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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I'd probably say its more of:

    - Birkin Fight 1 (Factory)
    - Birkin Fight 2 (Lab Area)
    - Birkin Fight 3 (Self Destruct Area)
    - Birkin Fight 4 (Train)

    Birkin seen through the elevator in the factory would probably be the same as him killing the Man Spider in the Labs as Form 3 in the Self Destruct area looks like a mutated form before the train.
    Zombies...zombies everywhere...


    • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post

      - Birkin Fight 1 (Factory)
      - Birkin Fight 2 (Lab Area)
      - Birkin Fight 3 (Self Destruct Area)
      - Birkin Fight 4 (Train)
      I enjoy them DVDs


      • Remember folks, "da team" is working with a 40% build. We don't know how much of Elza's intended gamepath is there. There's a fair chunk of it to be sure, based on what IS known so far, but just how much we DON'T know. For all we know, the original programmers might have only slapped enough of RE15 together for whatever demonstration purposes they needed at the time (the CFC disks, whatever game show it was - I forget). "Da team" might be having to cook up whole sections of Elza's game out of thin air, based on what is known and what was eventually done with RE2. I hope not, but it's a possibility. I know that notion isn't particularly pleasing to some of you, but those of us who have either game-tested or actually worked on partial beta builds - and maybe those of you who have tried playing a partial beta - know what I'm talking about. The only people here who might make a good guess at just how much of Elza's game might be there are our resident experts. All the rest of us can do is draw on the known database they've built up and what's come out the past two years, and speculate from there.


        • I don't care if a lot of the game is made up to fill the blanks, and anyone who's complaining about it should sit in a corner with a 'dumb' hat. This whole "Resident Evil modding wizards are completing a broken and unfinished beta so people can enjoy the game as if it were retail" is already incredible and no one would have even dreams about that 1~2 years ago.

          Besides, I'm sure they'll release the ""pure"" 1.5. build so we can dick around stuff. (come to think about it, I bet my chips on the team actually disabling the debug menu to add to the retail feel)
          Hail the heros of the revolution!


          • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
            I don't care if a lot of the game is made up to fill the blanks, and anyone who's complaining about it should sit in a corner with a 'dumb' hat.
            Nobody complained.


            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
              Nobody complained.
              You clearly didn't read all 366 pages
              Hail the heros of the revolution!


              • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                I don't care if a lot of the game is made up to fill the blanks, and anyone who's complaining about it should sit in a corner with a 'dumb' hat. This whole "Resident Evil modding wizards are completing a broken and unfinished beta so people can enjoy the game as if it were retail" is already incredible and no one would have even dreams about that 1~2 years ago.

                Besides, I'm sure they'll release the ""pure"" 1.5. build so we can dick around stuff. (come to think about it, I bet my chips on the team actually disabling the debug menu to add to the retail feel)
                It's a taste of two worlds I guess. I just want to see the game's artwork and animations on my old school TV, if I can play someone's interpretation of the full game the very first time I play it that's pretty cool. The beta will always be interesting to see for its own reasons but I'm glad that people are taking the time to actually complete it and make it a game that can be enjoyed as it should be. While both version of Resident Evil 2 share a similar story they're actually very different things to look at and play, having the extra work done makes it worth the while.


                • Guys!
                  New picture up! Holy crap...
                  Not sure if it's legitimately part of the game or not, but it seems, if the picture is faithful to the build, and accurate... Leon and Elza DO meet...
                  Or, y'know, it's them messing around, or Leon's model is a placeholder... Which I really hope not...
                  This could be the missing link! I don't know how you guys upload higher-res versions of the photo, but here it is taken right off the youtube icon..
                  "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                  PSN Gamercards


                  • Kennel shot! It looks very retail-ish.


                    • Here's a blown up shot of it. It tired to get the bigger version of it but for some reason the image was distorted.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	1 (1).jpg
Views:	1
Size:	118.0 KB
ID:	402351
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • I noticed the scattered black pixels before.
                        Maybe they're sprucing up the area, or it's a bug?
                        I doubt it's be a picture effect or a problem with the picture.
                        Thinking about it... maybe Leon's model COULD be a placeholder for Roy, and through the course of the story, it is revealed Roy betrays them, or is like a secret Umbrella worker?
                        Last edited by Leonardos5; 01-26-2013, 12:36 AM.
                        "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                        PSN Gamercards


                        • Looks like a placeholder to me, unless of course there adding Leon and Elza meeting when it didn't happen.
                          Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                          • Or maybe it's just a test shot ... or maybe it's just a created image ... or maybe Leon's trying to shoot Elza because she's hanging with John instead of him ... or maybe Roy didn't like getting left behind and came after Elza ... or maybe it's a Mexican standoff over who gets what's left of the dog food ... or maybe John Woo is taking auditions for his next movie.

                            Who knows?


                            • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
                              Or maybe it's just a test shot ... or maybe it's just a created image ... or maybe Leon's trying to shoot Elza because she's hanging with John instead of him ... or maybe Roy didn't like getting left behind and came after Elza ... or maybe it's a Mexican standoff over who gets what's left of the dog food ... or maybe John Woo is taking auditions for his next movie.

                              Who knows?
                              Nonesense, they're fighting over who gets the honor of NOT being the star of the Capcom sequel that screws the series...
                              Last edited by Leonardos5; 01-26-2013, 01:10 AM.
                              "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                              PSN Gamercards


                              • The reason you can't extract a clean version of MrBZork's avatar is that he has gotten wise to people doing just that. Expanding the image and then re-compressing it seems to be his way of poking fun at our "hacking" attempts.

                                All evidence points to the Kennel being absent from the PSM build, so clearly any characters depicted within were placed there by the designer to serve the image's purpose.

