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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I can't think of a video with Leon using the Remington from after the Sneak Peak (4th era) video off the top of my head.


    • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
      I actually loved RE 4, personally, but was rather pissed that they got rid of zombies in favor of going the route of George Romero's "The Crazies".
      HA! at least they stuck with the same source.

      1.5 probably would have been a better movie than a game from the looks of it.

      btw, OT, did anyone ever win the "be in the resident evil movie" contest on the inside back cover of RE2? it only took 5-6 years to come out


      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        Yes, there were a lot. Which just reinforces my point.
        What do you mean?
        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        Again, implying it'll be just as good as BH2. Which it won't. Otherwise it would've been released.
        You said that 1.5 is NOT better in quality than 2, and that's why it wasn't released
        What I'm saying is that there were other reasons aside from quality that may have played into determining the scrapping of the project, and therefore, just because they weren't happy with releasing it, does not mean it was worse than 2.
        And again, I stress, "better" is an opinion.

        Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
        HA! at least they stuck with the same source.

        1.5 probably would have been a better movie than a game from the looks of it.

        btw, OT, did anyone ever win the "be in the resident evil movie" contest on the inside back cover of RE2? it only took 5-6 years to come out
        MFW it was Milla Jovovich, LOL
        "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
        PSN Gamercards


        • Would anyone be interested in a playable FPS map/stage of the BH1.5 RPD?

          **ultimately employing a CVX-style camera with perspectives based on the original backgrounds
          Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-30-2013, 09:18 PM.


          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
            Would anyone be interested in a playable FPS map/stage of the BH1.5 RPD?

            **ultimately employing a CVX-style camera with perspectives based on the original backgrounds
            This guy right here! I can be as helpful and thorought as I need to be, plus, that's pretty awesome.
            Last edited by Leonardos5; 01-30-2013, 09:23 PM.
            "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
            PSN Gamercards


            • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
              What do you mean?

              You said that 1.5 is NOT better in quality than 2, and that's why it wasn't released
              What I'm saying is that there were other reasons aside from quality that may have played into determining the scrapping of the project, and therefore, just because they weren't happy with releasing it, does not mean it was worse than 2.
              And again, I stress, "better" is an opinion.
              Yes, it wasn't better than BH2. What I meant was that there were various reasons for that. Quality was the only factor involved, and those reasons I referenced tie into it.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Ah cool beans, so i wasn't the only one that remembered that image on the back of the ps1 console boxes. sweet.

                On a side note about being possibly being disappointed with 1.5, in my opinion about how I may be disappointed with 1.5,

                tl;dr version: Story possibly sucks

                Long version:
                I sorta do expect to be disappointed here and there with any version of the Beta Builds, but not because of the glitches, broken rooms, crashes, textures, capcom errors, but mainly because of the story that we are all still unsure what it is, and capcom keeps saying it was crap. I might be disappointed with just the story.

                If TheTeam even was able to make it the most perfect most balanced and beautiful Ps1 RE game in history... it still wouldn't make it superior to the Retail version if the story is a load of zombie shit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing 1.5 and It's possibly actually more fun then retail because of its features we seen. I am eager to play it for it is part of Capcom's RE Game Development history and the last pieces of the true last survivor horror series of RE on the Golden PS1 Era. The game does have tons of unique features, all its own unique maps, music, weapons, monsters and so much more that you all know by heart, I'm just pointing out that it was scrapped for a possible reason, The Story. Think of it as a movie (I'm not talking about RE Movies, just any movie in general), it wouldn't mater if you had all the funding in the world to buy the best props, CGI, and actors, if the story is bland, it will disappoint. Though that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it even if you may or may not say it is better then retail.

                But regardless of what our opinions are and what our opinions are after we play TheTeam's or any of the future leaked Beta Builds, They are all part of what is left of the last Golden Era PS1 RE Survival series. And I'm pretty sure we will have fun playing any build, c'mon more gore, tons of zombies in a room all having different speeds and they're hard to take down, possible more vocals from MrOhThatsJustfreakinGreat and possibly new unheard music, new weapons, new scenario, new gameplay aaaaaaaaaaaaand...It's the last PS1 RE game that we never got to play but will play. Then there's N64Zero and 3.5 but thats another unhealthy Obsession story.


                Bzork. Is there new Music we never ever heard before on the game? Can you tease us with just one ; - ;. Just one.


                • Originally posted by Tewi View Post
                  Bzork. Is there new Music we never ever heard before on the game? Can you tease us with just one ; - ;. Just one.
                  Already has, the parking garage music in the Halloween trailer was never heard prior.


                  • @Kegluneq and Alzaire:

                    Different running animation here(?), looks like she's holding the Remington one-handed while running:
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                      Already has, the parking garage music in the Halloween trailer was never heard prior.
                      What's interesting about the parking garage music is that it sounds like something right out of Dino Crisis.
                      Last edited by RetroRain; 01-31-2013, 12:07 AM.
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                      • Poor 1.5.. Capcom deemed it not good enough, yet good enough that it became an unwilling 'organ donor' to so many other games. RE3, Dino Crisis, RE CV, RE Survivor etc. Go figure.
                        Click image for larger version

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                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post

                          1) I thought you said you didn't need to play the game to form an opinion on it? Lets not fuck our own arguments.

                          2) You outright misquoted Mikami. Very badly, and the fact that you're actually attempting to salvage it is hilarious.

