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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
    Lol ^

    @SonicBlue, hows that now ?

    Edit :

    ^ thats for you Darkness especially ...
    The legs tend to be more tight near the ankle, check also the side view to see if the shape of the calf is correct, try to follow the artwork too, but I think this is going a little bit offtopic,


    • all serious hes biding time by making a 1.5 model its not off topic imo
      Last edited by Darkness; 02-15-2013, 02:53 PM.


      • actually im trying to distract people from causing flames and fight for no reason ;P
        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
        ^ Lol ...


        • Since we likely won't be getting a new video for a very long time, it's whatever dude.


          • Has anyone noticed how Leon is the ugliest one in 1.5 ? xD
            Out of all the others he looks inferior to his RE2 Final model "the face especially" while the rest including Ada, Claire, Sherry, Marvin .... look nice and better.

            Now that I think of it, RE2 Retail has Extreme Battle Mode + Tofu and 4th Survivor. What did 1.5 have ? Pretty sure there were some Extras planned and if the teams pure build doesnt have any I hope they add something in their complete build P:
            Last edited by Mrox2; 02-15-2013, 04:09 PM.
            Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
            ^ Lol ...


            • *Sigh* Any extras would be extreme guesswork but i like the gallery.
              A hero doesnt have to be stunningly handsome and im tired of that. GO 1.5 LEON!


              • I hope they'll also implement a 3D model gallery like in the PC Version of RE2 Retail. I'm dying to see Elza's 3D Model rotating.

                Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                Has anyone noticed how Leon is the ugliest one in 1.5 ? xD
                Out of all the others he looks inferior to his RE2 Final model "the face especially" while the rest including Ada, Claire, Sherry, Marvin .... look nice and better.
                Nah, I think Biohazard 2 Trial Edition Leon is the ugliest one. I mean, look at his face xD Ewwww...
                Last edited by Alfred; 02-15-2013, 05:04 PM.
                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  *Sigh* Any extras would be extreme guesswork but i like the gallery.
                  A hero doesnt have to be stunningly handsome and im tired of that. GO 1.5 LEON!
                  Ugly hero?
                  *posts another picture of Frank West*
                  lol, but I really don't see him that bad. Everyone else by the looks of it DOES look nicer, but there is just a certain, je ne se quois about Leon's appearance...
                  While it does seem to add something to the playing experience, I feel it conflicts with his personality, not reflecting him too much...
                  But that's just my opinion :/
                  "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                  PSN Gamercards


                  • Prototype Leon's personality seems very different to retail Leon's though, imo. I imagine him to be a bit more of a layabout and a bit more arsey about things, a bit more emo if you will.


                    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                      Prototype Leon's personality seems very different to retail Leon's though, imo. I imagine him to be a bit more of a layabout and a bit more arsey about things, a bit more emo if you will.
                      We won't really know 1.5 Leon's attitude until release. Hopefully the data they've collected on 1.5 from whatever source they have (they obviously have access to reference material WE don't have here... hmmm) plus any existing dialog for Leon left on whatever build they have access too will give us an accurate representation of what Leon would've been like had it been completed and released by Capcom.


                      • Click image for larger version

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                        • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                          Now that I think of it, RE2 Retail has Extreme Battle Mode + Tofu and 4th Survivor. What did 1.5 have ? Pretty sure there were some Extras planned and if the teams pure build doesnt have any I hope they add something in their complete build P:
                          I thought of that myself, and made a couple of suggestions a while back for the PMODders as replacements for Extreme Battle and 4th Survivor. "Sherry's Quest" would have you playing as Sherry and essentially playing part of the game in reverse - from the end of the Sewers all the way to the RPD 2F Conference Room. As Sherry, you wouldn't be allowed any weapons of any kind, which would have made it extremely hard. "John's Quest" would have been the exactly same, but WITH weapons. You guys could probably come up with better ideas (Ada's Quest, et al), but at least it's a place to start.

                          The root idea originally came from my now-aborted STORY OF RE15 video series. The idea behind the two quests was that they took place before Elza and Leon arrived at the RPD, and that the player is guiding each of the "buddy" characters (Sherry, John, and so on) to the RPD in order to set up where they're found in the story proper. The plot and backstory for my series is somewhat different than in the actual game, which is why I gave Sherry and John the same route (they're paired up in my series, but NOT in the actual game). Still, the basic idea - how did the others get to the RPD? - might make for an interesting RE15 "extra" or PMOD.
                          Last edited by RMandel; 02-15-2013, 07:07 PM.


                          • If they add any modes, the main character should be Roy before he dies. It should show the struggle in the RPD with the zombies and possibly have new characters just for this segment. Maybe have irons more involved and fighting the zombies.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                              *Sigh* Any extras would be extreme guesswork but i like the gallery.
                              A hero doesnt have to be stunningly handsome and im tired of that. GO 1.5 LEON!
                              Bad ass characters need a pretty face dude.
                              Click image for larger version

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                              Redfields hair change in 6 pissed me off as much as everything else about the game lol. The small details are important too man.
                              Last edited by braders1986; 02-15-2013, 07:11 PM.


                              • I hope they release the bad ass editor they are using for the game, that way other people can also make their own arrange modes and edit what they want from the game.

