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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • All I can say to the two recent posts is Amen. Nothing more, nothing less.

    When the time comes for a release we will know, but until then all we can do is have a normal civilized discussion about 1.5. It's not like one or 5 will know of a release when and if it comes, majority of people will find out soon enough so hopefully that does cool heads. If he/she is fixing the game up all I can say is well done and hope for the best, modding PS1 games is a pain in the ass compared to modding PC versions, and bravo to whoever is doing it.

    Anyway, back on topic:
    Zombies...zombies everywhere...


    • Just some thing I've always wanted to say/discuss about 1.5:

      -Characters shoot REALLY fast, like, WHOA
      -I hated this in the first game and hate it here: you CANNOT shoot enemies as they are falling down/getting up. This was changed in RE2, and I love it for it
      -You cannot shoot enemies when they are higher/lower than your character
      -A weird exception to the above rule; in the sewer video where Leon uses the grenades, he lobs the grenade at a lower vantage point, this kills the zombies BELOW him, even though he is not able to shoot down there. What's up with that?
      -Related to the last point, the grenade blows up a zombie climbing up, even though Leon CANNOT shoot zombies as they are climbing ... a strange oversight? Why do the grenades seem to be exceptions to these rules?
      -We see Elza wielding the upgraded shotgun from RE2 in a video. This blows zombies up in clean half (their upper torsos DISAPPEAR!!), and there's very little recoil. In the final RE2 build, only Leon gets access to the upgraded shotgun, and it requires parts to upgrade, and there's almost just as much recoil as the magnum upgrade. What's up with that? Is Leon really such a wuss? That seems to be the standard shotgun since RE1, and Leon almost flies backwards from the recoil.
      -Why did they do away with the fat zombies, only to have them come back in the 3rd game. Doesn't make sense.
      -On that same note, why did we only see female zombies in one video, and in that same video, Leon had a completely different outfit? Are the Japanese really that offended by their sensibilities? Though, we did have female zombies in the 2nd game, but why were they all dressed up like roller disco chicks from the 70s?

      That's all for now. Until I remember some other things.
      Last edited by doriantoki; 06-25-2012, 04:22 AM.


      • Not to mention, throwing a grenade and letting it off has the same animation as shooting a grenade launcher and reloading it from the final.
        Zombies...zombies everywhere...


        • Not to mention, throwing a grenade and letting it off has the same animation as shooting a grenade launcher and reloading it from the final.
          ??? I've only ever seen Leon gently toss the grenade to the ground. You can see the same thing in the GoroMacida video too. Where did you ever see this?

          Speaking of that.

          -In the GoroMacida video, zombies disappear when they die, hitting the ground. :/ Strange.
          -Here's an interesting glitch. Headless zombies will continue to approach, but when they touch and "grab" Leon, they fall over dead, and they can't bite him since they don't have a head. I wonder if these are the kinds of things that the team that are trying to mod this 1.5 build are having to tackle.

          This is the build I am more curious about:

          -Is it just me or is it running at a higher FPS than the other 1.5 builds and the final RE2 build? The movement and animation looks strangely smooth at times.
          -Notice the zombies have a variety of animations, I don't think we see these in the next 1.5 builds
          -That one fat zombies that falls over after being shotgunned, really slow falling animation (his torso). Incomplete?
          -Only time we ever see female zombies. Were the developers up and arms over this? I know Japanese culture treats their woman conversely like trash, but also like porcelain/should be protected. Was the decision to remove the female office worker zombies a result of this? We only got teenage female zombies in RE2, but the office worker female zombies made a triumphant return in RE3. I still think this is strange.
          Last edited by doriantoki; 06-25-2012, 04:41 AM.


          • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
            -Is it just me or is it running at a higher FPS than the other 1.5 builds and the final RE2 build? The movement and animation looks strangely smooth at times.
            This video is a VHS-to-digital transfer, which is why it looks noticeably smoother.
            Besides 6 Hyper Playstation Re-mix CDs with Biohazard1.5 footage, there were 3 promo VHS' released.

            CFC Style '96 September, Video vol. 2
            CFC Style '96 December, Video vol. 3
            CFC Style '97 April, Video Vol. 4


            • Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
              This video is a VHS-to-digital transfer, which is why it looks noticeably smoother.
              Besides 6 Hyper Playstation Re-mix CDs with Biohazard1.5 footage, there were 3 promo VHS' released.

              CFC Style '96 September, Video vol. 2
              CFC Style '96 December, Video vol. 3
              CFC Style '97 April, Video Vol. 4
              Thank you. That explains it. It looks nice when it's running smoother. Reminds me of PS1 games that run at 60FPS.
              Last edited by doriantoki; 06-25-2012, 04:48 AM.


