Originally posted by ChuckthePlant
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by ChuckthePlant View PostJust tried out the beta using ePSXe. In the Irons Office room, is he supposed to be glitching out and flashing in and out, with his head doing weird stuff? I could burn the ISO and play it on a chipped console, but I probably won't bother if it does the same thing.
It's a terrible video, I was having trouble with the controls and I didn't know how to use the debug menu yet lol.Last edited by REmaster; 02-20-2013, 01:56 AM."One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls
I have a question for Mr. Zork:
How will you approach the restoration of rooms that are otherwise complete but missing only one or two textures? Surely it would be overkill to remake them from scratch?
Here is an example:
I can see two ways to go about this: either printing the door texture onto the original background image using Photoshop (which I assume would ultimately involve undesired re-compression), or making a special ADT mask beneath the 3D layer to superimpose this texture without burning it into the original background image (thus forgoing any invasive editing of the .BS file).
What do you think?
Originally posted by B.Zork View Posti have a strangest thought from reading of feedback lately. many people not really understand much of development and how is not linear.
People! Let B.Zork and the team do their work in peace..
The less hassle they get, the faster the build will be finished and released.
I worry that in the end, fan interruption MAY lead to the project being cancelled - which we certainly do not want.
I'm sure the team would never do that, but t it is possible - I mean, look at all the other mod's that just stopped production.
I would rather mods closed this thread and for B.Zork to block comments on Youtube in order for them to work without people bothering them all the time."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostHow will you approach the restoration of rooms that are otherwise complete but missing only one or two textures? Surely it would be overkill to remake them from scratch?
Here is an example:
many more making of to do.
Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View PostExactly..
People! Let B.Zork and the team do their work in peace..
The less hassle they get, the faster the build will be finished and released.
I worry that in the end, fan interruption MAY lead to the project being cancelled - which we certainly do not want.
I'm sure the team would never do that, but t it is possible - I mean, look at all the other mod's that just stopped production.
I would rather mods closed this thread and for B.Zork to block comments on Youtube in order for them to work without people bothering them all the time.
there have some really ungrateful people as of late and I dont think MrBZork and the team deserve it to be honest . they could of kept quite about the whole things and done nothing , some people feel what they gave us is crap but I have had 3 days of fun with it non-stop, as a huge 1.5 fan it's what Ive waited for , and I look forword to the hopefully completed version one day , I will quietly support them
Last I checked, the narrator in one of the videos said that "feedback is welcome". Not sure why you would want to close the thread and comments section, as people will just find ways to discuss the game by other means. I'm sure the team is way above throwing a bitch fit and getting affected by a few ingrates anyway.Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-20-2013, 06:17 AM.Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by Eteponge View PostI hope this release sparks more Elza Walker rule 34.
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostI was browsing the Resident Evil 1 2 3 boards and saw all the butt hurt on there. WTF? DXP and Mortician talking crap? Hum.. some people can't be happy.Last edited by Aleff; 02-20-2013, 06:36 AM.Hail the heros of the revolution!
Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post1.5 did not get released.Originally posted by EvilMarshy View PostTechnically, it did. If we were to peel everything back we'd essentially be left with an untouched 1.5. apart from original assets that were lost during the process of the modification. (The infinity-ward engine is still the quake 3 engine no matter what anyone says). What makes 1.5-1.5 is the collection of assets the game has, just because I change a few things here and there doesn't mean it isn't 1.5 anymore. It's not like it's a total conversion into something else where it's debatable whether it's the same thing anymore. 1.5 did get released, just in a modified form. If what you said was true it would mean I could mod the final RE2 and pass it off as something new and sell it.
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostNow how many of you think this little release will encourage owners of the pure build to release it? Maybe even if the 80% build is still out there, it might see the light of day..
I was browsing the Resident Evil 1 2 3 boards and saw all the butt hurt on there. WTF? DXP and Mortician talking crap? Hum.. some people can't be happy.Last edited by Mrox2; 02-20-2013, 06:41 AM.Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
^ Lol ...
Originally posted by Mrox2 View PostTechnically or not, the original beta is still not released and seriously this is a 40% build completing it would be silly, it would all be non official, if someone gets the Complete Disc build somehow ....Hail the heros of the revolution!
Originally posted by Aleff View PostYeah it is silly, start doing savings in your bank account and purchase the elusive complete build for us, ok?Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
^ Lol ...
Originally posted by Mrox2 View PostTechnically or not, the original beta is still not released and seriously this is a 40% build completing it would be silly, it would all be non official, if someone gets the Complete Disc build somehow ....
Honestly? If the 'cost' to me is waiting and allowing them to finish the mod (which I don't have to play) to get the 40% version of 1.5...well, I'd consider myselfr lucky, given how much cash they put out for it.
Originally posted by Mrox2 View Postand what's bothering you ?
It's like a dark pit of stupid.
what is funny with concept of "use code from different kind of resident evil" is complaining people so silly they not even know or understand what is mean by use of foreign code.
hello, this i not understand. angry!!!!!
hi, resident evil 1.5 was to be good game, but this is crap like all dev have say from start ... angry!!!!