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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • ^ also in that version they actually were listened to and it led to the demise if Umbrella immediately right? That was part of they story issue that possibly led the game to a dead end for future sequels I thought...


    • I don't think it had that much effect on Umbrella really. The company was still around doing what it does, only they were under investigation.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Maybe it was just press speculation then. I just remember reading that in early previews from late 96 early 97. Oh well.


        • Do you have any idea how you plan to release this information yet? Or will you keep us updated on its progress, at least?

          BioHazard YouTube Channel
          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


          • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
            Do you have any idea how you plan to release this information yet? Or will you keep us updated on its progress, at least?
            These questions, the second something is posted or someone claims to have information the community starts asking for release dates and so on. Let the people who have the good stuff post as they see appropriate. Being pushy about stuff never works out.


            • Yeah they will only tease us more if you keep persuading them, we're all in the same boat buddy be patient !


              • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                These questions, the second something is posted or someone claims to have information the community starts asking for release dates and so on. Let the people who have the good stuff post as they see appropriate. Being pushy about stuff never works out.
                No one is looking for a release date. When someone announces something, it's expected of them to say a little bit on what they intend to do with that information, if they are asked. Being a tease for the sake of getting a reaction is a dick move. Mystery is fine, but regard for others, considering the sensitive information that was presented, is also necessary.

                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                • I just hope this doesn't end just like the curator pandemonium from back then.


                  • I'd love to simply dump all the information public like a sack of bricks but various factors hinder that. I have no idea when it will be released right now, just that it will in one form or another.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                      I just hope this doesn't end just like the curator pandemonium from back then.
                      It won't.

                      I'm really looking forward to that new information too. 2013 is certainly the year for 1.5.

                      "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        I'd love to simply dump all the information public like a sack of bricks but various factors hinder that. I have no idea when it will be released right now, just that it will in one form or another.
                        It's alright. Just, please, keep us updated regarding this particular subject, whenever it's possible to inform us.

                        Given that this information has the potential to enrich BioHazard 1.5's experience with the team's restoration project (other than exploring, simply, the gameplay of it), it would be great to see more of this in the upcoming months. Some of this information might not even be present in the final build at all, so this could be, for all intentions and purposes, the closest we might ever get to a real, tangible and complete product of BioHazard 1.5.

                        BioHazard YouTube Channel
                        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                        • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                          No one is looking for a release date. When someone announces something, it's expected of them to say a little bit on what they intend to do with that information, if they are asked. Being a tease for the sake of getting a reaction is a dick move. Mystery is fine, but regard for others, considering the sensitive information that was presented, is also necessary.
                          I get your point of view but people who claim to have new information are not expected to do anything besides what they want to do. With that being said, i bet this new information is gonna be an amazing hole filler. We know so little about the story of 1.5


                          • Our hopes were crashed several times before, but this could be the year for 1.5 finally. As I can remember this is the first time we see a capable team of developers with a build of BH1.5 in their hands and working together for completing it.

                            Certainly, I donĀ“t care too much about wich era this build belongs to. Although it would be amazing to play all the builds, I think that this is impossible, and most probably playing one of them is the far we can go ever, but this would be amazing anyway.

                            I have particular interest on Era 1 and 2, but I really doubt these builds have more that a bit of playable rooms on the RPD, and probably not properly connected.

                            Oh, regarding the different builds, do someone knows in wich build/era was added the inventory?
                            Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 01-14-2013, 10:13 AM.
                            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                            • Uhhh.....the inventory would be there from the beginning. They started with basically RE1.

                              Now I'm even more excited. However I don't think some of you realize how similiar the story is. Somehow william gets infected, annette tells sherry to run to the police department. Leon is falling in love with a hot asian (Actually I'm not sure if we've confirmed if leon and ada have a relationship in 1.5 but I hope so, zork would know.) but instead of a spy she's a researcher. Marvin isn't immediate worm food, embracing the stereotype. John is the only new variable. I'd liken him to a strong but firm man, he looks like a construction worker tbh. He might be protective of elza. We know william is searching for annette still in 1.5, but actually is screaming her name.
                              Last edited by Darkness; 01-14-2013, 01:01 PM.


                              • On the subject of inventory's. Does anyone know the reason behind Capcom's overhaul of RE's inventory in 1.5 ?

                                They obviously went back to the nice, tidy and superior one that worked perfect in RE1, but I always wondered why they even bothered to change it to that cluttered mess we see in 1.5 videos and pictures.
                                I'm guessing they were probably just trying something new out and would most likely of put the original back in place when 1.5 was to be released.
                                Be good to have a real answer though.
                                Last edited by braders1986; 01-14-2013, 01:02 PM.

