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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
    Uhm that "gallery music" is actully the save room theme from RE1...
    I played the DC: Dualshock Edition :/
    It fits perfectly, it's very relaxing, dreamy, and pleasant, lol
    I'd totally have preferred it over DC's... Still, it does give that sort of surreal awesomeness I kinda get off 5's figure menu...
    Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
    what ever the team do is up to them.
    I'm sure everything will look amazing when it's all finished, everything I have seen so far looks amazing and I have have nothing to moan about, ESPECIALLY If we are getting the game for free one day.
    just sit back and enjoy the ride, I know I am.
    I have no issue with the changes, because, well, we're getting the untouched one also, which should be fine, IMO
    "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
    PSN Gamercards


    • Its because its capcom official icons and alot of the basics of re2 came from 1.5, because they are technically the same game (esp in capcoms eyes) the re3 magnum icon too I think the redhawk magnum in game looks like the RE3 colt, and again its official capcom artwork.


      • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
        Its because its capcom official icons and alot of the basics of re2 came from 1.5, because they are technically the same game (esp in capcoms eyes) the re3 magnum icon too I think the redhawk magnum in game looks like the RE3 colt, and again its official capcom artwork.
        Yeah I'd rather go with Official stuff as much as possible, you see apparently Ada has the RE2 final face which is nice but Im not sure, Also from what I know the Trial Ada looks different than final too, probably post 1.5 Ada face ?
        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
        ^ Lol ...


        • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
          Yeah I'd rather go with Official stuff as much as possible, you see apparently Ada has the RE2 final face which is nice but Im not sure, Also from what I know the Trial Ada looks different than final too, probably post 1.5 Ada face ?
          Nope, you're confusing Ada with Leon. Ada's face didn't change from Trial to Retail. Leon's face changed.
          Last edited by Alfred; 02-14-2013, 02:38 PM.
          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


          • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
            Nope, you're confusing Ada with Leon. Ada's face didn't change from Trial to Retail. Leon's face changed.
            No I'm not,I can prove it.
            Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
            ^ Lol ...


            • She uses a different face, but the resolution is so low it's barely noticeable.

              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


              • anyone wanna show me a comparison of the faces of leon and ada? Never noticed this


                • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                  And it's probably a stretch, but I think I have an idea what the "mystery room" in the factory is:

                  If you'll notice, the doors to the trashed office room and the mystery room have a door mat in front of both of them:

                  Unlike the other rooms in the factory, the office room has carpeted flooring, which is what the door mat is for:

                  The missing room is probably also carpeted, which would mean it's supposed to be an office room, and not a random storage/manufacturing-related area (which would have tiled flooring). This would also fit well with how there's a ton of areas in the game which come in pairs/have "twins" (e.g. lab security rooms, lab researchers' quarters, "Level 1" and "Level 2" lab halls, RPD stairwells, interrogation rooms, etc.)
                  Wow! I never put that together before, but I completely agree! The mystery office probably houses a row of dividers as well, with plenty of recycled furniture and other textures in common with its twin.

                  This is precisely the kind of investigative work that we need around here. One more mystery solved using what we'd already had at our disposal!
                  Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-14-2013, 02:57 PM.


                  • Here :
                    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                    ^ Lol ...


                    • Welll today my girlfriend gave something very special... and now MrBzork uploaded another making of... and seriously, today is a special day... finally i watched the system of the Item Menu... but preserving the Old Item Images will give to the 1.5 it's unique personality, and not being like the RE2/BH2 that everyone know... I would love to see the original S.REDHAWK Image, and hearing the Sound of Protoype Track without SFX Sounds... Keep the good work, but preserv the old items images... Please, everyone have a good Valentine's Day... Well, we are going to wait for another Making of... and then the Final & Original States of Biohazard 1.5/Resident Evil 1.5...


                      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                        I was actually surprised he replied. Then again, it's not really a question about the game, which is probably why he did.

                        And it's probably a stretch, but I think I have an idea what the "mystery room" in the factory is:

                        If you'll notice, the doors to the trashed office room and the mystery room have a door mat in front of both of them:

                        Unlike the other rooms in the factory, the office room has carpeted flooring, which is what the door mat is for:

                        The missing room is probably also carpeted, which would mean it's supposed to be an office room, and not a random storage/manufacturing-related area (which would have tiled flooring). This would also fit well with how there's a ton of areas in the game which come in pairs/have "twins" (e.g. lab security rooms, lab researchers' quarters, "Level 1" and "Level 2" lab halls, RPD stairwells, interrogation rooms, etc.)
                        The mystery room is, what I assume to be, a backup room.

                        The office has space for the storage box and an upclose shot of the computer.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	ROOM3XX103.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	38.3 KB
ID:	402485 Click image for larger version

Name:	ROOM3XX106.jpeg
Views:	2
Size:	38.1 KB
ID:	402486

                        I'm guessing this is the safe room of the Umbrella Factory portion. Also note that in the screenshots, there is no enemy (that we can see) in the office.

                        The mystery room wasn't probably completed yet, in case they needed to fit something in there that could not be placed somewhere else, or some puzzle to extend the Umb. Factory segment. The door mat is a good indication of what should be expected; a carpeted room. This could mean that it's another office, or perhaps the administrative room.
                        Last edited by Kegluneq; 02-14-2013, 03:04 PM.

                        BioHazard YouTube Channel
                        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                        • Oh my God, this team is absolutely HARDCORE! They have to be former PSX developers, they just have to. Maybe not ex-Capcom, but definitely experienced with the hardware. One does not simply C-inject into a Playstation. Just like the room layer masks, I'm now pretty confident that it's their own routine, since they have such good control over it.

                          Dear Lord, please don't let me die, until I've experienced the release of this restoration.

                          Let's see, Halloween, New Year's, Valentine's... Easter next, maybe?


                          • Yep awesome stuff. Hope it comes out soon. I really can't wait to play classic RE again. Now I'm just thinking what the ending/final boss will be like.. will they add in a modified RE2 movie sequence or a text screen like "congratulations" I wonder


                            • I hope the ending screen is more like this:


                              • just asked zorkmeister this on youtube:

                                "Hallo again mr zork , nice job to you and the team again. I was wondering if the in game Debug features will be enabled in the release ver. If not, will there be an option to enable?"

                                And he replied with the following:

                                "there will be system to explore with debug too."

