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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    No problem!

    Does anybody know if there's a way to get more ammo?


    • wow, incredible, thanks

      as expected, there are very few rooms from the sewers, the team really has to recreate almost everything from that area... i wonder if the glitched "flood cutscene" available in this version was there in the curator build or it was being added by the team

      i really like the various corridors from the third floor, especially the ones that are completely new to us

      there is a long cutscene in the lab area, so don't play it if you don't want spoilers

      overall, it looks and plays much more like resident evil 1 than the sequel that we got, i love that
      Last edited by warren; 02-17-2013, 06:05 PM.


      • Again guys, debug menu, press select empty inv icon and use R and L buttons


        • how can i get bulets for the shotgun?


          • There's more in the build that is broken/bugged and cannot be entered.
            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


            • I don't mean to be prude this early on, but I'm wondering if someone can dump the backgrounds, kinda curious to see the incomplete ones :c


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                You'll still get one or two people who will try and delude themselves into thinking 1.5 is somehow a better game.
                It feels like the whole concept of RE 1.5 is a little unpolished perhaps (and not just the gameplay). It's still early but I hope they can make a game out of it. Some of the rooms are fantastic and offer something very new to RE (though there are a few which are quite bare/ugly even). It needs more examine messages as a lot of rooms lack depth (examine function is currently bugged due to "Air Jesus" so that's one thing we can expect for the next build).. My hope is that there is a lot of game in there we can't see yet, which I think is definitely possible as I get cut scenes triggering quite often.

                The final areas (600), only have two areas and they seem quite incomplete. I think they'll probably just add Birkin from RE2 unless they can somehow trigger events we can't see yet (similar to RE1 debug with all those event switches).


                • I will stop playing this version and wait for the release, it's not enjoyable in its current state.

                  The custom backgrounds are really well made, but it looks too different compared to the game's original assets. You switch from typical 1.5 blue areas to some backgrounds that are too similar to what we can find in RE2 and RE1. If I could give one advice to the team, it would be to work on these backgrounds colors and visual themes, as to make it blend better with the original game.

                  Keep us updated!
                  Last edited by Rick Hunter; 02-17-2013, 06:17 PM.


                  • Look forward to 15 minute video of Resident Evil 1.5 from me.

                    Followed by my own RE1.5 content that I've been concealing. ;)
                    If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


                    • 2012...2013....the years of RE.
                      how long before someone tweets kamiya YO BRO CHECK OUT MAH 1.5 BRO
                      Anyone figured out how to climb yet? I cant drop off ledges/climb ledges like the trailer with the laying zombie in the PSM vid
                      Last edited by Darkness; 02-17-2013, 06:24 PM.


                      • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
                        Look forward to 15 minute video of Resident Evil 1.5 from me.

                        Followed by my own RE1.5 content that I've been concealing. ;)
                        From which build ?

                        Originally posted by mgo17 View Post
                        how can i get bulets for the shotgun?
                        As stated many times before, go to the inventory menu and push triangle on which ever gun you want ammo for.
                        Last edited by Guest; 02-17-2013, 06:29 PM.


                        • Spoiler:


                          • if u want no crash, just shoot them in the legs!

                            the game is amazing, the bugs are so funny...

                            oh, happy day...


                            • I think we should make a separate RE 1.5 WIP Spoiler thread so that we can dump all the screenshots, findings, observations, etc, in there freely, so we don't spoil the game for those who are still waiting on the final build. Spoiler tags are one thing, but it's obvious that the discussion (aside from images) is gonna be about the game's content for awhile now.


                              • I don't want to play it to the point where I'll be bored, but so far this is really interesting to play. One thing I've noticed is:

                                A few soundtracks on there are unheard such as:

                                It's nice to finally see a, well, sort of build of 1.5 finally be put out there, thank you Team. By releasing this, I'm much more excited and hyped up for the final release of your project.

