It's just a still shot, so it's hard to say if the ability to select floors has already been programmed in by the team. I wouldn't doubt that they'd be able to do it though, along with restoring the different door loading screens. 1.5 shares pretty much every door type with retail, aside from a few (Level 4 lab door, lab auto door, RPD door with lever handle), so they can just lift the files from retail to implement in 1.5.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
These days are soon coming to a close ...
... the day will arrive when there are no more taunting videos set to hot chocolate songs, no more private RE 1.5 amusement parks for a select few beta collectors, but rather the game in the hands of RE fans everywhere. And it will all be thanks to The Sandwich Team! Even if their completed hack, or a demo, or the base build they are working from aren't released on Christmas Day, it will still be well worth the wait.Last edited by Eteponge; 12-24-2012, 03:20 AM.
Don't forget the Lab elevator, as Enig pointed out earlier. They could borrow/build on that from RE2 retail. There's also the hospital elevator from RE3, which somebody's already pointed out is a lot like the RPD elevator from RE15. And if memory serves - it's been years since I played it - there's an elevator in the Lab in the original RE1. All kinds of places from which to get what you need for a working RPD elevator.
This is near enough he most exciting thing i've come across in agesI'm new to this forum and it's great seeing a buzz about a 15 year old unreleased game. I remember seeing images of the police station in a playstation mag and wanting the game so bad. Always confused about the pictures i saw in the mag compared to the finished product. Now i know this is in progress i'm proper happy!
Last edited by The_Industry; 12-24-2012, 05:39 AM.
Originally posted by The_Industry View PostThis is near enough he most exciting thing i've come across in agesI'm new to this forum and it's great seeing a buzz about a 15 year old unreleased game. I remember seeing images of the police station in a playstation mag and wanting the game so bad. Always confused about the pictures i saw in the mag compared to the finished product. Now i know this is in progress i'm proper happy!
By the way guys, I've been talking with MrBZork for a while... I can't (and won't) tell what we were talking, but I can say with 100% of precision that there's not going to be a "christmas release" (well, at least not a full release, not sure about a demo, but it is too unlikely), there's still work to be done. Be patient as the Advent 4 saysLast edited by Aleff; 12-24-2012, 06:18 AM.Hail the heros of the revolution!
What website are you guys all following? Can someone link me please? The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Review and contributor for
As for me I've been lurking on and off since June when a friend of mine linked me the initial screenshots that were released from The Team, I joined recently as things started to heat up again. Though I have been poking my head in here and at Bioflames in lurk mode a few times over the years.
Originally posted by Aleff View PostBy the way guys, I've been talking with MrBZork for a while... I can't (and won't) tell what we were talking, but I can say with 100% of precision that there's not going to be a "christmas release" (well, at least not a full release, not sure about a demo, but it is too unlikely), there's still work to be done. Be patient as the Advent 4 says