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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • So many people on YouTube are spamming MrBZork's YouTube with stupid questions that have already been answered and re-answered again and again and again, I notice MrBZork has been responding to them (a bunch even today) with funny troll responses, hehe. One important response today from him was when someone asked, "When are you releasing this? What month?" to which MrBZork responded, "When done." Percentages are useless, estimated release dates can change at any time, as The Team's availability may change from day to day, to week to week, The Team's work on the project could be a few hours total one month, to a few hours each day the next. "When done" is the best estimated date. Deal with it, and BE PATIENT.

    If I were to ask a question there, it would be a more productive one, such as "When is the next teaser "making of" video planned?"
    Last edited by Eteponge; 01-13-2013, 07:42 PM.


    • You are right, if people want to get answers, they need to make more intelligent questions.
      I put a comment, hope some people understand the situation. It seems that many users didn`t notice what video description itself says: "No promised dates given"
      Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 01-13-2013, 09:03 PM.
      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


      • He loves dancing around when people ask which build he has. Makes me wonder if its possible they have acquired more than one, or its not exactly the psm build, just a similiar era?

        Also notice their new sexy title screen. It has the appropriate image. Their title screen was made by them, it's not the trial screen. It says "Resident evil is a trademark of capcom"
        Last edited by Darkness; 01-13-2013, 10:31 PM.


        • What answer could he give though? It's obvious it's an era 4 build. How else could he describe it? He may not know the exact dated build PSM had to go by in comparison to know if it's the exact same build. And for that matter, neither do we. Might not even know where the original originated from either. It seems like a silly question to be asking in my opinion really, because it just seems obvious and any other details aren't really useful. I would think if they had more builds, especially more complete ones, there'd be no point in working on the less complete one and filling in with retail game assets and custom stuff if more was available. Trying to look too deep into things and wishful thinking is all it is.


          • Getting on that with multiple builds, it's possible they "could" have less complete ones. Maybe the civilian Leon build? That could be how they have the female Zombie in there. Who knows, she could as well be in the 40%, but not used. It is wishful thinking that they have more builds but it's pointless speculating until the games release, right?
            My Head-Fi Page


            • There really is no speculating to be done about it though. It's entirely just wishful thinking with no real base to it. Because Mr.Zork isn't exactly laying out the build date and origin confirmation doesn't automatically imply anything to speculate on. Sure, anything is possible and they may have more than we know (doubtful). But it's just clear that people are just simply wishing and hoping and trying to use any excuse to try and validate their hopes. I mean, even if he provided a build date, there is nothing to compare it to because PSM never provided an origin or date of his build either. So it doesn't really leave you with much to answer the question and really only lead to more questions to follow it.


              • We've learned some new information concerning 1.5 that we're hopefully going to be able to release soon, in some form or another. Primarily regarding the plot, including an actual explanation on William and how the outbreak occurred.
                Last edited by News Bot; 01-13-2013, 11:26 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  We've learned some new information concerning 1.5 that we're hopefully going to be able to release soon, in some form or another. Primarily regarding the plot, including an actual explanation on William and how the outbreak occurred.
                  I ****ING love you NB! DUDE!


                  • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                    Claire's RE2 soundset is a clear example of this.

                    Yep. Although in Claire's case, all her damage sound effects sound consistently like Alysson Court. Anyway, it's a minor detail that can't really be confirmed without playing the final beta, so forget about it.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      We've learned some new information concerning 1.5 that we're hopefully going to be able to release soon, in some form or another. Primarily regarding the plot, including an actual explanation on William and how the outbreak occurred.
                      Oh? That sounds tasty, itchy tasty..
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        We've learned some new information concerning 1.5 that we're hopefully going to be able to release soon, in some form or another. Primarily regarding the plot, including an actual explanation on William and how the outbreak occurred.
                        Are you going to release this info before or after the team's restoration?

                        It would be interesting to know before the restoration project is released. Such intel could provide the players with a new perspective and a narrative that is quite likely to be missing from the final product. Given that BioHazard 1.5 doesn't have a cohesive plot, some of the details crafted by Hideki Kamiya and the development team could become perceivable and give the player the freedom to interpret some design choices that might seem, otherwise, irrelevant.

                        Ideally, though, this information would be part of in-game files that team could add to the restoration project they are making. The problem is, that unless it's explicitly stated, we won't know what part of it is official information, and what are some liberties taken by the people working on the project.

                        BioHazard YouTube Channel
                        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                        • This info would be vital to the team's restoration efforts. O.O


                          • All the pieces are slowly coming together...
                            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                            • I always wanted to know what happened to Chris Jill Barry and Rebbecca in 1.5.
                              did they go to Europe , are they dead ? maybe one day we will find out lol.


                              • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                                I always wanted to know what happened to Chris Jill Barry and Rebbecca in 1.5.
                                did they go to Europe , are they dead ? maybe one day we will find out lol.
                                After returning from the mansion, they were taken to the police infirmary before being transferred to the state general hospital.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

