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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The fact anyone rages over a video we are getting for free from a team that is doing amazing work and giving us something we want is beyond me. With that being said i still want the video. I really hope they show some of the second/third floor.
    Last edited by Guest; 02-10-2013, 07:59 PM.


    • It never said when the video would be released. Calm your horses people.


      • Originally posted by Borman View Post
        It never said when the video would be released. Calm your horses people.
        That's what i'm trying to say.... If we were paying for these videos to be released and they didn't get released then lets make a big deal about it.... but we're getting them for free!

        Did anyone notice the Gorilla's grunt at 2 09 in the Halloween trailer ?


        • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
          That's what i'm trying to say.... If we were paying for these videos to be released and they didn't get released then lets make a big deal about it.... but we're getting them for free!

          Did anyone notice the Gorilla's grunt at 2 09 in the Halloween trailer ?
          yup, theres one at 2:09 and another from 2:34. they are so nice.


          • It will more than likely come out sometime this week possibly , Though MrBZork has been very quite after that 1.5 drama that happened a few days ago , hope the team is ok, lol .


            • Originally posted by MrBzork

              final work on video part 2 to resume and wrap this weekend
              Yeah, that video may not get here until sometime this week. Hell, they may not have been able to do anything this weekend- it wouldn't be the first time that they had an "unfortunate delay due to unavailability of staff and minor technical hurdle"


              • Valentines Day is just around the corner, a video was announced just before a major social holiday, makes sense to me to be honest I wasn't even expecting a video today.


                • Remember when i posted this.....

                  "Originally posted by Snake_Plissken:
                  We're about 70% done, was supposed to come out on Halloween, even shot for a Christmas release but everybody's been backed up with college/life stuff.
                  87% of the game was complete in the first place; ie, all the maps/object frames were completed, but the textures were scattered/sorted within separate files (pieces left by the developers, non-scrapped).
                  Stay tuned."

                  Well i called dude out about it and told him his information was bogus.... This was his reply:

                  "Originally posted by Snake_Plissken:
                  And you are apart of the project, how? -Parading around posting data you probably gathered through passing? -Okay smart guy, if you are apart of the project, you should talk to 'Paul', but you probably don't even know who 'Paul' is, cause you're a fucking fraud who seems bitter somebody caught onto your tricks.
                  Oh and I already love how people here are assuming (people who know me here) that I'm not apart of this. wow, awesome people, believing a complete stranger. -It's been real. Fuck this place, again and again, I don't know why I keep coming back, and contributing.
                  Two-faced shit bags."

                  It's clear he caught feelings, most likely because he's not a part of the team... and the funny thing is, he accuses me of claiming to be apart of the team because i was posting pictures on the forum ( you can read any of my posts on that forum, none of them ever hint at me being linked with the team or this project ) He still hints that he's with the team and drops the name " Paul " it all seem weak and lame to me.
                  Last edited by Guest; 02-10-2013, 08:47 PM.


                  • 87% complete? I'm starting to like this guy! He's clearly a member of a different team.


                    • He was not part of the team at all. They wouldn't go public like that. The way he words stuff... reminds me of GmanWillis.. As far as I know, the game never had a release date planned. It's done when it's done. The Team wouldn't risk a CAD from CAPCOM at all, so anyone going public like this is total crap.

                      On another note, GManWillis is trying to spread bogus info around on the web. I got an e-mail from another guy telling me some shit Garret has been passing around. Supposedly the team wants a late March or early June release, which I think is false. They wouldn't give him a release date, and from what I've seen onlines, he's bugged the shit out of them. Look at what happened on ASSEMbler when he leaked information out.

                      Watch out guys, he's butt hurt from getting banned on ASSEMbler. I think he's trying to fuck this up for us.
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • Well now that i think about it, that dude might be Gman, look at the way he types and reacts to situations.


                        • Exactly. He's trying to cause trouble. I've already contacted BZork about this and I hope he's on top of it.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                            Well now that i think about it, that dude might be Gman, look at the way he types and reacts to situations.
                            You have a point; his username (Snake_Plissken) directly references both Escape From New York and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, the latter being a key installment of one of GMan's most cherished game series.
                            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-10-2013, 09:14 PM.


                            • Itchin' and Scratchin' 4 Bzork vid

                              I applied the wound with fresh bandages with an ointment of a new Episode of the Walking dead, but it wasn't helping.
                              My Disco Fever wasn't reducing but taking a quality dump in the sewers was quite refreshing.
                              I don't think I'm going to make it, I leave all that I own to my pet cat Guppy. Goodbye cruel world -XOXOXO-Bite-XOXO


                              • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                                Well now that i think about it, that dude might be Gman, look at the way he types and reacts to situations.
                                My first suspicion, but I didn't want to be the guy who said it
                                This is insane, people just love to use this game to satisfy their sense of worth...
                                Seriously, some people will endlessly go to ridiculous lengths to feel like they're in power, to have people look up to them, to feel important, to feed their own ego...
                                Pretty sad...
                                Last edited by Leonardos5; 02-10-2013, 09:32 PM.
                                "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                                PSN Gamercards

