Btw, Alinhoalisson admitted to being the curator, check out this image he leaked:
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Well ... I've only waited five years myself. I wasn't even aware RE15 existed prior to '08 and the RETV series project. One of our staff members brought it to my attention; but hey, I've told that story elsewhere. I've since become fascinated by it - hence my STORY OF RE15 video series project and my amateur dabbling in RE game engine hacking (i.e. PMODs). I've tried to contribute as I can, in what ways I can, as have a lot of us - even if our own efforts sometimes misfire or go awry. Now, just as the prize is in sight and it's almost time to sprint to the finish line, and ... well ... here we go again. Damnit! I hate to see crud like this happen, much less experience it, but that's life. I know that's trite, but it's true - and it's okay to vent about it. That's perfectly human. Now that you've vented, though ... you can either give up and quit or pick up the pieces and try again as best you can. We hope you do the latter - even if "certain doors" are now closed, as you say. What about all the ones you've already opened? We've learned more about RE15 in just one year than almost any other time since save for the original Bioflames database, Alzaire's special sources, and the two Curator vids - and we have YOU to thank for that. NO - DON'T GIVE UP! Kegluneq is right! Listen to all these other people who are cheering you on. Nobody who knows the truth will support the jerks behind that leak - remember that - and you've already put out the word on them. Don't quit now when you're come so far! As General Stillwell used to say back in the war, "Illegitimi non carborundum" (don't let the bastards get you down).
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostBtw, Alinhoalisson admitted to being the curator, check out this image he leaked:
Made my day!
Well, I feel really bad about the team.
Seriously, I don't even care if they don't release it. For me, it would even be the right thing to do, considering the shit they've went through just get a bunch of stupid trolls annoying them everyday.
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View PostXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Made my day!
Well, I feel really bad about the team.
Seriously, I don't even care if they don't release it. For me, it would even be the right thing to do, considering the shit they've went through just get a bunch of stupid trolls annoying them everyday.
Still, we're back to the original problem, there's too many in the 'community' that are frankly, and excuse my French, unable to just shut the fuck up about things and be patient. If some people didn't treat this damn thing so seriously we might have gotten our hands on 1.5 a lot faster than what we will now (if at all). Unfortunately you have mindless arguments, silly debates, wild speculation and people complaining that they aren't getting enough information from the team.
Is it really that hard to ask people to 'sit tight' and wait. It's really not a life or death situation here.
Originally posted by LongTimeLurker View PostWell this is an odd thing to say. I think 'the team' knew there would be risks and high potential for trolls to get involved, they would be very naive if they didn't factor this into their decision making 'calculus'. The problem was the initial leak, it would have been better if their project hadn't been discovered in the first place and thus enabling them to leak information either as they see fit or not at all, and just release the project out of the blue at a set time.Last edited by Guest; 02-17-2013, 03:47 AM.
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View PostDid you read what the Staff said? This thing was never meant to go public in the first place. But then, there were some people who leaked stuff, shit happened and they had to reveal themselves. They weren't ready YET for the massive amount of trolls and ungrateful bastards.
We are bound to get a few people being dicks about it all, but then you get one or two people just being total cunts about it. Those are the ones that fuck everything up.
Sorry about the language, I haven't eaten this morning :/Last edited by braders1986; 02-17-2013, 05:40 AM.
Originally posted by braders1986 View PostThe trolls and bastards that could jeopardize this for all of us.
We are bound to get a few people being dicks about it all, but then you get one or two people just being total cunts about it. Those are the ones that fuck everything up.
Sorry about the language, I haven't eaten this morning :/
Everyday, people write this here, write this on YouTube, write this on other places and yet nothing ever changes. The same old phrases, and if they refuse to be active on the forums/YouTube. It's just the classic "THEY ARE TROLLING US!!!!".
The list of annoying, impatient and ungrateful people is big, very big. Not to count the trolls.Last edited by Guest; 02-17-2013, 05:55 AM.
These past few pages would've been fantastic if we had the old profanity filter on THIA activated again
Anyway, I can see the reason why things would be frustrating, though, all the backstabbing and such left 'n' right over "content" really is something I have to say I find somewhat unique to the RE community, like a weird Mos Eisley of Internet Drama. No community is immune to a share of stupid drama and people ... I mean, remember the time someone traveled to kill someone in a fit of jealousy over some love drama on an Advanced Wars forum? Let's hope we don't have one of those incidents too, 'cause combine actual media attention with "normal/outsider" people skimming through the RE community for "answers/info" ... man, the media coverage would be scary and total cannon fodder for anyone who says VIDEO GAMES = SERIOUS BUSINESS
Originally posted by Mrox2 View PostHeard Colvin, let me say someting ; if Colvin/Welsh was doing stuff on purpose, they wouldn't trust him easily like that unless they know him.Last edited by Carnivol; 02-17-2013, 06:08 AM.