              • That was the one I was referring to, kinda looks silly throwing it....then doing the animation.

                Yeah no idea on the women zombies, I guess until we see for ourselves it may or may not be in the game. Could be in the sewers somewhere still though, but who knows.
                Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                • I always found it odd how the morgue hallway shutter opened even though nothing seems to have happened with this panel. But if you were to watch the goromacida video again, you'll notice that Leon actually cut the small piece of wire below the button and shorted out the controls. What did he cut the wires with? You can pick up a pair of pliers in the game, as noted in the ripped item list from Curator's copy.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	COvpL.png
Views:	1
Size:	215.4 KB
ID:	401402
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • I think the shooting speed and the inconsistency of shotgun blasts is part of the "Too different" side of the 1.5 cancellation argument. That combined with the larger arsenal available to both characters, the addition of body armour and the massive amounts of zombies in a given encounter makes the game feel more action packed and different than the original game. There's also the idea that many things that became series staples with their return in the second game, such as herbs, ink ribbons and item boxes, weren't there as we know them in 1.5. The game seemingly abandoned so much of what made the original so popular and unique (even if it did emulate a ton of horror movie/literature and even other video games).*

                    I can also see why they'd argue the game was too similar to the original; despite the completely different location and setup, most of the environments are very plain and pretty boring. I think it's telling that the first area to be worked on, the station itself, was the most radically redesigned and, seeing as we saw very little of it beyond the first floor and some of the basement areas, still stuck unfinished late in development. As much as I like the look of that more modern looking station, it does have a problem of being very sterile and uninteresting, something it looked like they tried to fix as development went on with redesigns and added touches to rooms like bloodstains and such.*

                    I think the most interesting thing in regards to 1.5 and the reason I'm so interested in it is that I consider 2 to be the best game in the series and arguably the best sequel in gaming. 1.5 looks like an awkward stop gap in that development cycle, where they didn't expect the success the first game received and had trouble nailing down what made it so popular. It really is just fascinating to see them refine the whole game to a near perfect state over the development period. I want to experience their failures to even better appreciate their success.


                    • Since when has a Police Station been interesting?

                      But nice valid points there.

                      I can't really comment on the 2F of the 1.5 RPD since we don't know too much, don't get me wrong, I adore RE2 as much as the next guy thus having more copies of the game in my collection than most. But I still think the final versions of the RPD in the final could have been a little more realistic in the end. A shooting range in a big Police Department is usually present in reality, and 1.5 gave it more of that 'realistic' feel than the RPD in 2. Even though, the RPD in 2 is quite fun to explore years back and the large scale made it more frighting knowing you need to get through the whole building in some way or form.

                      Besides what anyone says, until we see for ourselves, and even if we do, RE2 will still be one of the best Resident Evil/Biohazard sequels to date.
                      Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                      • Annete in RE 1.5 curator build I heard her model was earlier Elza without ponytail. I soppose like this one

                        what about Roy (DJ) is he in curator build?

                        Chief Irons i think Leon's model is place holder for him probably glovless Leon

                        Final build (Inflames Source)

                        I dont get this Image why is Elza with Marvin isnt Marvin soppose to be with Leon and John with Elza



                        • Originally posted by GamerTak3r View Post
                          I dont get this Image why is Elza with Marvin isnt Marvin soppose to be with Leon and John with Elza

                          Maybe when you advance in game story, you will encounter the other characters in both story?


                          • I'm pretty sure one of the developers mentioned in an interview that Leon and Elza never meet each other directly, but presumably, you cross paths with the side characters from the other scenario. In Leon's scenario, you get to play as Marvin in the factory sidequest bit. I would assume that the picture posted is supposed to be this part of the game, but viewed from the perspective of Elza's scenario. It's worth noting that Marvin apparently gets injured around this point in the game, as he is seen with a bandage on his leg in his playable portion.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2_marvin_02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	39.7 KB
ID:	401403
                            Last edited by biohazard_star; 06-25-2012, 07:10 AM.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • That's what puzzles me though, wouldn't Leon be puzzled to see a bike smashed through the front gate of the RPD? Little things make you wonder why they changed it around in the end.
                              Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                              • i do believe that John was used as place holder on earlier bulds. Consider this:

                                Edit: that doesnt mean that he disappeared at all as we see from final build screenshots. Anyway, I am sure that he was used before Marvin model was ready to use.
                                Last edited by Marvin; 06-25-2012, 07:23 AM.
                                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies

