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  • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
    what is funny with concept of "use code from different kind of resident evil" is complaining people so silly they not even know or understand what is mean by use of foreign code.

    hello, this i not understand. angry!!!!!
    hi, resident evil 1.5 was to be good game, but this is crap like all dev have say from start ... angry!!!!
    explode now ? you want to tell me this whole game is written from scratch by your team ? almost the whole of it is CAPCOM's code. Don't forget that's their engine and code in the first place and the work your team is doing is nothing more than a fan completion modification, nothing to be taken seriously, but at least follow up the original complete version, one of the things that are wrong are "the use of Claire RE2 Final voice, Claire is now Missing ? seriously she wasn't even created back then so it doesn't make any sense, Claire and Piers are dogs now ? and this is supposed to be close to the original ?"

    Please Clarify Mr.Doom'Zork
    Last edited by Mrox2; 02-20-2013, 07:22 AM.
    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
    ^ Lol ...


    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
      Last I checked, the narrator in one of the videos said that "feedback is welcome". Not sure why you would want to close the thread and comments section, as people will just find ways to discuss the game by other means. I'm sure the team is way above throwing a bitch fit and getting affected by a few ingrates anyway.

      Thank you. Some people can't seem to accept that the team I.S.A.G are not a bunch of sensitive flowers and welcome constructive feedback.
      Last edited by Kegluneq; 02-20-2013, 07:28 AM.

      BioHazard YouTube Channel
      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


      • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
        what is funny with concept of "use code from different kind of resident evil" is complaining people so silly they not even know or understand what is mean by use of foreign code.

        hello, this i not understand. angry!!!!!
        hi, resident evil 1.5 was to be good game, but this is crap like all dev have say from start ... angry!!!!
        Don't care about them, for one person who complains there are 10 who praise you. Keep up the good work, Bob!
        Hail the heros of the revolution!


        • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
          what is funny with concept of "use code from different kind of resident evil" is complaining people so silly they not even know or understand what is mean by use of foreign code.

          hello, this i not understand. angry!!!!!
          hi, resident evil 1.5 was to be good game, but this is crap like all dev have say from start ... angry!!!!

          Just ignore certain idiots that let little details in games bother them , I love the work you and the team are doing .


          • You're going to get good and bad critics wherever you go.
            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


            • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
              You're going to get good and bad critics wherever you go.
              Indeed I just hope they don't let the ungrateful idiots get to them because there opinions are worth nothing , there is no need for such negativity .
              I'm extremely grateful to the team for finally giving me a taste of the 1.5 world.
              Last edited by chrisliam2; 02-20-2013, 07:44 AM.


              • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                explode now ? you want to tell me this whole game is written from scratch by your team ? almost the whole of it is CAPCOM's code. Don't forget that's their engine and code in the first place and the work your team is doing is nothing more than a fan completion modification, nothing to be taken seriously, but at least follow up the original complete version, one of the things that are wrong are "the use of Claire RE2 Final voice, Claire is now Missing ? seriously she wasn't even created back then so it doesn't make any sense, Claire and Piers are dogs now ? and this is supposed to be close to the original ?"

                Please Clarify Mr.Doom'Zork
                Oh man, you are getting ridiculous! Nothing to be taken seriously? You can't be serious! Actually, it is something to be taken seriously. Such a high level of professionality was never seen. And your bitching of "I want the untouched build, I don't like the team's work" is seriously getting somewhat annoying. Try to find something like this on your own, we will see how far you get. Actually this is the closest you will ever get in terms of Resident Evil 1.5. And have you done something for it? No! Without even contributing A SINGLE THING, you simply don't have the right to demand anything! They have been working on this and we (or actually only you, the others are showing respect) should show some respect. And by repeating it everytime that you reject the team's work, you aren't doing anything useful, you are just annoying everyone! Also, ever thought that Claire's Voice could be a placeholder? And the easter eggs and missing posters are just easter eggs, take it with homor rather than being an asshole. Everyone is just fine with what they have implemented except you, get over it!
                Last edited by Alfred; 02-20-2013, 08:26 AM.
                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                • Clearly, Mrox2 was the real owner, but a team of secret ninjas from the Team were sent in and stole his copy. Possibly using Portal Guns. Now he feels he's entitled to complain that people who spent large sums of money on something (even if it's just ninjas - they don't come cheap) are doing something they want with what they bought rather than giving it to him, instantly, as he desires.


