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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
    I wish some mature people would answer, because I am not writing to insult anyone. It seems like people like you (the few who LOVE to insult others) take everything as an attack on you? If you don't know the answer to my questions, why are you responding to them?
    if you think that this forum is full of immature people, why do you wait for mature people to answer ?


    • Originally posted by warren View Post
      if you think that this forum is full of immature people, why do you wait for mature people to answer ?
      Because, I want to know what is going on with the RE 1.5 project. I don't want to look at this thread just to find out there is no new update, just some relevant or irrelevant questions. It would be nice to know how far the team's progress is and when there will be an update. So then I will know when to look for an update, instead of looking at this thread. Don't you find it bothersome too that this thread is more than 300 pages, and mostly has nothing to do with the video updates?
      Last edited by Black~Crow; 01-05-2013, 07:43 PM.
      I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


      • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
        I wish some mature people would answer, because I am not writing to insult anyone. It seems like people like you (the few who LOVE to insult others) take everything as an attack on you? If you don't know the answer to my questions, why are you responding to them?

        That's what I think of your posts. Now if you excuse me, I have more important things to do rather than debating with a baby...
        Last edited by Guest; 01-05-2013, 07:58 PM.


        • Originally posted by randomwab View Post
          At a guess, I'd doubt it. Going by the Resident Evil 2 Trial and various other demos and betas, Capcom's way of iterating on design is to simply overwrite the old with the new. The female zombie is probably on there 'cause they simply left her out of the game at some point, and hadn't scrubbed unnecessary assets from the build yet. I'd doubt any of the old renders for the lobby or Iron's office are on there though, as they'd more than likely have just been overwrote. Same for the Shepherds. If we're lucky, the Leon Jacket model was/became an alt costume and is still on the disc too. Considering the character armor models are on there, as well as the sewers, we can only hope.
          Actually beta 2 has both ROJI and ROJI BAK, two similar yet independant scenes out the back of Kendo's gun shop. It also has a couple of other clone rooms not really worth mentioning. Replacing the backgrounds can also mean editing boundaries, adjusting camera angles, redoing layer masks and so forth. While it might be unlikely, I'm hopeful that some duplicate rooms might have survived, as Capcom simply added them in as opposed to overwriting them. I'm thinking specifically the old office designs which from what we can tell only got replaced a month or two before images of the PSM era started showing up. Perhaps Capcom were still undecided on design at that point, for all we know they might still exist as alternate rooms.


          • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
            I think the "loses value" argument is invalid, because prototypes that have already been dumped (such as Earthbound Zero) still turn up a very high profit. For example, the Earthbound Zero Prototype that Demiforce dumped in 1998 cost them $400 to get the collector to let them dump it (and that collector had bought it for only $100). Other Prototypes of the *exact same build* have turned up over the years since. How much have they gone for? As high as $3000 (!!!), and that's with the identical build already dumped years ago. There have been other examples of already dumped prototypes still turning the same or greater profit than before. So doing a little research, it doesn't seem that argument about the original cart / disc becoming worthless holds any water at all.

            EDIT: In addition to Prototypes, look at the sales of ultra rare game carts / discs in general that were commercially released (and dumped) but are just very very damn rare, they still turn a profit, even with a dumped rom.
            Earthbound is a special case. It is not the norm. Considering the SNES game sells for hundreds of dollars and rising, despite having a ton of copies out there, it's a desirable thing, and one that is easier to authenticate than a CD-based beta.
            Last edited by Borman; 01-05-2013, 08:30 PM.


            • Originally posted by Borman View Post
              Earthbound is a special case. It is not the norm. Considering the SNES game sells for hundreds of dollars and rising, despite having a ton of copies out there, it's a desirable thing, and one that is easier to authenticate than a CD-based beta.
              True. Someone pointed this out to me on a previous page, I conceeded to this, not knowing enough about non-cart based prototypes.
              Last edited by Eteponge; 01-05-2013, 08:40 PM.


              • Just adding that I know from experience ;)


                • I hope the team adds the fem zombies around in the game. So fucking awesome.


                  • Even cart based ones can be faked, if someone really wanted to. Lots of effort for it though.

