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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
    Hopefully the team decides to release the original 40% build in christmas
    Tell me why exactly it would be in their interest to do that? It's in your interest, not theirs. Their job, what they decided to do was to produce a playable version of the game. What would be the point of releasing a very incomplete build months before they can release their version of the game? It would kill all the hype around the project.

    Lots of people here think they would release the 40% build for Christmas. From my point of view, it's totally illogical and serves no interest whatsoever. And I am pretty sure that tomorrow will prove me right.

    It's really useless to speculate about everything and nothing, let's just wait for facts. A release date in itself would already be a great thing. But I would be the first one to ask them to take their time if they think they can make it better, even if they need additional months of work.


    • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
      Hopefully the team decides to release the original 40% build in christmas, or else a .
      It would be beautiful, but too beautiful to be true...

      I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


      • Originally posted by DZIAD View Post
        It would be beautiful, but too beautiful to be true...
        You don't know this though ;)

        It's probably just a release date and a video.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Merry Christmas guys! But don't forget that in Spain people get their presents on January 6th. ;)


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            I m wondering how they got the elevator working. I know it was never even on the disc, and the code yet not made, but how did they get it to work? They must have looked into the BIO1 code to figure it out.
            I wouldn't imagine an elevator to be too difficult to program. Think of it like a room with a warp door whose behavior is dependent upon the button pressed.

            It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!
            1 - Enter lift car (like entering any other room)
            2 - Select floor (sets a flag to determine which room the lift door now leads to)
            3 - Exit lift car (like exiting any other room)

            Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
            What website are you guys all following? Can someone link me please?
            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


            • I've only recently learned about this project. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to bring me up to speed with what we know about the project?

              Do we know what build of the game the team is working from?

              I'm not too familiar with what builds of 1.5 are out in the wild, I've read that there are 40% build, and 80% builds. Do we know what's included with each build, and what's missing? Did CAPCOM ever get far into a retail build?

              Do we know what changes are being made?

              From the advent videos it looks like they're making new environments for some places. Will there be any changes to the controls, such as the RES improvements, like quick-turn, quick-reload, and the L-knife?

              Also, does anyone know if the team is taking donations for this project? I know I'd be very, very willing to thank them with money when this gets released.


              • No donations, they are anonymous. They are working on the "40%" version. I'd say that in terms of content, half of it is either missing, either incomplete. The 80% build has much more content, but a lot is still missing. Their goal is to make it playable from the beginning to the end, which is a big challenge in itself. They are basing their work on what is known about the 80% version, and the rest of it probably based on what we know from RE2.

                As for the builds "out in the wild", only the 40% version is known to have "publicly" leaked. The only source we have from the 80% version is a contact Kim (admin of bioflames) had a long time ago who got it directly from a Capcom employee. It's a dead end, and it might have been the only version of that build that leaked.
                Last edited by Rick Hunter; 12-24-2012, 02:38 PM.


                • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                  Tell me why exactly it would be in their interest to do that? It's in your interest, not theirs. Their job, what they decided to do was to produce a playable version of the game. What would be the point of releasing a very incomplete build months before they can release their version of the game? It would kill all the hype around the project.

                  Lots of people here think they would release the 40% build for Christmas. From my point of view, it's totally illogical and serves no interest whatsoever. And I am pretty sure that tomorrow will prove me right.

                  It's really useless to speculate about everything and nothing, let's just wait for facts. A release date in itself would already be a great thing. But I would be the first one to ask them to take their time if they think they can make it better, even if they need additional months of work.
                  I'm 100% sure that the "mod" won't be released @ christmas... why they would release the 40% build before their hard worked version? Yeah it's pretty illogical, and no one ever talked about releasing the "original version" (as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong).
                  Hail the heros of the revolution!


                  • Removed
                    Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-31-2012, 10:45 PM. Reason: Not Needed
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                      why they would release the 40% build before their hard worked version? Yeah it's pretty illogical, and no one ever talked about releasing the "original version"
                      Yeah, totally agree. It's been hinted they could release it, but until we have an official confirmation, I don't take it as granted. And by the way, once their custom version is released, it will just be a matter of time until the raw build is leaked as well now that many people have it in their possession. I don't worry about that.


                      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                        No donations, they are anonymous. They are working on the "40%" version. I'd say that in terms of content, half of it is either missing, either incomplete. The 80% build has much more content, but a lot is still missing. Their goal is to make it playable from the beginning to the end, which is a big challenge in itself. They are basing their work on what is known about the 80% version, and the rest of it probably based on what we know from RE2.

                        As for the builds "out in the wild", only the 40% version is known to have "publicly" leaked. The only source we have from the 80% version is a contact Kim (admin of bioflames) had a long time ago who got it directly from a Capcom employee. It's a dead end, and it might have been the only version of that build that leaked.
                        Okay, thanks. So it's roughly going to be the 40% version with 40% reconstructed from known details and footage, and the final 20% will be from RE2, and guesswork?

                        Do you have the specifics about the 80% version? I'd love to know what happened to it.


                        • Originally posted by Semajer View Post
                          Okay, thanks. So it's roughly going to be the 40% version with 40% reconstructed from known details and footage, and the final 20% will be from RE2, and guesswork?

                          Do you have the specifics about the 80% version? I'd love to know what happened to it.
                          As far as I know, INFLAMES source had vanished. No word was said, just up and vanished.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • at least we know that somehow it got leaked... no one did know that an early 40% build existed before curator fiasco.


                            • So the CAPCOM source with the 80% build disappeared? The 80% one isn't owned by any one at all?


                              • Perhaps the source found out how much trouble he/she would be in if he/she leaked it (at that time) and got paranoid that his/her involvement with Inflames could end up being traced.

                                It always bothered me that Playstation Museum didn't post more footage.

                                Although speculation is futile I do half expect the team to provide a 'bumper' video within which will contain the 'big surprise'. I'd be amazed if the 40% was leaked, very unlikely IMO as it would take away a lot of interest from their own work. A demo though? Who knows.

