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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
    Nobody is trying to "hunt this guy down". What's wrong with providing an estimate release and then keeping quiet about it afterwards? What would hurt if the guy showed us at least 2 more screenshots to prove even further that this is legitimate? Would it hurt him in any way to perhaps show us the grenades in action? No it wouldn't.
    Why should he have to give us a release date? because we, the people who keep demanding release dates and more images or videos say so ? seriously get real. We don't deserve release date or even the game if he doesn't want to release it. I want 1.5 as much as everyone here but WE don't deserve anything just because we want it. We are lucky this even came up again, then you guys just go crazy.... this happens every time and how does it turn out, the game disappears, the guy who has the game disappears and we wait years for it to pop up again. Stop asking for images, stop asking for release dates, the guy will release it when he wants.... and now at this point IF he even wants to anymore. Those images he released in the first place are legit, 100 percent. The only one that bothers me is the one with john and elza.... john looks wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to clean compare to elza....

    In all honesty, if i was the guy who had this game and was modding it and i came to this thread and saw how some of you demand release dates and "proof" i wouldn't release anything, ever.


    • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
      Why should he have to give us a release date? because we, the people who keep demanding release dates and more images or videos say so ? seriously get real. We don't deserve release date or even the game if he doesn't want to release it. I want 1.5 as much as everyone here but WE don't deserve anything just because we want it. We are lucky this even came up again, then you guys just go crazy.... this happens every time and how does it turn out, the game disappears, the guy who has the game disappears and we wait years for it to pop up again. Stop asking for images, stop asking for release dates, the guy will release it when he wants.... and now at this point IF he even wants to anymore. Those images he released in the first place are legit, 100 percent. The only one that bothers me is the one with john and elza.... john looks wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to clean compare to elza....

      In all honesty, if i was the guy who had this game and was modding it and i came to this thread and saw how some of you demand release dates and "proof" i wouldn't release anything, ever.
      Besides some of the crazy people here that have been documented, it's no surprise that any person with the game, will indeed eventually figure out it's a holy grail of the RE community and not just some random 'unreleased' game. So whether they find out what some people are saying or not, they will eventually know how important the release would be in the end.
      Zombies...zombies everywhere...


      • We don't deserve release date or even the game if he doesn't want to release it. I want 1.5 as much as everyone here but WE don't deserve anything just because we want it. We are lucky this even came up again, then you guys just go crazy.... this happens every time and how does it turn out, the game disappears
        You're wrong on this. Robert Kendo here had those certain Biohazard 1 alpha builds and was showing off a bunch of screenshots, I was one of the guys requesting that he should release it, but he wouldn't. Few months later the game ended up being released anyway by someone else. You're also pretty arrogant if you think that "we don't deserve it", who are you to say such things? Whether he releases it or not, the RE community exceedingly deserves a release of 1.5, as we have been screwed over so many times before. Also nobody is "going crazy" and nobody is demanding anything in this case. Honestly, I'm not going to be "grateful" just for something we've already seen and know about for the last 16 years or so. Nothing being shown here is really that mind blowing or new. You're right that we have no right making demands about a release date or screenshots, and no he doesn't have to release it just because we want it, that's not whats being implied here at all. You're implying that this guy is our only source of getting 1.5, whether he releases it or not, it is bound to come up eventually by perhaps someone else, guaranteed. And yes, I am one of those guys that won't be satisfied until 1.5 is in my hands and nothing will ever change, but how can you blame me? We've waited so long. There's nothing wrong with making a simple nice request for him to give us a few screenshots, again, he doesn't HAVE to do it! You guys are just reading my posts as "gimme gimme gimme or you're dead", quit being so damned paranoid. You know, the only real reason why we don't have any rare betas is because of greediness and paranoia, let me remind you of The Curator. Some of you guys in the RE community remind me of Kintergarden children, "what's mine is mine and nobody else can have it!" It's quite pathetic.

        In all honesty, if i was the guy who had this game and was modding it and i came to this thread and saw how some of you demand release dates and "proof" i wouldn't release anything, ever.
        Yeah because reading what other people think and getting angry over a few simple requests is a sufficient reason to keep it for yourself. Makes me lose faith in humanity even further.
        Last edited by VirusPunk; 06-24-2012, 05:29 PM.