                    The issue with CD games is some companies just burnt it to whatever media they had laying around, so it is just a normal CD or DVD from a store. Even still, some companies have had unburnt media sold privately before (Activision, Rockstar, SEGA, Sony, all these and more have had their own media with their logos), so even if it is the "right" cd for the time, verifying the data is a whole different story.
                    Last edited by Borman; 01-05-2013, 09:03 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Borman View Post
                      Just adding that I know from experience ;)
                      I own a few very rare NES and SNES carts myself (no prototypes though). :3

                      Sad to hear that CD-based betas are harder to authenticate. :/
                      Last edited by Eteponge; 01-05-2013, 09:09 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                        Just because News Bot will not do any interviews with the developers, which I was unaware of, doesn't mean that it wasn't a good question for that thread.

                        And now, to change the subject, who is Mr Bzork? How is he linked to the RE 1.5 development team? Can he ask, what the time frame is until the game is ready? Can he say, the game is 20% done and next month it will be around 30%? I think that would be better than making videos and not giving much information. I do enjoy the videos, but I don't know if that is their version or the original version.
                        Hey! I remember you! Do you also post as Nevermore or something like that?

                        MrBzork is the youtube channel that has all the info.


                        • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post

                          That's what I think of your posts. Now if you excuse me, I have more important things to do rather than debating with a baby...
                          You must be a child, I really think you are. I am sure there are plenty on this site pretending to be older. YOu should be in bed for school or something, that is if they have any in the insane asylum. And this is what I think of all of your commentsClick image for larger version

Name:	PM268KissMyAss.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	38.7 KB
ID:	402210
                          I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                          • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                            No, it isn't. News Bot already explained that will not do any interview with the developers.
                            He just used this to hear questions from people for his own amusement.
                            I would prefer it if you wouldn't act like a bitter bitch over something I am under no obligation to provide to you.

                            For one thing, some questions will be revealed quite liberally in due time. However, there are certain others which, depending on the answers, will simply not be revealed because they deal with rather sensitive subject matter. There are also others which are being reserved for an upcoming Making of BIO HAZARD book we will be publishing in partnership with CAPCOM, and there will very likely be an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) involved with that. It would not make much sense for us to reveal some of the bigger attractions of a retail product's content, or risk being lawyer-fucked, just to appease a bunch of entitled conclusion-jumpers. You were promised nothing, you were asked for questions which may/may not be answered but will be the closest possible chance you will ever have to find out about them.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              I would prefer it if you wouldn't act like a bitter bitch over something I am under no obligation to provide to you.

                              For one thing, some questions will be revealed quite liberally in due time. However, there are certain others which, depending on the answers, will simply not be revealed because they deal with rather sensitive subject matter. There are also others which are being reserved for an upcoming Making of BIO HAZARD book we will be publishing in partnership with CAPCOM, and there will very likely be an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) involved with that. It would not make much sense for us to reveal some of the bigger attractions of a retail product's content, or risk being lawyer-fucked, just to appease a bunch of entitled conclusion-jumpers. You were promised nothing, you were asked for questions which may/may not be answered but will be the closest possible chance you will ever have to find out about them.
                              Face it people, some people just know more, and if they CAN'T reveal info, then they CAN'T. It is that easy. Heck, some people even have 80% build laying around for fun (Capcom employee on archive floor: So this is 80% build, hmm it looks better than 70% build.... lets emulate it, ahh, not now, time for capcompcofeeee!)

                              On topic:
                              I am wondering the differences of actual play feel. Is 1.5 more similar to retail re2 or re1. I mean controls and such.
                              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                I would prefer it if you wouldn't act like a bitter bitch over something I am under no obligation to provide to you.

                                For one thing, some questions will be revealed quite liberally in due time. However, there are certain others which, depending on the answers, will simply not be revealed because they deal with rather sensitive subject matter. There are also others which are being reserved for an upcoming Making of BIO HAZARD book we will be publishing in partnership with CAPCOM, and there will very likely be an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) involved with that. It would not make much sense for us to reveal some of the bigger attractions of a retail product's content, or risk being lawyer-fucked, just to appease a bunch of entitled conclusion-jumpers. You were promised nothing, you were asked for questions which may/may not be answered but will be the closest possible chance you will ever have to find out about them.
                                Don't blame me, I'm just repeating what you've said.
                                If you can't reveal info, I'm totally fine.

                                You expected me to say what exactly?
                                "Go there, make the question, it's totally worth your time, specially because it has only 5% of chance it's actually readed, answered and revealed back to you. And don't mind if it's left unanswered, your question was nice btw and was worthy for someone else."

                                Why would someone send someone else to get a precious piece of information he wasn't even interested in to begin with?
                                It's pointless...
                                Last edited by Guest; 01-06-2013, 05:22 AM.

