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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I copypasta'd it from south park website, was where I got that from.


    • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
      I remember when re1.5 was put on ebay by curator, and I saw these images.[ATTACH=CONFIG]8086[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]8087[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]8088[/ATTACH]

      It looked like the game was playable up to the lab area, this is before the team got this from curator? It looks like Re1.5, from the team, has a lot of the game code missing from the screen shots and video shown from before. I am wondering how did curator get to the lab area, unless it wasn't a demo, just a build with a jump menu.
      So did we confirm if these photos he posted were real?


      • Of course there are "SOOO MANY" people here who know soo much but can't open their mouths for some reason.

        and there are some people who always find a reason to argue about 1.5
        Seriously it's just a game, its not a world apocalypse or anything really !
        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
        ^ Lol ...


        • Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
          There can be only two types of people in the RE1.5 arena; 1) Bitter enemies and 2) People who know more than they're telling us. At least that's what I've come up with based on my observations of this thread... hell, this forum. In any case, things will get better for a time after BZork and the team grace us with something shiny and new to look at.
          1.5 is the root of all evil, some are just too blinded by the truth
          Last edited by Darkside05; 02-01-2013, 03:48 AM.
          Zombies...zombies everywhere...


          • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
            See, man, here is where I take issue with what you're saying. I understand what you're saying, but I disagree with your open acceptance that 1.5 was inferior to 2. Just because it was different, doesn't make it worse. It could have all been a matter of preference, and in that, the devs prefered 2 over 1.5, but just because they didn't like it, doesn't mean it was inferior to 2 (but that doesn't mean it was better either). As it stands I view them as 2 different products, and I'd like to evaluate 1.5 on my own to form my opinion as to which I found to be better, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's better.
            I don't know if you're expressing that you feel this way, but the claim is not fact, it's preference, man.
            But that's just it. Everything else you're saying I totally understand.
            It was scrapped because it was considered inferior. Is preference a factor? Sure, they could've just left it alone. But they didn't and it never got released directly because of that, preference or not. That is a fact and is the only one I convey in these dick wiggling discussions. People are too delusional to accept anything that does not mesh with their idealistic fantasies when it comes to this game, though.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
              Of course there are "SOOO MANY" people here who know soo much but can't open their mouths for some reason.

              and there are some people who always find a reason to argue about 1.5
              Seriously it's just a game, its not a world apocalypse or anything really !
              There's a reason people can't open their mouths, you should know how stuff like this works when it's in the wild and it wasn't meant to be...

              Because 1.5 is the biggest mystery of the Resident Evil series and people just can't help but freak about how different it is and come up with explanations for everything we don't know about - which causes disagreements and arguments. And to some people, this isn't just a game.

              I don't really agree with people demanding more material because we don't have too much to talk about - that's being pretty greedy. Look at all the of the media we've had so far, and how AMAZING is that? Because this day wouldn't be here if it weren't for the team. Asking for more media because you're starved of information is a bit cheeky - and consider that the project wasn't even meant to be 'leaked' so early. Not to mention the amount of time people have waited for the game already - unless, of course, all the people moaning only found out about 1.5 in the past 6 months / year, that wouldn't surprise me. You'll get more information when they want you to. Just wait and calm your asses down. srsly.


              • 1.5 root of all evil? no, the root of evil i the mind rendering around it obsessed and biased ficked up mind vagues to void. dohhh. gun don't kill people, people kill people -> 1.5 is not root of evil. people is root of evil. it is a cancelled game, and it darn good looks goos say what you want. it's just thing that you cant have what makes your dark side arise to a mind wrecking abyss.... where you evnetually corrupt yourself and pussy out others as well.... easy beasy. no hush talk. different people here yeah, regardless of viewpoint you all come here to enter discussion more than about 1.5 yet you complain. and more people come to even read this. about the eyecandy, what else it is. I am one of the old school members back in the bioflames times. and even more past. I eyewitnessed the cancel of 1.5. Ever since lurking it.

                of course people exist who cant share what they know. more over there are pople who has 20%, 40%,80% build or any X% build. doesnt mater. just deal with it (loved that slider jacked boy)....

                new media, eh? yeah, agree. i'd love to see more. waited a lot of years... every info is a gift. .....
                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                • I find it very funny that people are not allowed to talk about certain parts of a video game lol man the world we live in can be really daft sometimes , It comes across like " I have INFO ! but I can't share it with you because Ive been sworn to secrecy and If I say anything they will come after me " OVER A VIDEO GAME !!
                  I don't care to be honest if these people have info but can't say anything , just don't say you have info but your not allowed to discuss it. why bother telling us if you cant say anything anyway lol.