        • Don't worry, whoever let the links spread is probably thinking the same about human kind.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
            You're wrong on this. Robert Kendo here had those certain Biohazard 1 alpha builds and was showing off a bunch of screenshots, I was one of the guys requesting that he should release it, but he wouldn't. Few months later the game ended up being released anyway by someone else. You're also pretty arrogant if you think that "we don't deserve it", who are you to say such things? Whether he releases it or not, the RE community exceedingly deserves a release of 1.5, as we have been screwed over so many times before. Also nobody is "going crazy" and nobody is demanding anything in this case. Honestly, I'm not going to be "grateful" just for something we've already seen and know about for the last 16 years or so. Nothing being shown here is really that mind blowing or new. You're right that we have no right making demands about a release date or screenshots, and no he doesn't have to release it just because we want it, that's not whats being implied here at all. You're implying that this guy is our only source of getting 1.5, whether he releases it or not, it is bound to come up eventually by perhaps someone else, guaranteed. And yes, I am one of those guys that won't be satisfied until 1.5 is in my hands and nothing will ever change, but how can you blame me? We've waited so long. There's nothing wrong with making a simple nice request for him to give us a few screenshots, again, he doesn't HAVE to do it! You guys are just reading my posts as "gimme gimme gimme or you're dead", quit being so damned paranoid. You know, the only real reason why we don't have any rare betas is because of greediness and paranoia, let me remind you of The Curator. Some of you guys in the RE community remind me of Kintergarden children, "what's mine is mine and nobody else can have it!" It's quite pathetic.

            Yeah because reading what other people think and getting angry over a few simple requests is a sufficient reason to keep it for yourself. Makes me lose faith in humanity even further.
            Where did i ever once imply he was our only source of getting 1.5? there's quite a few copies out in the wild, that's known. With that being said, do you know something we all don't? what other source as of right now is letting people know they have 1.5 and are going to release it ? What i was trying to say is bugging the guy non stop and tons of random people bugging him and asking for release dates will just piss the guy off. I believe it was curator who got death threats from a few people and he then stop releasing shit about 1.5 he even took quite a few nice images from the game down off of his page.

            As for the biohazard 1 beta deal, a biohazard 1 beta, while very nice and pretty rare is not even in the same realm as 1.5...... if biohazard 1 betas or alphas pop up the community is obviously stoked... but when something new about 1.5 pops up people start going crazy. We alllllllllllll want this game bad but please explain to me how you figure WE deserve something that we didn't pay for? because we waited for 16 years and want the game? the guy who has the .iso probably paid for it, so why would we be entitled to the game.... because he posted some exclusive screen shots? come on now. I'm 99 percent sure it's going to get released.... but no one knows for sure, hence why i said 99 percent, the guy could be lying about even having the .iso file, considering he hasn't released anything new regarding the game, like someone posted a few pages back, if you have the knowledge, anything can be reproduced..... Hell, this could even be curator at it again, no one knows for sure.

            I love these 1.5 debates, people, like myself, really love this and we've never even seen half of what the game has to offer. The second floor of the RPD, the sewers... the majority of the items and what the items even look like. I can't wait until the day comes where we can see all of this for our selves.

            Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
            . You know, the only real reason why we don't have any rare betas is because of greediness and paranoia, let me remind you of The Curator.
            Curator didn't release shit because people were threatening his life. He made videos, posted pictures..... and people bugged that guy every day, release it, sell it, i'm gonna kill you.... and he along with the game disappeared.
            Last edited by Guest; 06-24-2012, 07:19 PM.


            • Truth is Cruator was never going to release it besides what people said.
              Zombies...zombies everywhere...


              • I would agree with you.... but i also think people saying they were going to kill him if he didn't release it had a lot to do with him.... not releasing it. Let's just hope this chance doesn't get screwed up!


                • With that being said, do you know something we all don't? what other source as of right now is letting people know they have 1.5 and are going to release it ?
                  Usually when word gets out that something is about to get leaked, other people in possession with said rare item decide to leak it as well from fear that the value of said rare item may decrease. Doesn't always happen, but it's a good possibility.

                  I believe it was curator who got death threats from a few people and he then stop releasing shit about 1.5 he even took quite a few nice images from the game down off of his page.
                  While I don't think the death threats were very cool. Who takes that stuff seriously anyways? If I received death threats over the internet, I wouldn't be too worried. Besides, you do realize The Curator was an asshole himself? He created a video on Youtube taunting all of us. Not to mention that immature eBay listing he put up solely to rattle us all up. He had no right doing what he did, because not all of us resort to insults and death threats. He was "punishing" everyone in the RE community over what a few jerks unaffiliated with us did which was pretty lame and selfish. So you could say he deserved everything done against him.

                  We alllllllllllll want this game bad but please explain to me how you figure WE deserve something that we didn't pay for? because we waited for 16 years and want the game? the guy who has the .iso probably paid for it, so why would we be entitled to the game....
                  What makes you so certain he paid for it? You know as well as any one of us about how he acquired it, which is nothing. Also not all of us are financially capable of paying for these rare items. There's always the possibility that he stole it too, and if that's the case, HE isn't entitled to the game and neither are we. You're also 99% sure the game will be released yet all of that other stuff you just said, sounds more like you're at about 35%.

                  Curator didn't release shit because people were threatening his life. He made videos, posted pictures..... and people bugged that guy every day, release it, sell it, i'm gonna kill you.... and he along with the game disappeared.
                  I guarantee you, he wouldn't have released it anyway whether people threatened him or not. He paid for the game and was entitled to keep it all for himself yes, but he didn't have to show us anything either and get the crazies as you call them all worked up. He was teasing us. Those people threatening him were merely trolls and he took it very serious because he's a little scared bitch and used that as an excuse to get rid of "evidence" of him having the game. We had the same incident with Robert Kendo here regarding those BH1 betas, he only showed off for the sake of showing off as were his own words that; "the betas should never be released".

