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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Asking for percentages is totally retarded. They are working on plenty of different things; sounds, backgrounds, animations, balance, custom items/descriptions, translations, gameplay mecanics, puzzles, etc... If you want to put a percentage, you'd have to know the weight you attribute to all these elements, and know exactly how far you want to go and how much work is left, which is just impossible if you aren't working on a professional project with clear deadlines. It's just too complicated.

    I'm not even talking about the linearity of the project evolution, you could move forward 10% in a week, then stall, and then speed up because more people work on it, etc.

    The notion of a percentage in itself for a project like that means absolutely nothing, and people should just stop asking ridiculous questions. We just have to wait and see, but people will always want to know more and more and more, even on these forums.


    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
      Asking for percentages is totally retarded. They are working on plenty of different things; sounds, backgrounds, animations, balance, custom items/descriptions, translations, gameplay mecanics, puzzles, etc... If you want to put a percentage, you'd have to know the weight you attribute to all these elements, and know exactly how far you want to go and how much work is left, which is just impossible if you aren't working on a professional project with clear deadlines. It's just too complicated.

      I'm not even talking about the linearity of the project evolution, you could move forward 10% in a week, then stall, and then speed up because more people work on it, etc.

      The notion of a percentage in itself for a project like that means absolutely nothing, and people should just stop asking ridiculous questions. We just have to wait and see, but people will always want to know more and more and more, even on these forums.
      It's human nature to want to know more. Especially about something so coveted that we all want so bad. Though I wouldn't ask dumbass completion percentages. I'd ask something real like, "Are you going to put the retail 2 shotgun sound into 1.5? I hate how in the 40% build you guys acquired the M1870 shotgun is missing the pump sound."
      Last edited by Darkness; 01-08-2013, 11:11 AM.


      • If I were to ask something, I'd go for this: would you ever implement a single mesh rendering at least for human character models? That would, in my opinion, be the best additional feature ever. It sure did look good on Dino Crisis 2, which still used "pieced" models that are later merged as one thick mesh.

        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


        • Probably the only recreated area we actually have a somewhat semi-clear media to compare it with. So... do you guys think it stands up to the original one?

          Personally, I think it looks spot-on, although the spacing between the wall tilings should probably be made thinner and less pronounced.
          Last edited by biohazard_star; 01-08-2013, 11:28 AM.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
            although the spacing between the wall tilings should probably be made thinner and less pronounced.
            Yeah but that's a minor detail, it doesn't need to be spot on. Had they not shown those pictures, we would probably haven't figured out they were custom made without the 40% build to compare.

            As long as the room is similar and the angle, as well as the characters proportions match, it's fine. Man I'm so impatient.


            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
              Asking for percentages is totally retarded. They are working on plenty of different things; sounds, backgrounds, animations, balance, custom items/descriptions, translations, gameplay mecanics, puzzles, etc... If you want to put a percentage, you'd have to know the weight you attribute to all these elements, and know exactly how far you want to go and how much work is left, which is just impossible if you aren't working on a professional project with clear deadlines. It's just too complicated.

              I'm not even talking about the linearity of the project evolution, you could move forward 10% in a week, then stall, and then speed up because more people work on it, etc.

              The notion of a percentage in itself for a project like that means absolutely nothing, and people should just stop asking ridiculous questions. We just have to wait and see, but people will always want to know more and more and more, even on these forums.
              I guess your questions are not retarded? I ask for a percentage because it would tell me how far a long the game is. And when people develop a game they give percentages to the media. Remember Capcom said RE1.5 was 80% done before they started over? You are like the impatient people here who make this thread extra long and pick arguments over others comments. I don't understand why the moderators let people go off topic? This was supposed to be about the images/videos from the Re1.5 40% build?

              And I don't care if Mr Bzork is was being sarcastic, only he knows what is going on with the project. So, don't take it out on curios fans. If you didn't want all this attention then why come here and post updates?
              I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


              • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                Yeah but that's a minor detail, it doesn't need to be spot on. Had they not shown those pictures, we would probably haven't figured out they were custom made without the 40% build to compare.

                As long as the room is similar and the angle, as well as the characters proportions match, it's fine. Man I'm so impatient.
                Haha very true. Whoever is working on the backgrounds is very talented. I guess I'm just slightly befuddled as to why they chose to make the walls look that way when the reference images available point otherwise.
                Last edited by biohazard_star; 01-08-2013, 12:09 PM.
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                  Remember Capcom said RE1.5 was 80% done before they started over?
                  Nope I don't remember, enlighten us.


                  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                    Nope I don't remember, enlighten us.
                    I think It was in a magazine with a black background, and the Re 2 team was asked questions, and/or it was in a Video with the director talking about RE2 (that wasvoiced over in English).


                    In the interview he said something like, the game had a 80% completion and we had to start all over again. it is hard decisions like that we have to make.
                    Last edited by Black~Crow; 01-08-2013, 12:33 PM.
                    I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                    • Several figures have been given for 1.5's rate of completion, ranging from 60-80%.

                      Ultimately all of them are meaningless.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        Several figures have been given for 1.5's rate of completion, ranging from 60-80%.

                        Ultimately all of them are meaningless.
                        So, then why do people say the game that is being modded is a 40% build? You can say everything is meaningless then, like this website, the forum members, and the game itself. The is no meaning to life itself. Anyway, I too am tired of the elitist attitude of people here that know something and think they are better than everyone else. If everyone acquires information about this game then we can all be know-it-alls!
                        Last edited by Black~Crow; 01-08-2013, 12:36 PM.
                        I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                        • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                          So, then why do people say the game that is being modded is a 40% build? You can say everything is meaningless then, like this website, the forum members, and the game itself. The is no meaning to life itself. Anyway, I too am tired of the elitist attitude of people here that know something and think they are better than everyone else. If everyone acquires information about this game then we can all be know-it-alls!
                          I think that's blowing it out of proportion just a tiny bit.

                          The "40%" figure is pretty bullshit too, it doesn't really mean anything and is more of an informed guess than anything else. Has nothing to do with this site, members or life. That's not saying it's some sort of grave offense to use it like the developers used two or three different figures themselves, it's just that it's not some sort of accurate marker.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • We use 40 and 80% because it's a way to differentiate them. It's easier.

                            We should use Alzaire's methode of calling them by the respective era, but everyone would get lost in the process. There's at least 5 different versions we know of. But ultimately with what we have floating around, the "40" and "80"% designations are good enough.


                            • news bot, the more i read your posts the more i want to read your book, but maybe not for the resident evil info in it.


                              • Originally posted by warren View Post
                                news bot, the more i read your posts the more i want to read your book, but maybe not for the resident evil info in it.
                                I'm just the editor. :p
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

