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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
    Don't blame me, I'm just repeating what you've said.
    But he didn't say that. You're distorting things.


    • Right. Since Newsbot totally made that topic to "hear questions from people for his own amusement". Yep, that's definitely just repeating what he said. Heh.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • Months ago decided to see the RE2 SourceNext Port characters intro

        Did anyone notice that one of the zombies Leon shots is Kendo and Ben? Also one of the police zombies when he and Claire get on the car looks like Marvin.
        Last edited by pato; 01-06-2013, 08:18 AM.


        • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
          Don't blame me, I'm just repeating what you've said.
          If you can't reveal info, I'm totally fine.

          You expected me to say what exactly?
          "Go there, make the question, it's totally worth your time, specially because it has only 5% of chance it's actually readed, answered and revealed back to you. And don't mind if it's left unanswered, your question was nice btw and was worthy for someone else."

          Why would someone send someone else to get a precious piece of information he wasn't even interested in to begin with?
          It's pointless...
          It's "pointless" to make-up completely nonsense statistics to go with your non-existent quote.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • I'm fairly new to this whole 1.5 thing, but do we know exactly how many copies of 1.5 are out in the wild? I've heard the terms 40%, and 80% thrown around a lot to describe various builds, but do we know how many copies of each exist? In particular is there more than one copy of the 80% out there?


            • Originally posted by Semajer View Post
              I'm fairly new to this whole 1.5 thing, but do we know exactly how many copies of 1.5 are out in the wild? I've heard the terms 40%, and 80% thrown around a lot to describe various builds, but do we know how many copies of each exist? In particular is there more than one copy of the 80% out there?
              In a word 'no'.

              We don't know how many exist and trying to estimate the number would be a waste of time. There could be many 'copies' out there as a copy is well, a copy lol.

              To me, the obvious reason for the fact that RE 1.5 hasn't yet been leaked is a combination of those who own it 'wanting it for themselves' and the fear of recriminations.
              Last edited by LongTimeLurker; 01-06-2013, 10:50 AM.


              • Originally posted by LongTimeLurker View Post
                In a word 'no'.

                We don't know how many exist and trying to estimate the number would be a waste of time. There could be many 'copies' out there as a copy is well, a copy lol.

                To me, the obvious reason for the fact that RE 1.5 hasn't yet been leaked is a combination of those who own it 'wanting it for themselves' and the fear of recriminations.
                Do we have a source that suggests that more than one copy of the 80% build exists other than the Bioflames Capcom employee's copy?


                • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                  Face it people, some people just know more, and if they CAN'T reveal info, then they CAN'T. It is that easy. Heck, some people even have 80% build laying around for fun (Capcom employee on archive floor: So this is 80% build, hmm it looks better than 70% build.... lets emulate it, ahh, not now, time for capcompcofeeee!)

                  On topic:
                  I am wondering the differences of actual play feel. Is 1.5 more similar to retail re2 or re1. I mean controls and such.
                  Game play was said to be similar to resident evil 1.... controls were most likely still clunky (RE1 style)
                  Last edited by Guest; 01-06-2013, 01:22 PM.


                  • RE2 controls exactly the same as RE1. I'm not even sure what the developers' statements on controls actually meant, if there was any real meaning at all.
                    Last edited by Gemini; 01-06-2013, 01:48 PM.

                    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                    • Originally posted by Semajer View Post
                      Do we have a source that suggests that more than one copy of the 80% build exists other than the Bioflames Capcom employee's copy?


                      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                        That's a pity, hopefully the 80% build comes to light some day, it'd be nice to be able to put the speculation to rest, and see how far they actually got into it's production.


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          It's "pointless" to make-up completely nonsense statistics to go with your non-existent quote.
                          "Mr News Bot. What's the point of asking us questions in this thread then?"
                          "Oh, it's that some people have nice questions, that's all ^^"

                          Nuff' Said u_u


                          • Internet Fight!
                            Hail the heros of the revolution!


                            • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                              "Mr News Bot. What's the point of asking us questions in this thread then?"
                              "Oh, it's that some people have nice questions, that's all ^^"

                              Nuff' Said u_u
                              Funny, because that's not even remotely close to what I said. In fact:

                              For one thing, some questions will be revealed quite liberally in due time. However, there are certain others which, depending on the answers, will simply not be revealed because they deal with rather sensitive subject matter. There are also others which are being reserved for an upcoming Making of BIO HAZARD book we will be publishing in partnership with CAPCOM, and there will very likely be an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) involved with that. It would not make much sense for us to reveal some of the bigger attractions of a retail product's content, or risk being lawyer-fucked, just to appease a bunch of entitled conclusion-jumpers. You were promised nothing, you were asked for questions which may/may not be answered but will be the closest possible chance you will ever have to find out about them.
                              People have good questions, which is why the thread was made, but every good question will/has been asked and most answers will have to wait. I did not make the thread for nothing, you simply sound impatient and entitled, and need to get over yourself.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • I have a question!