                          3) Yes they are to blame that the game wasn't as good as it could be. They openly acknowledge that. What is your point? I never once implied it was anyone but the developer's fault. I thought you had an issue with me using comments from the developers, yet these same comments happen to be the ones where they admit their own work wasn't very good and they felt their talents were deficient? Also, a lot of the comments I've heard from the developers themselves were made after they'd left the company. They have absolutely no reason not to state how they felt, which they did even during development. They weren't devastated, they were relieved when it was scrapped. Please don't pretend you know exactly how things work in a development company.

                          4) Dino Crisis 3 is a pretty decent game, franchise rape aside. Gun Survivor 2 is an arcade game and plays very much like one. Saying you're "pretty sure" about it being a patchwork of excellent and horrible design is like saying you're "pretty sure" midgets are small, at this point. The developers actually said that, too.

                          5) You're completely right here... so why are you on my case? Should I just go with the flow and pretend I'm EXCITED AS BALLS for the game? Obviously you "fucking" care because you're taking the time to try and pick holes in my posts for not including enough praise.
                          *sigh* (see, I can be pedantic too)

                          1) Yes, that's what I said. I don't need to play the game to see what's wrong and good about it, we have ample material at our disposition. But overall our opinion will be based on how we enjoyed it during the playthrough. I don't see where the issue is. You're just considering people like imbeciles incapable of judging what's good/bad from the already existing material. And you apparently deem it clever and necessary to remind them that they are going to be disappointed. That's a nice contribution to the discussion, bravo.

                          2) I outright "misquoted" Mikami. Bouhhh, cry me a river. Ok, I should have said "survival horror" instead of "game". But after what he's done with RE4 and its retarded spaniards and absolutely stupid scenario (RE1.5 wins awards in comparison), Mikami can go fuck himself for what I care. I don't need to consult him to judge the qualities of a game.

                          3) Yeah sure they all were relieved, shook hands and danced the macarena while drinking sake. There's one thing missing here. Sauce. Can't prove it? Not valid.

                          4) Dino Crisis, pretty decent? 51% on metacritics, and it was loathed by everyone when it was released. And what's the point of saying Gun Survivor 2 was an arcade game? It's a gigantic piece of shit, it could be a fucking monopoly game for what I care, it doesn't change that it's a bad game. That's a bit laughable.

                          Saying you're "pretty sure" about it being a patchwork of excellent and horrible design is like saying you're "pretty sure" midgets are small, at this point. The developers actually said that, too.
                          Difference is, that's my own opinion, I don't give the slightest crap about what the devs have to say, and I never saw you talking about the inconsistencies of said game. So yeah, I agree with the devs on that one? I don't care. Your midget comparison is just plain stupid and idiotic. Once more, you act like an ass.

                          5) Yeah I'm completely right and we both agree. Why am I on your case? Because once again you have that pedantic ass attitude that forces you to post to tell someone how disappointed they are going to be about a game you haven't played either. Give the guy a rest and stop with that attitude. That's pointless and unnecessary.

                          Nobody said either you had to be "excited as balls". It's rather pathetic.

                          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          Obviously you "fucking" care because you're taking the time to try and pick holes in my posts for not including enough praise.
                          I never "picked holes in your posts for not including enough praise", once more you're making things up. Coming from mister facts that's rather weird. Quote me on one occasion when I attacked you for not praising the game?

                          I'm just tired of that factual bullshit "the devs said this and that and the game was scrapped and it's a fact" and blah blah... (repeat every week) As I said before, Capcom had its quota of miserable games that are probably worst than this one. So what are you going to do from now on? You're gonna keep policing people like Darkness who (want to) like that game and expect to have a lot of fun with it? If that's what you consider an interesting and clever contribution to the discussion, go on.

                          I feel like talking to typical super faithful and religious kind of guy who wants to teach you what opinion you should have about things because heh, it's a fact, it's been said and written before. Fucking great. You just make it look like you can't have your own opinion and depend exclusively on what the devs had to say about that game. Would be good if from time to time you added something personal and expressed your own opinion, it's a thousand times more interesting and constructive than simply quoting devs and throwing factual bullshit at other people's face.
                          Last edited by Rick Hunter; 01-31-2013, 08:46 AM.


                          • "Factual bullshit", holy oxymoron.

                            How was I "policing" Darkness by saying he'll probably be disappointed? You seem convinced that I said "YOU'LL HATE THIS BECAUSE THE DEVELOPERS SAID SO", which is pretty far removed from anything I've ever said... ever. You should just admit that you can't handle it when someone doesn't absolutely adore a game that was scrapped for being inferior. Why are you droning on and acting quite offended if your mantra is supposedly "who gives a fuck?"

                            3) Yeah sure they all were relieved, shook hands and danced the macarena while drinking sake. There's one thing missing here. Sauce. Can't prove it? Not valid.
                            I could provide several sources, but you would only accuse the developers of lying about how they felt, again, or some nonsense about not wanting to hurt a company's feelings. Personally I'm not in a hurry to prove anything to someone that delusional.

                            Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
                            Poor 1.5.. Capcom deemed it not good enough, yet good enough that it became an unwilling 'organ donor' to so many other games. RE3, Dino Crisis, RE CV, RE Survivor etc. Go figure.
                            Welcome to video games development?

                            Also I'd like to see examples of these supposed 1.5 "organs" in each game please.
                            Last edited by News Bot; 01-31-2013, 09:22 AM.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • blah blah blah


                              • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                                blah blah blah
                                What an apt summary of your posts.

                                Also, we can confirm that Kamiya did not write 1.5 as previously assumed. However, he did come up with the G-Virus.

                                Most of the enemies (the baboons and man-spider in particular) were scrapped because they were deemed not good enough.
                                Last edited by News Bot; 01-31-2013, 05:48 PM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

