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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Sly View Post
    Since when, Darkmoon ? Since when have they been slipping you a paycheck ?
    They don't pay me in mere money, but in souls. Your souls, to be exact. Bet you wish you'd read the details on the sign up screen before you clicked 'I agree' now, don't you?

    Seriously, I know all three (Inflames less well and Alzaire best - he's been to my house and I use to roleplay with him) and they're simply busy with other stuff. Sometimes reality just isn't that exciting.


    • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
      I have to agree, that while I understand it's obviously a very early version, the game just doesn't ... flow. But it's not even that. It feels just as archaic as the first game in many ways. Sure we may laud the zombies from RE2 for being repetitive, but they were mobile, and challenging. The ones in 1.5 are very easy to dispose of, owing to the fast firing rate, and the destructive capacity of all the weapons. Plus, it's so easy to run circles around the zombies in 1.5. But it's also the small things that were improved upon. You can only shoot the zombies when they are fully standing, or flat on the ground, not while they are getting up like in retail RE2. Having now played it, I understand what the developers meant about the areas feeling empty and with character. The halls really are very sterile, and graphically, not that impressive. The sewers, in particular, place holders or not, are sometimes WORSE than what we got in RE1. It's not to say they couldn't have been improved, but I can see why the developers were discouraged. Also, the story scenes play in awkward haphazard fashion, sort of taking place whenever and however. It feels, even if this wasn't the case, that the story for 1.5 was improvized as it went along. Anyway, I am enjoying the game, and I hate to say it, but I think the developers made the right decision on this one.
      I don't doubt why they did it but most of that stuff would have been improved from era 4 to release, just saying.


      • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
        Having now played it, I understand what the developers meant about the areas feeling empty and with character. The halls really are very sterile, and graphically, not that impressive. The sewers, in particular, place holders or not, are sometimes WORSE than what we got in RE1. It's not to say they couldn't have been improved, but I can see why the developers were discouraged.
        Yea. Back then, I thought the areas looked fine since they don't really give you a clear idea of how the characters are supposed to be scaled. But when you actually play the game and see how small the characters are sized relative to the environments, you realize just how big and empty the rooms are.

        I don't doubt why they did it but most of that stuff would have been improved from era 4 to release, just saying.
        From what I can see, enemies actually got even easier in era 5 (dogs get easily knocked down, spider-man doesn't guard anymore, lower zombie HP, etc.). I doubt they were going to make any major room revisions, aside from the shitty looking ones in the sewers. They locked down the bare-bones looking design for the areas early on. As for the story, well even in the final era it must've still been pretty subpar if they actually had to hire a professional screenwriter to revise the story for retail.
        Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-22-2013, 11:51 AM.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Unlike any others, I don't see any resemblance to the first game in 1.5 except the recreated picture puzzle. But I agree to the fact of the environment being p,ain and with no character. Some of the parts, even if just a tiny part of the game (part of the RPD, most of the sewers (RE2's sewer areas were more modernized), and also parts of the lab. But i don't agree to it being not that scary or isolated than the retail version. I think it would be equal to the retsil version in that terms.
          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


          • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
            I have to agree, that while I understand it's obviously a very early version, the game just doesn't ... flow. But it's not even that. It feels just as archaic as the first game in many ways. Sure we may laud the zombies from RE2 for being repetitive, but they were mobile, and challenging. The ones in 1.5 are very easy to dispose of, owing to the fast firing rate, and the destructive capacity of all the weapons. Plus, it's so easy to run circles around the zombies in 1.5. But it's also the small things that were improved upon. You can only shoot the zombies when they are fully standing, or flat on the ground, not while they are getting up like in retail RE2. Having now played it, I understand what the developers meant about the areas feeling empty and with character. The halls really are very sterile, and graphically, not that impressive. The sewers, in particular, place holders or not, are sometimes WORSE than what we got in RE1. It's not to say they couldn't have been improved, but I can see why the developers were discouraged. Also, the story scenes play in awkward haphazard fashion, sort of taking place whenever and however. It feels, even if this wasn't the case, that the story for 1.5 was improvized as it went along. Anyway, I am enjoying the game, and I hate to say it, but I think the developers made the right decision on this one.
            Im enjoying 1.5 a lot and I love the retail but I also think there are loads of things from 1.5 that should of made it across to the retail version , the main thing that bugged me with retail is the fact that you have character restricted weapons , I love the fact that Elza can use the shotguns and magnums.
            and also I prefer the atmosphere of 1.5 . I also like the fact that half of the cast doesn't get killed off like they did in re2 and all though some people don't like it I love the way the characters hold there weapons like they do in the GC remake version, the bad things about 1.5 I would say would be zombies having invincibility get up frames , No lickers . will the team be fixing the zombies ? because every time I shoot them 3 times they fall lol then I have to wait for them to get up .
            Also how come in certain camera angles blood may or may not come out of the zombies when you shoot them.
            but anyway all in all I like both games and I am really looking forward to the more complete version that the team is working on.
            but the retail version will always hold a special place in my gaming heart , its just so amazing that we get to play part of 1.5 now , I never thought it would happen in my life , I thought it would come when I become I really old man lol.