The team is clearly disappointed with the users here when they cry for more more more or that disgusting gimmegimmegimme1.5 when Colvin leaked his images. I bet you'd be all wetting yourselves if the build Colvin had leaked onto the net. You guys were even searching torrent sites for it. This is what they're saying - you don't give a shit unless you get your 1.5. It's EXTREMELY disrespectful to the people who spent 5 digits on a friggen' video game so they could spend tremendous amount of time to finish it, do something that's never been done before and make you happy.
You guys ask for more material constantly, get pissed when something that was promised didn't come in time (that's life btw) and then beg for Colvin to leak his build which is the icing on the cake for shitting on the team. I'm not surprised they question whether they should continue the work they do. A lot of people here are ungrateful and beg for everything like 1.5 was their life. Which leads to what BZork said - they weren't referring to the people who actually have seen 1.5 since day 1 and wanted it for years, they're referring to ol' bob over here who found out about it in 2011 and made it out to be their life waiting game, which clearly even I can see is true.
alinhoalisson puts it quite well to be fair as well. They weren't referring to just trolls, they're referring to the ungrateful bunch here as well.
Originally posted by LongTimeLurker View PostStill, we're back to the original problem, there's too many in the 'community' that are frankly, and excuse my French, unable to just shut the fuck up about things and be patient. If some people didn't treat this damn thing so seriously we might have gotten our hands on 1.5 a lot faster than what we will now (if at all). Unfortunately you have mindless arguments, silly debates, wild speculation and people complaining that they aren't getting enough information from the team.
Is it really that hard to ask people to 'sit tight' and wait. It's really not a life or death situation here.sigpic
Originally posted by Gradon View PostThe team is clearly disappointed with the users here when they cry for more more more or that disgusting gimmegimmegimme1.5 when Colvin leaked his images. I bet you'd be all wetting yourselves if the build Colvin had leaked onto the net. You guys were even searching torrent sites for it. This is what they're saying - you don't give a shit unless you get your 1.5. It's EXTREMELY disrespectful to the people who spent 5 digits on a friggen' video game so they could spend tremendous amount of time to finish it, do something that's never been done before and make you happy.
You guys ask for more material constantly, get pissed when something that was promised didn't come in time (that's life btw) and then beg for Colvin to leak his build which is the icing on the cake for shitting on the team. I'm not surprised they question whether they should continue the work they do. A lot of people here are ungrateful and beg for everything like 1.5 was their life. Which leads to what BZork said - they weren't referring to the people who actually have seen 1.5 since day 1 and wanted it for years, they're referring to ol' bob over here who found out about it in 2011 and made it out to be their life waiting game, which clearly even I can see is true.
alinhoalisson puts it quite well to be fair as well. They weren't referring to just trolls, they're referring to the ungrateful bunch here as well.
I'd love to be able to play RE1.5 in any way, shape or form, have been since I registered. Doesn't mean I'll go crazy about it though, or beg anyone for it. I can appreciate people who are seeing all this and are excited, but some take it too far sometimes. It's ridiculous.
Credit to the team for putting up with it, if anything.
Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
Colvin's always been a tricky individual. I think he often tends to mean well, but he's got issues controlling himself at times. So when he's at his best, he'll pull out the most insane things, but then he'll screw it all up with the occational rage and power trip where he probably first feels like the Resident Evil equivalent of Jack Dawson shouting he's the KING OF THE WORLD, followed by a horrible manwreck of a crash when he suddenly hits the iceberg.
No really, doesn't he feel ashamed ? or he has no feelings at all ? deceiving the team that gave him all this trust ... *Mind Blown*
@Gradon, that is true, I was offered 1.5 stuff few times already and I never really bothered much even if it was for the cheapest price even free, i'd make sure about everything first, and I knew this thing was a backstab ... , people searching on torrents for this game, ugh just hilarious ...Last edited by Mrox2; 02-17-2013, 06:35 AM.Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
^ Lol ...
people are expecting to much from the team now saying how they want to see extra modes character cameos ect just let the team get on with what they are doing and stop heckling them with stuff they are never going to do , we should all be great that they are even showing update videos for us and the people on youtube are the worse because they dont know the full story of whats going on with this game so all they keep doing is going on and on about " WHEN IS THE GAME COMING OUT !! WHERE IS THE NEXT VIDEO !!.
lol humans