                  • Ignore is your best strategy against them.


                    • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                      explode now ? you want to tell me this whole game is written from scratch by your team ? almost the whole of it is CAPCOM's code. Don't forget that's their engine and code in the first place and the work your team is doing is nothing more than a fan completion modification, nothing to be taken seriously, but at least follow up the original complete version, one of the things that are wrong are "the use of Claire RE2 Final voice, Claire is now Missing ? seriously she wasn't even created back then so it doesn't make any sense, Claire and Piers are dogs now ? and this is supposed to be close to the original ?"

                      Please Clarify Mr.Doom'Zork
                      And what you suggest, to concentrate our attention to a "oh, look another RE2 PC mod" where nothing works correctly but it's awesome because it contains original stuff, like pre rendered backgrounds (entirely based on actual RE2 rooms to get the masks to work), 3D models (based on actual RE1/2 models), pre rendered backgrounds, 3D models, pre rendered backgrounds, 3D models, ops, the modding list ends here.

                      It looks like your team is stuck in some technical difficulties, because I haven't seen updates in a while, but I've seen a lot of bitching in the forum, so the time is not a problem.

                      What's the problem? They are using CAPCOM 1.5 code in 1.5? This is a very unexpected situation.

                      They are using RE1 and 2 Retail code inside the game? Well, it's know to the public that it's really easy to inject that code inside another RE game, we have and example of the fantastic RE2 mod with the RE1 3D model viewer for the items, or the BETA2 debug menu functions extended and ported to RE2 Retail.

                      You have now the original backgrounds too, so port it to RE2, fill the rooms with zombies, and voilà, incredible awesome 1.5 mod is ready for everyone.


                      • I would genuinely love to see some of the people who are complaining loudest (DXP, the Mortician and Mrox2 here being the three that instantly spring to mind) to get up, take what they've been given for free, and make something better of it. The Team has, but it's clearly not been good enough.

                        It would actually be nice to see other people's ideas. Instead, they seem both intent and content to yell about how horrible it is.


                        • Hilarious ....
                          Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                          ^ Lol ...


                          • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                            I would genuinely love to see some of the people who are complaining loudest (DXP, the Mortician and Mrox2 here being the three that instantly spring to mind) to get up, take what they've been given for free, and make something better of it. The Team has, but it's clearly not been good enough.

                            It would actually be nice to see other people's ideas. Instead, they seem both intent and content to yell about how horrible it is.
                            This is what I find funny. All the people that bitch and moan can't seem to read. The team even said the released demo was an OLD build - as with many demo's, it did not represent the current status of the project - hell, even the Halloween trailer was miles ahead. Of course it's gonna be shitty - they even said it would be..
                            Notice how the typewriter in the demo does nothing - in the Halloween Trailer it works - plus the body is missing and the corridor glitches with speech.
                            This, as well as the Air Jesus thing, HAS been fixed already. The Team said so already.

                            GOOD WORK TEAM - KEEP UP THE FANTASTIC WORK
                            Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 02-20-2013, 08:46 AM.
                            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                            • Mrox2 here, proving that you can never be too clueless or full of shit. Keep fighting the good fight, man.
                              Last edited by News Bot; 02-20-2013, 08:55 AM.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • While there's a certain level of butthurt in here that I almost find glorious, I'd prefer it if people didn't try to kill one another. ;D

                                By the way, since the subject of money was brought up and THIA kinda has a team of donators who've succesfully funded several things in the past; how much money would you be good for, right away, right now? Like, if you were given the chance to contribute to something that required an answer before this coming Friday? $500? $4000? $8000? $12 000?

