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Originally posted by News Bot View PostIf you're not defending it why are you almost always on my case about it when I don't shower it with everlasting praise?
And yes, you absolutely misconstrued and outright misquoted what Mikami said.
I quote the devs just to show that even the people who worked on the game every inch of its life found it not good enough to release. Not as some sort of definite "see told you it was bad!". Probably best not so make assumptions. Nobody is judging it as a retail product. They're judging it as an incomplete game, and in that stage, it was scrapped because it was regarded as being bad. That's just a fact, otherwise we'd have the silly thing.
Kamiya isn't the only one who worked on it that actually called it "shit." It's not so much to do with temper as it is with them simply finding it not good. Which is pretty commendable and plain to see just by looking at "material" of it.
Also... Darkness, who I initially replied to, did say the contrary:
Again, implying it'll be just as good as BH2. Which it won't. Otherwise it would've been released.
Originally posted by Darkness View Postera 4 shotgun animation....
To clarify things.
Era 4 Build Leon Shotgun Animations
Era 5 Build Leon Shotgun Animation
Era 4 Build Elza Shotgun Animations
Era 5 Build Elza Shotgun Animations
Sorry, but I couldn't find any Era 5 Build Shotgun animations of Leon standing (but without aiming) and walking. But it's expected to stay the same from Era 4 to Era 5 given that Elza's were changed to reflect Leon's in the previous build. Elza got all the changes from one to another. She lost both the standing and walking animations, and her running animation seems to have been slightly tweaked (it's no longer a carbon copy of Leon's, she flexes her right arm inwards when speeding).
Also, something else. Guess who got Elza's goodies.
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostWhat about the absolute shitty games they ended up releasing? They didn't cancel them because they were "good"? I'm not sure Dino Crisis 3, Gun Survivor 2 and a few other crap they made were better than what RE1.5 would have been. I'm pretty sure one of the reason it was scrapped is because it was a patchwork of excellent and horrible design. The beginning of the game looks like RE1 barebone and empty, whereas the end of the game is RE2 quality with very detailed backgrounds. It's half-assed in terms of design and continuity. So as you progress and you discover new flaws, ultimately you have to decide if you keep working on your frankenstein or start from scratch. They made their decision.
I somehow doubt that the development team thought the game was ass. They re-used almost all of the laboratory with mere cosmetic changes, some portions of the sewers (like it's being pointed out before in this topic) and parts of the layout and the progression of the RPD seem to be "recycled" (for the lack of a better word). The only area that was completely scrapped was the factory. The gameplay is probably too incomplete in the PSM to form an opinion since it was in experimental stages, and even in the final build some things might have not been re-adjusted to reflect the intended final product, making it difficult to judge the flaws and merits of the game based on the closest we got to completion.
There is a reason why the game was not completely buried and its skeleton was moved on to the retail product. Aside from the scenario and boss fights (which might be where the most drastic changes have occurred), the decision to cancel it seemed to come down to a style the development team (or Capcom) wasn't looking for. You can make a case for the gameplay, too, but to be fair, this could still be tweaked given that the game was in its 60-70% completion stages.
Originally posted by Alzaire View PostThe one with Leon in the fire lab he's using a SPAS, not the Remington like in the others. So it's a different animation.
Given that Capcom clearly saw RE 4, 5, and 6 as 100% end-all worthy of RE, instead of traditional RE games, and even said that RE fans are like children who don't know what is good, and where the adults (Capcom) have to tell them what is good (since we can't think for ourselves or something), I'll go with fan reaction and personal reaction over the creators' reaction. As far as RE 1.5 goes (when released), and any other RE game.
EDIT: I actually loved RE 4, personally, but was rather pissed that they got rid of zombies in favor of going the route of George Romero's "The Crazies".Last edited by Eteponge; 01-30-2013, 07:49 PM.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostITT: Everyone's suddenly a developer, producer, and business oriented publishing house.sigpic
Well to be perfectly fair, the Resident Evil series was facing the dilemma of staleness due to reusing the same formula over and over again in each successive game. So they decided to reinvent themselves. That's why RE 4 had so many different betas before they settled on the final RE 4. Some prefer RE 3.5 to RE 4, others wish they had kept the traditional zombies but reinvented the game in other ways. Clearly, if you think that ALL fans of Resident Evil are going to agree with ALL of the decisions made with the direction the series went, it's not happening. That's why we are *gasp* (get this, hold the presses!) all unique human beings, with unique perspectives, likes and dislikes, who will not all hold the same opinions.Last edited by Eteponge; 01-30-2013, 08:47 PM.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostITT: Everyone's suddenly a developer, producer, and business oriented publishing house.
