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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I still hope to find alpha materiel featuring the lobby, Irons office, and Grant Bitman.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • someday that guy will realize he wants a fatass stack of cash, and we want the bioflames build.


      • If there was ever a chance to get the vanilla 80% build, I would gladly donate $100 towards it.

        I would donate more, but video games and audio equipment drain me..
        Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-05-2013, 02:17 PM.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
          someday that guy will realize he wants a fatass stack of cash, and we want the bioflames build.
          What's the full story on that by the way? From what I remember reading it was something like in 2001 a mysterious person contacted Inflames claiming to have the final build of the game (or something close to it) and sent a bunch of screenshots of that Build (or was there video too?), then the mysterious contact suddenly disappeared and stopped responding? Was there anything more we know than that? Did the contact ever state where he got his Build, why he wasn't releasing it, or anything of that nature?
          Last edited by Eteponge; 01-05-2013, 04:28 PM.


          • I actually know someone with a 90% build that has FMVs, but no voice-overs! But hey, don't you guys dare PMing me for more juicy info!

            You do? Why didn't you get screenshots from him? Or just ask him what each FMV is about? I am dying to see how the FMV's compare to RE 2 retail version. I wanted to see if Leon's and Sherry's models are the same. Actually, I am dying to see what each FMV is about, and who is in them. Or are you just kidding?

            By the way, does anyone know someone that has the FMVs or has seen them? I haven't heard of any FMVs in any magazine article that has been uploaded, or released from Capcom.
            Last edited by Black~Crow; 01-05-2013, 04:42 PM.
            I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


            • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
              I actually know someone with a 90% build that has FMVs, but no voice-overs! But hey, don't you guys dare PMing me for more juicy info!
              You do? Why didn't you get screenshots from him? Or just ask him what each FMV is about? I am dying to see how the FMV's compare to RE 2 retail version. I wanted to see if Leon's and Sherry's models are the same. Actually, I am dying to see what each FMV is about, and who is in them. Or are you just kidding?
              Jesus.....Click image for larger version

Name:	picard-facepalm.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	20.8 KB
ID:	402208 NEVER SAY THAT YOU KNOW SOMEONE THAT HAS ANY BUILD. Because the fanatics of 1.5 WILL take you seriously. Even when you clearly state "I was just having fun" they will still take you seriously and its annoying
              Last edited by BeefWellington; 01-05-2013, 05:01 PM.
              PSN Gamercards


              • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                What's the full story on that by the way? From what I remember reading it was something like in 2001 a mysterious person contacted Inflames claiming to have the final build of the game (or something close to it) and sent a bunch of screenshots of that Build (or was there video too?), then the mysterious contact suddenly disappeared and stopped responding? Was there anything more we know than that? Did the contact ever state where he got his Build, why he wasn't releasing it, or anything of that nature?
                While I don't really know the fine prints; regarding sharing in ye olde days ...
                good luck finding a way to easily share 300~400mb online in the days of nearly 15 years ago
                Last edited by Carnivol; 01-05-2013, 04:57 PM.


                • Check your sarcasm detector Black Crow. I think it might be broken.

                  RE: FMVs, I doubt they ever left Capcom offices, IF there was even anything to begin with. At least we know that apparently many of the models used in RE2 retail FMVs were original constructed to represent RE1.5 characters, but retrofitted to be used in RE2 retail. The example most people quote, is Leon's model still having the knife holster. There's at least one zombie that look eerily like John and Elza, as well.


                  • The 1.5 FMV's were completed. What I gather is they were rendered and saved but never implemented at all. It's hard to say if they had audio at all.
                    Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-05-2013, 05:03 PM.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Does anyone know who made the FMVs for Capcom? Was it an internal team or did they outsource the work to other people? It wouldn't be the first time that random assets like that were stored on a harddrive or a bunch of CD-Rs, if someone out there had them stored in a shoe box in a warehouse container I wouldn't be surprised.


                      • I doubt 1.5 had any FMVs. There's a making of video of RE2's FMVs and Leon's CGI model wasn't even completed yet when they started making RE2's FMVs.


                        • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                          Does anyone know who made the FMVs for Capcom? Was it an internal team or did they outsource the work to other people? It wouldn't be the first time that random assets like that were stored on a harddrive or a bunch of CD-Rs, if someone out there had them stored in a shoe box in a warehouse container I wouldn't be surprised.
                          T'was IMAGICA who did them.


                          • No, 1.5's FMVs were completed. We've been over Good luck getting them, unless you're ready to smash into the capcom archives


                            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                              No, 1.5's FMVs were completed. We've been over Good luck getting them, unless you're ready to smash into the capcom archives
                              How do you know?


                              • One of the interviews with Imagica/Capcom they stated the FMVs were done and it annoyed them because they had to scrap and/or redo all of it cause the story was different.

