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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • My question is how much code is injected/patched from Resident Evil 2 (the examine item screen looks extremely similar to RE2/RE3)? Also, is the file screen completely custom coded or how did you come up with the design? And how about the translation option (I think RE2 EU on N64 has translation option)?

    I'm not too bothered about the original ISO but rather stuff like the original item images etc, how much will be changed? I know some of them originals are rough due to the nature of the prototype but it would be interesting for people to see how it was before..


    • Mr. Zork, once you and your team release your unprecedented restoration project, it will create a lot of noise, and Capcom will notice. I feel that it is not too late to have Capcom fighting on your side.

      If the people with whom you had supposedly burned bridges were once willing to assist you, surely they will reach out again... sometime, somewhere, to someone.


      • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
        Personally, I care more about a fun and well-rounded experience than collecting specific builds for my treasure box.

        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


        • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
          Teh great singer....
          Click image for larger version

Name:	CatLaugh2-1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	25.2 KB
ID:	402491


          • Originally posted by Staff
            People claim to have waited for 15 years, but in the case of most of you, that’s nothing but a fabricated lie you are living. Some of you probably did not even know what 1.5 was when you signed up to a Resident Evil forum to discuss this franchise you are truly passionate about.
            There are people here that have been waiting 15 years for this game. And that is not an exaggeration. What irks me the most here however, is that it comes across as patronizing and condescending, as if the community couldn't possibly understand the value of the game, and in connection, are not worthy to receive it until The Team™ deem it so. That is a fundamental misunderstanding of the fanbase.

            Originally posted by Staff
            But this does not mean we still don't recognize your desire to actually see this game and we’ve been pulling many late nights in order to put together something that ultimately is intended to give this title the big schablang and more than just a mere 15 minutes in the spotlight - something that hopefully would be putting it on the map for anyone outside of the tiny group of people who think they represent anyone but their own right and left hands when they caps lock “EVERY WANTS BETA NOW!” through the webs.
            I understand their intention, but are The Team™ really that naive? Of course the most vocal do not represent the majority. Why should the reasonable, sensible, and honest fans have to be told that? And why must The Team™ remind us of that? There is no getting through the thick heads of some people. And the more you press people who only exist in this community for their own self interests, the louder and more vocal they will become. This is just needless egging on.

            Originally posted by Staff
            Now, this here is a little rundown on what is currently “out of our hands” and being shopped around by Joel Welsh; This supposed build is technically not Resident Evil 1.5, not anymore – anyway. If it is what he claims, then it is a hybrid of Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2’s codebase, merged together into a soup consisting of previously revealed and unrevealed assets, along with several hundreds, if not thousands, lines of code of our own – along with hundreds of custom assets carefully replicated based on their original counterparts of made entirely from scratch by members of the group. Some of which we are to use and others which we might not be able to use for various reasons. On top of all of this is currently a non-commercial, PlayStation emulator, a custom tool not available to the public, which was lent out to this project to provide a smoother development environment for us to accomplish our goals and vision. This emulator belongs to its original author, is not for commercial use, and this very build of the emulator is not intended for public release for several reasons.
            Is this is the illegal distribution they were referring to earlier? Surely it couldn't have been the game, and I was mistaken? I hope? Cause I really would like to keep my respect for The Team™ at where it once was. I find it strange they find themselves in such a predicament. It's not particularly professional, especially when what we are essentially talking about is the illegal modification of a product that was for all intents and purposes, stolen from Capcom premises. I understand them wanting to protect their original engines and assets, but those same assets are already cluster-fucked together with illegal product. They really should have thought through who they were trading and dealing with, and taken more precautions, possibly even precedent legal action.

            And again I reiterate, I respect The Team™ and their work, and especially the individual that fronted the money to make this possible. But again, let's not beat around the bush here and pretend that what they are doing isn't illegal on a fundamental level, and they probably should have taken many more precautions, legal and otherwise, that they obviously haven't.


            • That's rather unfortunate. But don't give up hope yet. It's possible the game could be released on the PSN as Resident Evil 2: Alternate. Never give up hope. I really want you guys to release the project, please don't stop..

              Almost a five figure amount for the beta.. man collectors have become greedy. But enough of that.

              I am willing to help you guys out in any way possible. I'll keep an eye out for more scammers and such that might compromise your project.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • People claim to have waited for 15 years, but in the case of most of you, that’s nothing but a fabricated lie you are living. Some of you probably did not even know what 1.5 was when you signed up to a Resident Evil forum to discuss this franchise you are truly passionate about.
                uh what ? it's not like re 1.5 was a secret project or something, many screenshots of the game were published in magazines around the world and you had to be blind to not see that the game was completely reworked for the final release.


                • Removed. Sorry but was having a horrid day and directed my rage elsewhere.
                  Last edited by Zombie_X; 02-16-2013, 05:52 PM.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • I think it's safe to say that the majority of THIA's 3,000+ members did not wait fifteen years for much more than puberty. So "in the case of most of us," this is true. Leave semantics for game analysis.

                    EDIT: Personally, I only found out about BH1.5 when I read some retro special in a US magazine during the then-nascent millennium... I've probably been "waiting" for barely even a decade. My first exposure to the Resident Evil universe wasn't until RE3 hit the shelves. Hell, I didn't even join the BH1.5 community until Retro_Rain posted this thread:

                    And yet, I find no reason to take offence.
                    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-16-2013, 05:38 PM.


                    • Odd choice of words by the team, but lets not let that get in the way of progress. I have been around since the bioflames days too, but I am more mature than to let that comment bother me as I know myself how long I have been waiting.

