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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    One thing I noticed is that new footage of the late version of 1.5 (the most complete)

    and the team's rendition of that area are a little off.

    namely the floor and the Parking Text recycled to retail. I'm not 'TOO' worried about the floor but hopefully they throw in the text as seen in bitman's footage. Also it'll be interesting to see if they come up with the blood and tore apart police officer body that apparently maybe the cerberus got to him?
    I'm sure that their rendition was probably done long before that footage but It would be great if they could improvise and improve the corridor since we got lucky on some more info.
    I agree, and responded to it here:


    • Originally posted by Treeman View Post
      OMG, Colvin you are a god. All the drama you cause has gotten us a release of 1.5 to play. Thank you so much.
      Aaah, that's so sweet ~ Welsh went and changed his name to Treeman & got a shiny new avatar, just to visit all his old chums at THIA. Welcome back Joel.


      • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
        And they can't get to port depth masks, apparently. I bet it pisses 'em off like hell, now that they can't port all the 1.5 assets to retail and make another useless batch of boring mods.
        more like can't yet. and i doubt anyone is pissed off, more like still figuring it out.

        useless and boring says the guy who hasn't released the only mod he has made for this series.

        i told you it would be easier for me to just replace all the text manually

        i wonder what personality disorder you have? you are as quick to help people as you are to talk bad about them... interesting...


        • They feel so superior, but can't even dump a few textures? It's not called a mental disorder, it's called talking with no fuss. Getting real tired of this shit.
          Last edited by Gemini; 02-20-2013, 04:32 PM.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Go on, children.

            Fuel your hatred. Fight to see whose e-penis is bigger.

            The way I see it, competitiveness is what makes breads better results. All that motivation should not go to waste. Focus on doing different things (instead of pissing and moaning about the size of your ego) and prove which group is superior.

            Continue. On my behalf, all I can say is thank you to all the parties involved. Regardless of the outcome, in the end, we'll all win.

            BioHazard YouTube Channel
            BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


            • Originally posted by Grem View Post
              Because they are jealous
              Agreed. I hope the odious response of these lonely, bitter children serves to drive on the determination of the 1.5 team to continue their selfless project. That DrBZork and his team have neither profited, nor saught the attention that these haters have squeeled for, must boil their jealousy even more so. I wont worry about the short comings of an experimental build never intended for public release. The final cut will be worthy of the expectations of those that have always been desperate for a playable version of 1.5 , of that I'm sure, because of the sincerity & talent of the team involved. We're not sycophants, we just lack a whining, superiority complex.
              Last edited by GEORGE TREVOR; 02-20-2013, 04:45 PM.


              • All this crazy arguing makin' my penis soft.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • You made so many best friends lately...


                  • And now for something completely different! I just made this ...


                    • You people whining and sniveling about this release don't even deserve anything at all. If anything, I hope Mr. BZork releases the original 40% to everyone BUT DXP, Mrox2, whoever keeps whining pointlessly about this nonsense. You guys are just a bunch of spoiled kids, being spoon fed and throwing it back at the team for absolutely no reason other than jealousy and your pathetic egos. Get off your high horse already.

             Wow seeing this thread and DXP's comments, ego much?

                      @DXP if you're still lurking here, whatever bit of respect I had for you is null and void. You're an arrogant imbecile that thinks he's a God, and whatever you say goes. Don't toot your own horn either, you've got a long ways to go in the 3D modelling world, too. I better be careful though, you might throw another 2 year old tantrum at me for giving you constructive criticism as it was seen on the Resident Evil 123 Modding forums. I mean c'mon, you weren't even aware of how to use splines as SonicBlue has proven that fact, yet you say you work for a company? Seriously, how old are you? Get better at 3D, get a better personality, and quit being a child.


                      • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                        explode now ? you want to tell me this whole game is written from scratch by your team ? almost the whole of it is CAPCOM's code. Don't forget that's their engine and code in the first place and the work your team is doing is nothing more than a fan completion modification, nothing to be taken seriously, but at least follow up the original complete version, one of the things that are wrong are "the use of Claire RE2 Final voice, Claire is now Missing ? seriously she wasn't even created back then so it doesn't make any sense, Claire and Piers are dogs now ? and this is supposed to be close to the original ?"

                        Please Clarify Mr.Doom'Zork
                        I know this is a few pages behind, but oh well. So because the Team want to throw in a few references with the "Claire is Missing" posters and the dog kennels that have Claire and Piers' name on there, oh no, condemn the Team to death! How dare they even throw in a couple of small references! This changes the project!

                        That being said, people can have their opinions, whether they're excited for the project or dislike it, fair enough. However when people are completely bashing it because "dere takin partz frum other re games hurduh", as I said earlier, there are just some people who cannot be satisfied. If it was the 40% build being released, or the Teams Project being release, either way a small group of people will complain no matter what.

                        For the few people in the Modding Community that are complaining and laughing at their work, well, we're yet to see them put money together, hunt for a build (Well, obviously it's not as easy as that, as we all know) and do their own restoration. I'm afraid that this is an ol' case of complete jealousy. The Teams project is getting a massive amount of attention, even being covered on some gaming websites.


                        • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                          You people whining and sniveling about this release don't even deserve anything at all. If anything, I hope Mr. BZork releases the original 40% to everyone BUT DXP, Mrox2, whoever keeps whining pointlessly about this nonsense. You guys are just a bunch of spoiled kids, being spoon fed and throwing it back at the team for absolutely no reason other than jealousy and your pathetic egos. Get off your high horse already.

                 Wow seeing this thread and DXP's comments, ego much?

                          @DXP if you're still lurking here, whatever bit of respect I had for you is null and void. You're an arrogant imbecile that thinks he's a God, and whatever you say goes. Don't toot your own horn either, you've got a long ways to go in the 3D modelling world, too. I better be careful though, you might throw another 2 year old tantrum at me for giving you constructive criticism as it was seen on the Resident Evil 123 Modding forums. I mean c'mon, you weren't even aware of how to use splines as SonicBlue has proven that fact, yet you say you work for a company? Seriously, how old are you? Get better at 3D, get a better personality, and quit being a child.
                          Don't you think Team96 is a somewhat strange name? If you think about it, people always use years in their names because they have a meaning for them. Ofthen it's the year of birth. And if this is the case here, he cant be a games designer simply because he would be too young. Just a thought...
                          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                          • Originally posted by GEORGE TREVOR View Post
                            Aaah, that's so sweet ~ Welsh went and changed his name to Treeman & got a shiny new avatar, just to visit all his old chums at THIA. Welcome back Joel.
                            While I don't like the circumstances of this release, thus don't really see things the same way as he does, but I gotta point out that Treeman's not Colvin. Unless Colvin sold me a bunch of SquareSoft/FinalFantasy stuff nearly a decade ago


                            • @Alfred

                              I think the 96 is in reference to the year Resident Evil was released and thus "began".

                              "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


                              • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                                Don't you think Team96 is a somewhat strange name? If you think about it, people always use years in their names because they have a meaning for them. Ofthen it's the year of birth. And if this is the case here, he cant be a games designer simply because he would be too young. Just a thought...
                                It's not the year anyone's born, just to throw it out there. 96 is to associate with the year Biohazard came out. Let's stop the bashing (there's more than 1 member of Team96)
                                Zombies...zombies everywhere...