                  I mean am I right in thinking that your not even allowed to talk about resident evil 0 on the n64 on the assembler forum ?
                  the rules for some of these games just seem like they came out of wonderland.

                  that's just what I think so don't feel the need to start a rude fight or start swearing , I'm just telling you how it comes across ( to me)
                  I understand there are some crazy people out there who would do anything to play some of these games , Im a big fan of 1.5 but im just happy with videos and info now and again , we don't know for 100% if we will even be able to play 1.5 yet , anything could happen , the amount of fan games and mods and stuff that ive been excited about before in the past all seem like there going well then all of sudden you hear nothing from the team one a few examples

                  Card saga wars
                  Dark Biohazard pc re2 mod
                  chrono trigger crimson echos ( thanks square-enix )
                  chrono trigger 3d remake ( thanks square-enix )

                  But hopefully the team will stick with this because they are doing amazing work and I'm looking forward to the next video.
                  But being a 1.5 fan as long as I have you have to learn to expect disappointment sometime or another lol.
                  1.5 is one hell of a roller coaster ride I think you will all agree.


                  • 1.5 ... where are you... we got some stuff to do....

                    man, it really doesnt matter if some pople not talk about. all i wait is the release of Team product. and god speed to them.
                    ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                    • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                      I don't really agree with people demanding more material because we don't have too much to talk about - that's being pretty greedy. Look at all the of the media we've had so far, and how AMAZING is that? Because this day wouldn't be here if it weren't for the team. Asking for more media because you're starved of information is a bit cheeky - and consider that the project wasn't even meant to be 'leaked' so early. Not to mention the amount of time people have waited for the game already - unless, of course, all the people moaning only found out about 1.5 in the past 6 months / year, that wouldn't surprise me. You'll get more information when they want you to. Just wait and calm your asses down. srsly.
                      I can't stress this enough. Regardless of what your opinion of GManWillis is, it's my belief that he was correct in saying that the development of the project's team was delayed (the release date was scheduled to Halloween according to him), and the most likely reason for this was the leaked information that got out. That's a shame, because even if people are good intentioned, they end up fucking things and harming the people working on this project and the community as a whole.

                      I can understand the mindset. We've been starving for about 10 years for this beta. It's normal that each day we hear something new, we crave more information. But the consequences of sharing it can be devastating in the short run, as we learned with the PSM fiasco. Most of the problem seems to steam from the involvement that casual (and hardcore) fans get into this. If people stayed rational enough when they were provided information (and listened instead of acting) and kept it simply that way, a lot could be told to the community.

                      The biggest factor contributing to the lunacy involving BH1.5 is the obsession surrounding it, though. The lack of classic BH games in the present doesn't help, either. BH1.5 has become the last hope that fans have of playing another classical BH of the PS golden era. And that's the unfortunate thing.

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • Eh no one has the right to demand info, why? because we are not customers. If we were paying for this then yes we would have the right as stakeholders, but guess what, assuming everything goes to plan, we will get both the so called '40%' build AND the teams version for absolutely free. So on that basis no one has the right to demand anything, it's as simple as that.

                        The team presumably have lives (family, jobs, study etc), they aren't a professional team that are being paid to do nothing but develop 1.5, people need to give them a break and just wait for info and not be pathetic enough to 'crave' it or to go into fever pitch about things...
                        Last edited by LongTimeLurker; 02-01-2013, 09:23 AM.


                        • why not let people get excited and argue with the only other people who actually care about this monumental occasion? its not like this will happen again anytime soon.

                          "why do people have to act like that?" i see it over and over in this thread in different words. its a stupid question. everyone acts like "that" over something. let people have their fun.


                          • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                            why not let people get excited and argue with the only other people who actually care about this monumental occasion? its not like this will happen again anytime soon.

                            "why do people have to act like that?" i see it over and over in this thread in different words. its a stupid question. everyone acts like "that" over something. let people have their fun.
                            'History' has shown that the in-fighting and arguments within the community, as well as the hassle that people with 1.5 have to endure, can jeopardise it seeing the light of day. That's why people need to be sensible, Kegluneq is 100% correct, it is boarderline lunacy at times.
                            Last edited by LongTimeLurker; 02-01-2013, 09:27 AM.


                            • It's not about "a video game", it's about honor and trust. Just because the reasons aren't vivid and out in the open doesn't mean there aren't valid or it's silly. The beta/prototype community is generally a business for collectors in general and because much of it is sensitive material and a lot of time things surface indirectly via press in the industry or even company employees, there is bound to be trust related restrictions and such whether it's simply that the material itself is still sensitive or (and this one is more important and most often forgotten by the regular people) they would like to know the people they are dealing with is trustworthy and can keep their mouths shut for possible future deals or material.


                              • Just a petition for the moderators:

                                Please don't close this thread. Even if a lot of people here start of flaming, spamming or another issue(s).
                                There's a TON of visits for this topic. Many people who are guests, or members who post so few (as me).
                                In the web, you'll always find guys too serious bussiness about anything. If 1.5 causes things like we're seeing here, is because they (as me) are desesperate to know the most as possible of info, from da team or from other members (I read here everyday cause I'm happy to learn their knowledge and info about this unreleased beta). Closing the thread is a punishment for a lot of people while just a little number may act retarded.
                                When I saw the thread locked days ago, I was angried, because the acts of few gives consequences for the rest. Thanks for opened it again ;).
                                In hot topics, we'll always see cases like this.
                                Please consider to the guys who respect the topic.

                                Cheers from Chile. Thanks.
                                Last edited by Mae77; 02-01-2013, 09:57 AM.
                                The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D