            • Also how come in certain camera angles blood may or may not come out of the zombies when you shoot them.
              Could be a bug. I hope the team fixes it. If you'll notice, the flame effects on the burning zombies in the lab are also affected by it (shows up in one angle, disappears in another).

              ... So Alfred, you gonna be changing that signature of yours now?
              Seibu teh geimu?


              • you guys are trying to make comparisons to retail with a game that is a broken build more broken than the original 40% with an unlimited ammo and health debug menu when you have no idea what a finished product would have been like, lol.


                • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  I don't doubt why they did it but most of that stuff would have been improved from era 4 to release, just saying.
                  Yeah... gonna need a source for that reasoning.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • Source: Common sense


                    • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                      you guys are trying to make comparisons to retail with a game that is a broken build more broken than the original 40% with an unlimited ammo and health debug menu when you have no idea what a finished product would have been like, lol.
                      It's not really about how broken the build it, it's about the feel it gives off when you play and experience it. Honestly, I'm just as big of a fan of the game as you are, but even I must admit that it's subpar in a lot of ways to retail.

                      Enivronments. Not-so-detailed? Check.
                      Enemies. Easy? Check.
                      Story. Shitty? I dunno, the entire thing isn't detailed in the build, but they redid it so it must've been. Check.
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                        Sure we may laud the zombies from RE2 for being repetitive, but they were mobile, and challenging. The ones in 1.5 are very easy to dispose of, owing to the fast firing rate, and the destructive capacity of all the weapons. Plus, it's so easy to run circles around the zombies in 1.5. But it's also the small things that were improved upon.
                        I disagree with you. It's pretty easy to control zombies in the retail product. They go down fairly easy and aside from a few locations, almost incapable of forcing you into a corner. Plus, when you get bitten, they get shrugged off easily, giving you enough space to gain control of the situation. Unless you're fighting them in 4th Survivor, Extreme Battle Mode (lv. 3) or Nightmare Mode, they don't pose a significant threat (honorable exception goes to the street portion at the beginning of the game). Even with the absurd rate of fire of most weapons in BH 1.5, they are still perfectly capable of lunging at you, and worse, if they grab you and if you are surrounded, they can take 2 to 3 bites before you can react. Combine that with the ridiculous capacity these things have at sponging bullets, and they can be a serious problem if they are placed correctly. There seems to be a reason why they get knocked down with 2 or 3 bullets and don't tend to dash the player unless they get provoked; and that's because zombies in BH 1.5 are meant to be challenge.

                        Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                        It feels, even if this wasn't the case, that the story for 1.5 was improvized as it went along. Anyway, I am enjoying the game, and I hate to say it, but I think the developers made the right decision on this one.
                        That depends on what your preference of BH2's story is. Scenario A (Claire) and Scenario B (Leon) seems to be recycled from BioHazard 1.5. The original scenario from FLAGSHIP seems to be Scenario A (Leon) and Scenario B (Claire) and, personally, I always felt it was the most inconsistent and uninteresting one. I'm fairly certain that FLAGSHIP changed a lot of things from the original scenario draft, but the general storyline of BH 1.5 didn't seem to be completely lost; it just went through cosmetic changes.

                        BioHazard YouTube Channel
                        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                          Source: Common sense
                          So basically you're talking out your ass.

                          Most of the issues brought up were still around even in the latest build. The game's foundation was weak and development was haphazard by comparison to retail. Really, I wonder how long it will take for all the denial and wishful thinking to wear off.

                          Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                          That depends on what your preference of BH2's story is. Scenario A (Claire) and Scenario B (Leon) seems to be recycled from BioHazard 1.5. The original scenario from FLAGSHIP seems to be Scenario A (Leon) and Scenario B (Claire) and, personally, I always felt it was the most inconsistent and uninteresting one. I'm fairly certain that FLAGSHIP changed a lot of things from the original scenario draft, but the general storyline of BH 1.5 didn't seem to be completely lost; it just went through cosmetic changes.
                          A few base elements of the 1.5 scenario were kept, but everything was completely rewritten in one way or another and Sugimura's scenario absolutely dwarfs 1.5. Nothing was really recycled aside from a few very basic concepts.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            So basically you're talking out your ass.

                            Most of the issues brought up were still around even in the latest build. The game's foundation was weak and development was haphazard by comparison to retail. Really, I wonder how long it will take for all the denial and wishful thinking to wear off.

                            A few base elements of the 1.5 scenario were kept, but everything was completely rewritten in one way or another and Sugimura's scenario absolutely dwarfs 1.5. Nothing was really recycled aside from a few very basic concepts.
                            Sorry to dissapoint you but I was talking about the gameplay aspects, such as the handgun firing too fast. Not the damn story. Although I know you love to trash it, you're probably dissapointed there isn't more of the story in the leak.
                            I'm not really upset at what you said though. Thick skin and all that. Wasn't talking out my ass.


                            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                              Sorry to dissapoint you but I was talking about the gameplay aspects, such as the handgun firing too fast. Not the damn story. Although I know you love to trash it, you're probably dissapointed there isn't more of the story in the leak.
                              I'm not really upset at what you said though. Thick skin and all that. Wasn't talking out my ass.
                              I wasn't talking about story either, smarty pants.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                So basically you're talking out your ass.

                                Most of the issues brought up were still around even in the latest build.
                                Such as?

