to me with that post. I am now pretty convinced that these screenshots are 100% legitimate, and can at least admit I'm wrong on a few things. You can't blame people for being skeptical as this forum as well as Bioflames has had many lame attempts of people trying to show off their fake 1.5 screenshots and claiming they have 1.5. I am still pretty skeptical about the actual release of this though, and my opinions will never change, we'll all just have to be patient and see what happens.


            • That is true, however, the screenshots that we have been shown, there is little reason, under scrutiny, to believe they are fake. We've seen fake screenshots come through here, and compared to those, among other reasons, the ones these guys have released seem to be the real deal


              • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                Seems we have a troll on the RE modding community pretending to be the Italian. Something about the way he posts just screams an obvious troll. Stuff like this is why we won't possibly ever see 1.5.

                Also Darkside, hope you aren't referring to me with that post. I am now pretty convinced that these screenshots are 100% legitimate, and can at least admit I'm wrong on a few things. You can't blame people for being skeptical as this forum as well as Bioflames has had many lame attempts of people trying to show off their fake 1.5 screenshots and claiming they have 1.5. I am still pretty skeptical about the actual release of this though, and my opinions will never change, we'll all just have to be patient and see what happens.
                No, no. Not you dude, talking about the trolls and ones who speak referring to people as 'The Italian' and such. Some members just need to calm down on those parts in case something does go wrong.
                Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                • What do you guys think. Will he release the game modded version with original one?


                  • What we think is really not relevant at all in this case.
                    Last edited by Rick Hunter; 06-24-2012, 06:31 AM.


                    • The way I see it is If something happens it happens if nothing happens, so be it. at least now and again we can see some new screenshots and videos.


                      • Even if he just releases the modified version, you can bet the community will reverse engineer that first chance they get. So not all is lost, either way!


                        • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                          Seems we have a troll on the RE modding community pretending to be the Italian. Something about the way he posts just screams an obvious troll. Stuff like this is why we won't possibly ever see 1.5.
                          What were you expecting? There's an idiot asking every two seconds "new news release date? CUMMON! what the wayt!?", no wonder people would jump on the crane and troll him like there's no tomorrow. Not to mention the fact that usually pedant idiots behaving this way make hackers reluctant to work on a project. If this never gets release, you know who you're gonna bash.
                          Last edited by Gemini; 06-24-2012, 09:56 AM.

                          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                          • We have just wait, like last 16 years. Waiting and hope.

                            Anyway, do you ever seen that?

                            Last edited by killer7ITA; 06-24-2012, 10:53 AM.
                            I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                            • The Japanese on that disk looks like it's coming straight from Bing or Google translator.

                              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                              • This has turned into a bigger joke then the curator shit. i love this community but after going threw the majority of these pages, some idiots just need to calm down and wait, smh. The dude clearly has the game..... and i can bet we won't see it now.

