Okay, so I misunderstood you and there's still that other comment about them all being complete.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
The fact is that the team's only "public" contact seems to be BZork, who even posted videos and screenshots. The other guy, however, seems to be some generic dude posting made up percentages and random facts based on speculations found on other boards. I mean, 70% complete build? Textures sorted out of whatever files? It definitively smells like someone with totally no technical knowledge making up stuff and writing it all as facts, so if it does turn out to be a hoax... Well, you know what do to next time. ;)Last edited by Gemini; 01-07-2013, 01:47 PM.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Don't trust any of it. Anyone truly involved or close to the project at this point should know not to post anything, even anonymous for certain reasons that B.Zork has hinted at a few times since the big outburst at Assembler forums a couple months ago.sigpic
Does anyone know how complete the TGS build was? As I'm aware the game was playable at this event. What was the date of the event? Can we make an estimate of how far through development they were at this point? Perhaps this build is something to look out for in the future.Last edited by Guest; 01-07-2013, 02:04 PM.
i am away from this place over 12 hours and found lots of new posts spawning across multiple pages, initially I thought, yaix! theres some new info available, hence all the new posts posts! but i found nothingbut some stupid arguing and dumpering-vipering by higher-up (the wizer ones,eh?) members. dziiz. you can't do nothing about this. and it is pointless anyway. both-way. sad.
this thread is poisoned Ivy thread. Leaping leafmachines walking around the halls of darkness. Old (f)art museum house really kicks in, huh. Gotta escape it!
in my country is sayin that can be translated as:
cauldron curses boiler but they both are dirty.
i am sure it is impossible to understand it as we do.
sry for bad english. not native.
be friends, guys. We need to get a long without any shhhhstorms.ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies
Originally posted by Gemini View PostThe fact is that the team's only "public" contact seems to be BZork, who even posted videos and screenshots. The other guy, however, seems to be some generic dude posting made up percentages and random facts based on speculations found on other boards. I mean, 70% complete build? Textures sorted out of whatever files? It definitively smells like someone with totally no technical knowledge making up stuff and writing it all as facts, so if it does turn out to be a hoax... Well, you know what do to next time. ;)
That guy is most likely a fake, this project on the other hand is not lol we got something great coming our way....
Originally posted by geluda View PostDoes anyone know how complete the TGS build was? As I'm aware the game was playable at this event. What was the date of the event? Can we make an estimate of how far through development they were at this point? Perhaps this build is something to look out for in the future.
Are you talking about the build shown in 1996? or the one shown in 1997? the 1996 build is the 40 percent build or somewhere in that era.... The TGS 97 video i watched.... it shows the BH2 booth and about five screens displaying the game while people are playing but there is no close up footage.... in the video i watched anyways.Last edited by Guest; 01-07-2013, 02:18 PM.
The build they have is the PSM build, this has been made very clear when everyone started comparing animations, rooms, models and items. It makes no sense for them to have an '87% build' when all of what was proven was to be the '40%'. As Gemini said, sounds like a person without technical knowledge trying to get people to pm him, rile up or fool the community and pass of bullshit of for attention.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostI really wish this community would stop relying on assumptions and hearsay.Tired of Stupid... sigpic
Originally posted by geluda View PostDoes anyone know how complete the TGS build was? As I'm aware the game was playable at this event. What was the date of the event? Can we make an estimate of how far through development they were at this point? Perhaps this build is something to look out for in the future.Last edited by biohazard_star; 01-07-2013, 02:36 PM.Seibu teh geimu?
quit sayin' some people with huge egos. somebody few slips here and there that is all coming from emotional tense over this wonderful childhood dream coming true! we are all totally OKAY people. some older some younger what makes the difference in how we talk sense and hope!
heck, i am turning 31 next month, i sure still feels like a 14 years old when playing resident EVIL!. this thread is not about judging and boxing people. can we just talk ONLY ABOUT 1.5, if i say please
pretty please with a cherry on top of it, okay?ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostAugust 22 and 24 for the 1996 TGS, according to a schedule I found online. The Chris-placeholder/alpha build seemed very early in development and probably only had a few rooms tops. There was also a later build made playable at an unidentified closed-door Japanese gaming event, apparently a journalists-only thing. There's a picture of that floating online (the one with two guys playing at a demo booth).
Originally posted by Marvin View Postquit sayin' some people with huge egos.
This forum is a discussion, is it not ? So if people feel the need to discuss if FMV's were complete or not, I don't see anything wrong with that. The problem is when someone cites something clear as day as a fact, and people continue to throw around an "assumption" AS IF it's a fact. Most of all it seems that things are just taken wrong and not understood. It's hard to not be misunderstood on a forum, and for your posts to be taken differently from different people.
Originally posted by Marvin View Postthis thread is not about judging and boxing people. can we just talk ONLY ABOUT 1.5, if i say please
pretty please with a cherry on top of it, okay?Tired of Stupid... sigpic
A lot of information is from over a decade ago when the internet was still young and most people still relied on things like magazines. It was very hard for regular people to "fact check" back then, so a lot of it was interpretation that just eventually grew into factual passing. The only thing they had was things like magazine interviews. So it's really not surprising how some things are just taken for granted and understood as a certain interpretation when it's been that way a decade or more. And it doesn't help when the authenticity police strolls in like a dictator of facts and kicks people in the groin and insults them for being stupid when there's been so much established interpretation that many would be reluctant to believe otherwise, especially when it's only really just now that "fans" can get more direct interviews or contact former employees for more in-depth answers (and have access to and translate overseas material most fans didn't know exist) but either don't have a means to mass advertise the information (sitting in one website doesn't count), choose to or have to not disclose the information for various reasons, and the like. Hostility breeds hostility. Education is the key, information and backed up facts as well as explanations of interpretation and information work better than treating people like idiots for not knowing or understanding vague and/or interpretational information when the facts are not released or secluded to one area that many people do not go to or even know about.Last edited by Alzaire; 01-07-2013, 02:53 PM.sigpic