No one in Capcom... yet... though I hope when I graduate, a few recommendations may land me a job at Capcom...
And if I do get a job at Capcom...
I'll do my best, gentlemen... 1.5 shall hopefully be out in the open with my... guidance...Last edited by Leonardos5; 01-30-2013, 08:29 PM."I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
PSN Gamercards
Originally posted by Leonardos5 View PostI actually have a few friends in the industry.
No one in Capcom... yet... though I hope when I graduate, a few recommendations may land me a job at Capcom...
And if I do get a job at Capcom...
I'll do my best, gentlemen... 1.5 shall hopefully be out in the open with my... guidance...
Also, is anyone else getting an overwhelming disturbance in the force regarding the video that the team is working on right now? I think I feel it coming soon...sigpic
Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View PostConsidering that Capcom is monitoring this forum constantly for their obtuse and oft devious purposes, you have ruined any chance at being hired.
Also, is anyone else getting an overwhelming disturbance in the force regarding the video that the team is working on right now? I think I feel it coming soon...
Lol, but seriously, meh...
Then again, there's always the other option... paying ridiculous sums of money! Which I'd honestly actually do.Last edited by Leonardos5; 01-30-2013, 08:39 PM."I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
PSN Gamercards
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostBecause my good sir, I'd like you to play the game and have your own opinion about it, instead of acting like a parrot
Not really. Had he been switched with Kamiya, we might have had a "shit" instead. You just can't outright criticize your colleague's work.
Easy to say that. If it was that bad, it means they weren't doing their job correctly. THEY are to blame if the game isn't good. It's no one else's fault. And we're talking about Japanese employees here. You stay in line and adhere to your company's official line of conduct. I can hardly see them going against Kamiya and Capcom's top management by saying they are proud of what they did and blame Capcom for scrapping it. They most certainly were devastated by that decision when it was taken. There's nothing worse for a dev to spend months on something that end up being scrapped.
What about the absolute shitty games they ended up releasing? They didn't cancel them because they were "good"? I'm not sure Dino Crisis 3, Gun Survivor 2 and a few other crap they made were better than what RE1.5 would have been. I'm pretty sure one of the reason it was scrapped is because it was a patchwork of excellent and horrible design. The beginning of the game looks like RE1 barebone and empty, whereas the end of the game is RE2 quality with very detailed backgrounds. It's half-assed in terms of design and continuity. So as you progress and you discover new flaws, ultimately you have to decide if you keep working on your frankenstein or start from scratch. They made their decision.
Well, says who? I hear a lot of people saying that RE3 and 0 are crap, and the same people say Code:vero and RE4 are masterpiece. Well, I love 0 and 3, and I absolutely hate code:vero and 4. So I wouldn't be surprised if some people prefer 1.5 for various reasons, could it be nostalgia, a different and more realistic design, fanboyism, etc...
Ultimately it's like those pointless debates about what terms we should use to describe the mod. Darkness wants to love the game, and may love it? Well, good! You don't really need to come telling him he's gonna be disappointed and then start again with the whole "the devs said this and that and it's a fact it was scrapped" blah blah blah... who the fuck cares at the end of the day. We're here to enjoy it (or not) and talk about it, that's all.
1) I thought you said you didn't need to play the game to form an opinion on it? Lets not fuck our own arguments.
2) You outright misquoted Mikami. Very badly, and the fact that you're actually attempting to salvage it is hilarious.
3) Yes they are to blame that the game wasn't as good as it could be. They openly acknowledge that. What is your point? I never once implied it was anyone but the developer's fault. I thought you had an issue with me using comments from the developers, yet these same comments happen to be the ones where they admit their own work wasn't very good and they felt their talents were deficient? Also, a lot of the comments I've heard from the developers themselves were made after they'd left the company. They have absolutely no reason not to state how they felt, which they did even during development. They weren't devastated, they were relieved when it was scrapped. Please don't pretend you know exactly how things work in a development company.
4) Dino Crisis 3 is a pretty decent game, franchise rape aside. Gun Survivor 2 is an arcade game and plays very much like one. Saying you're "pretty sure" about it being a patchwork of excellent and horrible design is like saying you're "pretty sure" midgets are small, at this point. The developers actually said that, too.
5) You're completely right here... so why are you on my case? Should I just go with the flow and pretend I'm EXCITED AS BALLS for the game? Obviously you "fucking" care because you're taking the time to try and pick holes in my posts for not including enough praise.
Also; Gun Survivor, Zero and CODE:Veronica were not entirely made by CAPCOM.
There are many reasons why they couldn't have been happy with itLast edited by News Bot; 01-30-2013, 08:59 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium