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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • no, unfortunately i rather the final version. this has a windrose menu, an exceeding gun slot, all scattered in one page. the final version with Tabs is very beautiful, and reached its glory in RE zero.


    • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
      thanks for showing.

      I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


      • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
        no, unfortunately i rather the final version. this has a windrose menu, an exceeding gun slot, all scattered in one page. the final version with Tabs is very beautiful, and reached its glory in RE zero.
        Yup, while it's neat and it's "part" of 1.5, this inventory is very obviously a work in progress. I know this isn't a word that people want to associate with Survival Horror, but the first word that comes to mind is "cute". The icons seem really incomplete, soft and "fluffy", the window minimize, restore and close tabs are adorable, as is the selection of font, which are ultimately, nothing but design flourishes.


        • The white box of bullets, with the Japanese text above it, do you have any clue what kind of ammo it could be?
          Is anybody here able to translate the Japanese above it?

          Whatever it may be, I can't wait for OKeijiDragon's documentation to finally arrive! It's going to be awesome, judging from the appetizer he's given us so far!

          Even if we'll never get to play the game, at the very least we'll get some insight into how the thing would've looked and played with all the high quality footage we get to see thanks to him! ;)

          It sure makes for a nice change after all the disappointment we've had with sources of 1.5 footage in the past.
          I can't thank you enough for doing this!
          Last edited by Upaluppa; 07-22-2012, 12:20 PM.


          • I share those sentiments. I always appreciate new high quality 1.5 material, especially when it is well documented, and thank those who are willing to share with the fan base.


            • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
              I share those sentiments. I always appreciate new high quality 1.5 material, especially when it is well documented, and thank those who are willing to share with the fan base.
              but, i dont know if it is alowed asking for sources here, source is a lil bit "prohibited word" with 1.5 stuff, eheh, but this HQ menu i dont think is from bioflames, or fanmade....

              what kind of ammo? the white box reminds me some candy box... hmmmmmmmm(killer7ITA's homer image)

              anyway, this items are soft and fluffy but reminds me RE1.

              the menu lay out is bad... seeing the menu gif of moronmacida video and my mind starts to fail, there are rolling weapon boxes, the rosewind close and appear, it expand itself, it mixes with jap text.... but im not downgrading 1.5, just comparing the way things went through.

              i would like to see 3.5 menu, uh? the caution pointing in gameplay footage was a truly beta style but the grenade/mollie usage just like the knife was awesome.
              Last edited by yurieu; 07-22-2012, 12:47 PM.


              • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
                Wow! Thanks for sharing!


                • OKeijiDragon is the man! Just hurry up with the documentary pls .
                  Hail the heros of the revolution!


                  • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                    The white box of bullets, with the Japanese text above it, do you have any clue what kind of ammo it could be?
                    Is anybody here able to translate the Japanese above it?
                    I think they are 9mm bullets


                    • White ammo box is a placeholder. I think the menu looks just fine. It fits with the computer/modern theme they were going for in 1.5. It's a bit cluttered, but hey, retail's inventory looks dull and boring. Edit: You can barely see the "9" before the Japanese characters on the side of the box, so definitely 9mm rounds like Ketsui said.
                      Last edited by biohazard_star; 07-22-2012, 01:36 PM.
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                        Whatever it may be, I can't wait for OKeijiDragon's documentation to finally arrive! It's going to be awesome, judging from the appetizer he's given us so far!
                        Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                        I share those sentiments. I always appreciate new high quality 1.5 material, especially when it is well documented, and thank those who are willing to share with the fan base.
                        Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                        OKeijiDragon is the man! Just hurry up with the documentary pls .
                        There is something you should know and this goes for everybody -- don't get too excited. It's certainly not coming out right away. I have MOTHER 3 to do first, and that has taken me years to do. It takes long because I want it done right and with care.

                        Also, I provided that screen specifically to reply to Biohazard 1995's post. There were no consistently good quality screens of the inventory menu. So I provided one.
                        If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


                        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                          White ammo box is a placeholder. I think the menu looks just fine. It fits with the computer/modern theme they were going for in 1.5. It's a bit cluttered, but hey, retail's inventory looks dull and boring. Edit: You can barely see the "9" before the Japanese characters on the side of the box, so definitely 9mm rounds like Ketsui said.
                          If they are 9mm, those what are?


                          • @OKeijiDragon:
                            That's fine, we've waited more than 15 years for new footage of this game, I guess waiting some more won't do us much harm now. ;)
                            Just take your time, I'm most likely not going to die within the next 10 years, so I've got plenty of time to wait...

                            Besides, I'll be much more excited when your documentation finally arrives, because 1.5 will have slipped out of my mind (once again) by then.
                            The longer the waiting, the bigger the anticipation...

                            Perhaps the render for the item pickup/examine screen was already finalized/updated, while the small picture in the item menu was not yet updated?
                            Just a guess...
                            Last edited by Upaluppa; 07-22-2012, 02:53 PM.


                            • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                              If they are 9mm, those what are?

                              A different version of the 9mm box item graphic, the one in Keiji's screenshot is obviously just a placeholder.
                              Hail the heros of the revolution!


                              • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                                If they are 9mm, those what are?

                                Maybe in the inventory box are different, who knows?