                  I personally would rather have no info at all if it means getting a release.

                  the guy could be lying about even having the .iso file, considering he hasn't released anything new regarding the game, like someone posted a few pages back, if you have the knowledge, anything can be reproduced.....
                  You're not really making much sense. Didn't you just say we aren't entitled to make demands for any info regarding the game? As you said, we don't deserve any new info, a release date, new screenshots, let alone the game itself.


                  • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post

                    You're not really making much sense. Didn't you just say we aren't entitled to make demands for any info regarding the game? As you said, we don't deserve any new info, a release date, new screenshots, let alone the game itself.
                    What doesn't make sense about that? i'm not demanding anything, if he posts stuff then awesome and i will gladly look at it, you just made it sound like we are entitled to new info/pictures. Where did i once say we don't "deserve" any new info? i never once said such a thing. Also, normally when someone claims they have a game and are modding it, with intention of release at some point, they release updates with what they are doing, regardless if its pictures or video footage.... or even an update with how the project is coming along. Just to make this clear once again since you seem to be confused, any fan who wants this game as bad as everyone on this forum does deserves new info... but we not entitled to it.

                    I'm done flooding this great thread with a retarded argument. We both want this guy to release the game and we both want to play it bad. End of story.
                    Last edited by Guest; 06-24-2012, 10:34 PM.


                    • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                      We as a Resident Evil/Biohazard community wholeheartedly deserve any information regarding the release of Biohazard 1.5! If not, then imma pop a cap in someone's [REDACTED]
                      An Apple a day can keep anyone away, if thrown hard enough.


                      • This thread is becoming less appealing with every new post, I fear...
                        Can't we just discuss the game, instead of demanding things we don't deserve anyways?

                        I sure hope that those responsible for this 1.5 restoration project do not check this forum! (Or any other Biohazard forum, for that matter)
                        Now I understand why that facebook page was removed...
                        Last edited by Upaluppa; 06-25-2012, 01:05 AM.


                        • ^ Agree with the poster above.


                          • Some of you should activate 'clear your mind' state. I really mean it. What I have done is just enjoyed new screenshots and analyzed them. Do the same. Simple as that. If it is released, then it is. If not, we will wait.

                            BTW, heres my 1.5 collection:
                            [first 3 pictures are very early alpha I recovered long time ago, last picture is pretty much the final build]

                            [note that these pictures are fakes]
                            ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                            • @VirusPunk

                              Anyway, Upaluppa's got a point. The more XXXTREEMEMEEEE stuff gets on the various boards around here, the more I want to just hit the purge button here (sadly; I cannot do that on a few other forums I know of). So here's an idea;



                              • I think people need to remember four things about all this if this is indeed real.

                                Firstly, the pictures we've seen weren't released by the supposed owner of 1.5, they were leaked by someone else. Considering what we've seen so far, it doesn't look like the owner just recently obtained 1.5, it seems like they've had it for some time and have been working on it in some capacity. That said, whoever he/she may be, they never publicly stated they owned the game, and with that said I'd doubt they are happy that screens leaked out.

                                Second, no matter their position on the leak, the usual "1.5 IQ Drop" occurred like clockwork. Now I'm not necessarily talking about this forum; the majority of you have been decent in your discussion and quick to correct people who suffer from a sudden lack of intelligence upon viewing a new screenshot. But outside of our own forum, people started losing they're shit and harrassing the guy who released the screens. This probably hasnt encoraged the real owner to reveal any details.

                                Third, we don't exactly know what they're doing with the game. If this is the same build as the Playstation Museum had a chance to play with, then we know a lot about what's present on the disc, but we don't know everything. Going by some of what Alzaire has said, it's clear that if it is the same, the owner has started reintegrating characters and features and patching up the game. But we don't know the overall plan of how much he's actually doing, mainly because we don't know enough about what's broke on the disc. Is he simply fixing up character models? Trying to implement a translation? Add in rooms from the trial disc? The details we got from the what was in the screens and what the Italian guy who leaked them said are far too vague to really know the full plan.

                                Which brings me to the most important thing; we don't know what they plan to do with it. Saying they plan to release it is no guarantee as to when and how. For all we know it could be released free, or it could be be given to the community for a price. Hell, for all we know, they were trying to patch it up in an attempt to pass it off as another, later build then the PSM version. Considering what the game is, how this all was started, what we saw and the subsequent reaction and then silence, I'd just say prepare for the worst. We don't know if this guy or girl is on our side or not. They didn't just come into owning this for nothing, and they didn't just accidentally hacking skills that shame our own dedicated Resident Evil hackers. Just don't expect the Christmas miracle of 1.5.
                                Last edited by randomwab; 06-25-2012, 03:54 AM.

