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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by randomwab View Post
    Similarly, there are no crows on the heliport when you begin with Leon but there are some for Elza when she eventually gets there.
    Half correct

    In the latest build is exactly like you've said
    In the era 3 build (the most common like curator's one) the crows are in the heliport on both sides
    Last edited by Ketsui; 06-25-2012, 11:37 AM.


    • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
      Well it apparently wasn't Alyson Court (sp?), but we don't know who it really was though.

      Oh, and maybe I am crazy, but is anyone else imagining the outside looking like this?

      How would Elza have crashed through that, anyway? Even if it was a ramp, the incline would be too steep for her to ascend at high speeds. If it was a long ramp, we'd see it, wouldn't we?
      Nice observations! It's not impossible for a bike to do that, as long as the front suspension is soft enough there's nothing stopping it from launching up a set of stairs. Looking at your reconstruction I imagine she was well and truely flung off the back of the bike as it flew into the RPD! The bike likely flew further than she did. I'm just curious what was happening outside to make her head to the RPD and what was chasing her so violently that caused her to lose control. I always imagined she was on a collision course with the truck driver that chases Leon and Claire in final, but as always that's just speculation.

      I checked the intro FMV for buildings that resembled the outside of the 1.5 RPD as we know its a hybrid of 1.5 and new footage, but couldn't find any.


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        Nice observations! It's not impossible for a bike to do that, as long as the front suspension is soft enough there's nothing stopping it from launching up a set of stairs. Looking at your reconstruction I imagine she was well and truely flung off the back of the bike as it flew into the RPD! The bike likely flew further than she did. I'm just curious what was happening outside to make her head to the RPD and what was chasing her so violently that caused her to lose control. I always imagined she was on a collision course with the truck driver that chases Leon and Claire in final, but as always that's just speculation.

        I checked the intro FMV for buildings that resembled the outside of the 1.5 RPD as we know its a hybrid of 1.5 and new footage, but couldn't find any.
        Handicap accessible ramp?

        Or those could be those guard poles to stop cars from crashing in to them.

        God Saves a GirlCopyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, n...
        An Apple a day can keep anyone away, if thrown hard enough.


        • Originally posted by Silent Hell View Post
          Handicap accessible ramp?

          Or those could be those guard poles to stop cars from crashing in to them.

          Maybe, although I think doriantoki's observations are correct as it does seem the RPD entrance is of an elevated position. If you look closely you can see the pavement (sidewalk) outside and the street lamps on the edge of the curb, I believe you can also see what looks like a fire hydrant. It's not overly clear though, I guess some of it is up to your own interpretation.


          • This video should shed some light, Jump in the debug menu is used at 3:55, shutter seems in tact, zombies are barricaded on the other side. Soon as Leon runs towards the corridor, it shows the shutter again but this time destroyed by zombies and leaves a way point for them to come through.
            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


            • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
              How would Elza have crashed through that, anyway? Even if it was a ramp, the incline would be too steep for her to ascend at high speeds. If it was a long ramp, we'd see it, wouldn't we?
              She doesn't crash in the lobby. In an artwork I saw a long time ago you could see her bike in what seems to be some kind of underground parking. And well, she couldn't have crashed in the lobby because there's no bike there anyway.


              • Isn't there a bike on the floor in the RPD lobby backgrounds?
                Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
                  Isn't there a bike on the floor in the RPD lobby backgrounds?
                  There is one in the concept art, but I'm sure there was an actual background render of it somewhere as well...

                  Last edited by MiLØ; 06-25-2012, 04:58 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
                    Isn't there a bike on the floor in the RPD lobby backgrounds?

                    time 7:00

                    I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


                    • sigpic


                      • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                        Alzaire, did Inflames ever talk about the FMV sequences? Or is that something that was never brought to light? I remember you saying he confirmed FMV in the era 4 build but I've never read anything beyond that...


                        • There was a discussion at Bioflames about a leg crushing the can (at the beginning of the official RE2 attract movie), that it could be a small left over from the FMVs designed for 1.5



                          • Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
                            There was a discussion at Bioflames about a leg crushing the can (at the beginning of the official RE2 attract movie), that it could be a small left over from the FMVs designed for 1.5

                            Seems unlikely. It appears to be part of Hunk's squad facing off with Birkin, something that never happened in 1.5 to the best of our knowledge. Probably just a small piece that was cut from Final.

                            Originally posted by geluda View Post
                            Alzaire, did Inflames ever talk about the FMV sequences? Or is that something that was never brought to light? I remember you saying he confirmed FMV in the era 4 build but I've never read anything beyond that...
                            Alzaire would probably need to confirm this, but I'm almost 100% sure that FMVs were never implemented in any build. The build Inflames almost had did have most if not all of the in-game cutscenes, though.
                            Last edited by randomwab; 06-25-2012, 05:20 PM.


                            • The FMV was not in the final beta either, at least not the one Inflames's source had.


                              • If there is a small staircase in front of the RPD, why would she drive up them into the police station.... there are many possibilities but it seems weird to me ( i know the answer probably has to do with her trying to get away from zombies... but the bike slide pretty far, there had to be quite a bit of space for her to gain speed for it to slide as far as it did) There's a scene in terminator 2 where the t-1000 drives up two or three large set of stairs (with about 7 or 8 steps on each set) with a bike similar to elzas bike. I know t2 is a movie but i bet with a smaller two or three step set a bike could easily drive up them..... but at a high enough speed to smash threw a window and have the bike slide that far? i don't know about that one.

                                Originally posted by randomwab View Post
                                Alzaire would probably need to confirm this, but I'm almost 100% sure that FMVs were never implemented in any build. The build Inflames almost had did have most if not all of the in-game cutscenes, though.
                                I heard many times that the FMV's were done but they were never implemented in any build. I don't recall where i was reading this.... i think the bioflames forum years ago, but i do remember this being said/confirmed
                                Last edited by Guest; 06-25-2012, 05:28 PM.