                      @B.Zork, is most of the original story/scenario/script there and do you have to implement much of your own take on how the game will play through to the end?


                      • I want to say thanks for being so open with us and giving us more insight into the project, even though it's on such poor terms. It's a shame things always have to come to this, I just appreciate that you're moving forward and not being discouraged by idiots. I just hope all things work out good for the team, and everyone else.

                        I'd be curious to know more about the RE1/RE2 hybrid aspects of the build talked about in the letter, is that the current state of the project? Is this how you've overcome various obstacles, by using resources from both games to patch up 1.5? It sounds almost like there isn't much 1.5 left.


                        • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                          @ Bjork.. Will there be unlockable costumes in this release? Or will it just have default outfits they wear now?
                          RE2 had come interesting concept art on the PC Version (some of it was 1.5, other outfits for Elza and/or Claire prototype)
                          without specific, there will be many surprise and secret for people to discover on their own. many tribute and respective nods.

                          Originally posted by Scream View Post
                          My question is how much code is injected/patched from Resident Evil 2 (the examine item screen looks extremely similar to RE2/RE3)? Also, is the file screen completely custom coded or how did you come up with the design? And how about the translation option (I think RE2 EU on N64 has translation option)?
                          we draw inspiration from many source. look at how other games of same era approach technical challenge. sometime we try replicate underlying clockwork in every aspect. other time we only replicate visual presentation and make own and improved clockwork to solve problem instead. authentic presentation is important. also note how we mainly not use the retail item list as new placeholders.

                          Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                          Mr. Zork, once you and your team release your unprecedented restoration project, it will create a lot of noise, and Capcom will notice. I feel that it is not too late to have Capcom fighting on your side.

                          If the people with whom you had supposedly burned bridges were once willing to assist you, surely they will reach out again... sometime, somewhere, to someone.
                          is easy to say on outside. trickier on inside. problem is how and why capcom notice. we always intend to give off good and dedicated impression. like starmen and such. not jealousy, ignorance and wining.

                          Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                          your avatar is pokemon.

                          Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                          That post you quoted warren is aggravating to me. Calling some of the fan base liars is a slap to the face. I've been waiting 11 years or so and that is no lie. Ever since I found Bioflames I had been searching. This was back in late 2001. I can't believe that comment. Calling us liars? What about Kim? Alzaire? Dot50Cal? Man... That fucking pisses me off.
                          u mad? is hurt? we point out a matter of truth. people always claim wait for something like is only thing they ever do. from monitor of community since days of trg, we see many people who not care for 1.5 or whom show up in recent day and age say "who is 1.5?" and then month later go all "my life is all wait for 1.5!" is not all, but is some. those some usually make very loud and vocal minority. you not see inflames, alzaire or .50c post like that.

                          and about respecting one another, you are one who always disappoint and complain when not show enough or make "big enough surprise" on new material release days... more more more


                          • Well, Mr moderator, I would like to see in RE 1.5 a battle mode like re2 with Sherry playable.
                            I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                            • See that hybrid part has me intrigued. Like what is hybrid? RE2 examine function? Ability to save? God I hope all these leaks won't destroy this opportunity.

                              BZork, yes I am mad. Granted the whole fan base was not following it as long as that, but for those who were it could be seen as insulting. OK lets push the comment aside.

                              I am fine with waiting for me info. I never demand it, never beg. I always praise you guys. So what's with that comment? We all want more info. I expressed my disappointment, that's a given, but why can't I express that? Why is it wrong to say you want to see more or you are disappointed?

                              Ok, I'm sorry for that bit. It's been a shit day here for me. Car got totaled and such due to stupid drivers. I had to vent somehow, and directed it at you guys.

                              I hope to see more good things in the future. Forget my lest few comments bitching about stuff.
                              Last edited by Zombie_X; 02-16-2013, 06:01 PM.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • black~crow just made good pun and credit is due, but i not mod game. i only talk. and let's all be friends, zombie_x. but is sad to see people express hard disappoint when we only want to spread good news and thing
                                thing tricky when we no longer had original plan and many need for new improvise.

                                Originally posted by MrSoft View Post
                                @B.Zork, is most of the original story/scenario/script there and do you have to implement much of your own take on how the game will play through to the end?
                                have you play game like super metroid? you maybe able to tell story of super metroid if you have, but then i say "how you able to tell if no dialog?". 1.5 maybe is a little like that. there is enough to say what happen, when it happen, where it happen, and maybe even which possible order thing happen. big problem is just not always you know the words and thoughts of everyone and why it happen. but there is many sources of legitimate information to draw inspiration and conclusion from to fill in such gap like those after solve puzzle of who, what, when, and where. we will maybe cover it in video form of how we reconstruct a scenario in pieces.

                                Originally posted by geluda View Post
                                I want to say thanks for being so open with us and giving us more insight into the project, even though it's on such poor terms. It's a shame things always have to come to this, I just appreciate that you're moving forward and not being discouraged by idiots. I just hope all things work out good for the team, and everyone else.

                                I'd be curious to know more about the RE1/RE2 hybrid aspects of the build talked about in the letter, is that the current state of the project? Is this how you've overcome various obstacles, by using resources from both games to patch up 1.5? It sounds almost like there isn't much 1.5 left.
                                thank you. as i reply to scream; we overcome some obstacle by look for inspiration in other re games for how final code for incomplete functions work or how other game look and behave in finish state. then we sit and think about how to approach. do we use retail code, have engineer write own code from scratch, fix broken code, or maybe exclude function? in some problem fix situation, you may say we sometime move asset into retail game and try to deconstruct retail and rebuild as 1.5. maybe you say we use retails as scaffolding?

