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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I wonder if the teams version will give us the choice to help john and marvin survive.
    I think marvin gets bitten in the lower leg , I remember seeing a screenshot of him in the factory section i think, please correct if wrong.
    Last edited by chrisliam2; 02-22-2013, 02:45 PM.


    • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
      I disagree with you. It's pretty easy to control zombies in the retail product. They go down fairly easy and aside from a few locations, almost incapable of forcing you into a corner. Plus, when you get bitten, they get shrugged off easily, giving you enough space to gain control of the situation. Unless you're fighting them in 4th Survivor, Extreme Battle Mode (lv. 3) or Nightmare Mode, they don't pose a significant threat (honorable exception goes to the street portion at the beginning of the game). Even with the absurd rate of fire of most weapons in BH 1.5, they are still perfectly capable of lunging at you, and worse, if they grab you and if you are surrounded, they can take 2 to 3 bites before you can react. Combine that with the ridiculous capacity these things have at sponging bullets, and they can be a serious problem if they are placed correctly. There seems to be a reason why they get knocked down with 2 or 3 bullets and don't tend to dash the player unless they get provoked; and that's because zombies in BH 1.5 are meant to be challenge.
      There are places in retail with a very real risk of zombies forcing you in a corner, such as the eastern hallway with the pay phones. It's not so much the nature of the zombies themselves, but the rate of fire of weapons being decreased, that means you can't fend them off as quickly. Now, this is a pretty arbitrary argument though, since you can literally run by every zombie in retail, and it isn't even necessarily that difficult. I meant more in relative terms, in comparison to each other, 1.5 zombies vs retail zombies.

      You mentioned the 1.5 zombies lunging at you, did you mean like a short sprint/dash? Since AFAIK, 1.5 zombies cannot lunge the same way retail ones can (throw themselves at you when low on health and eat your ankles). With regards to 1.5 being bullet sponges, again, it's pretty arbitrary. The only place it matters is when using a handgun, since a shotgun used correctly can take out zombies in one shot, 1.5 or retail. More powerful weapons obviously do the same, and without the need to aim upwards.

      I suppose you have a point with the 1.5 zombies surrounding the player. The funny thing is that in both games, if you jam the buttons fast enough, you can escape without being bitten. This is near impossible without a turbo controller in retail, but I've managed to do it a few times in 1.5. However, I think the developers added the throw back effect to zombies being thrown off the player because in 1.5, with 5+ zombies surrounding you, it's just downright unfair that you can't do anything to escape it. I suppose that could be considered a challenge, but personally, I think that's pretty unfair.
      Last edited by doriantoki; 02-22-2013, 04:19 PM.


      • Paragraphs please. You barely use them and it makes the whole mess unreadable.

        edit: Thanks
        Last edited by Rick Hunter; 02-22-2013, 06:16 PM.


        • We don't know the details about the story but I do like that RE1.5 follows the same kind of path as RE1's:

          - We start in the RPD (Mansion) and spend a long time there, solving puzzles allowing to escape the building
          - We reach an even deeper level of hell with the sewers
          - Finally, we reach the streets and the blue sky, we are free from this claustrophobic nightmare!
          - Hmm... OK, let's visit a Factory...
          - Argh, now a final lab! Will we see the blue sky again?

          That's something I have always disliked in retail: after the (amazing) few outside streets of Raccoon, as soon as we enter the RPD, we are locked down inside a building/sewer/lab (I know that technically, we spend a few secondes "outside" at the end of the sewers, but that doesn't really count as there is no emphasis on the fact that we are outside and there is only one location/background). While it may sounds claustrophobic and interesting, it just ended up being plain boring (visually) - specially because the overall hue in retail is grey.
          A more interesting path, in my opinion.

          I just wish that Capcom followed even more the RE1 "model" and had the gamer go back in the RPD ( - maybe after reaching the Factory). I remember how devastated I felt while playing RE1 and realizing that not only I had to go back in the Mansion (after all the work I did to escape it! lol) but I had also to face the most dangerous enemies in the game... great memories
          Last edited by imacwesker; 02-22-2013, 04:17 PM.
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          • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
            Paragraphs please. You barely use them and it makes the whole mess unreadable.
            Normally you use paragraphs to separate thoughts. In the case of my previous (and most of my posts), it's all related to one specific thought, comment, or what have you. It has nothing to with readability. I don't really know why you got hung up on that one particular point, but I'll humor you for now.
            Last edited by doriantoki; 02-22-2013, 04:22 PM.


            • Click image for larger version

Name:	I'll save you.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	826.0 KB
ID:	402631
              Even in this early buggy build, you can tell how leon's personality changes like I first speculated when NB was able to reveal the character lines he was able to. Going through the outbreak and marvin's injury he becomes more selfless, like that sentence implied.
              A rookie cop who didn't necessarily have a strong sense of justice.
              Last edited by Darkness; 02-22-2013, 04:49 PM.


              • It's fap time.

                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                • That's alright. I understood perfectly what you were saying.

                  That's even more proof that retail zombies pale in comparison to 1.5's. Imagine if instead of being knocked out with 2 to 3 bullets, you needed 4 or 5 bullets instead? If the rate of fire of the handgun was the same as in retails? If you could shot them down multiple times while they were getting up (which, despite what you might think could be a good idea, it wouldn't, since it would force the idea on the player to waste unnecessary ammo and get properly setup to be surrounded by other zombies)? 1.5 zombies are a puzzle. The design is so clever that, much like in BH1, you're not supposed to think you're a commando and waste every single one of them, but carefully plan your approach not to get mindlessly slaughtered.

                  Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
                  We don't know the details about the story but I do like that RE1.5 follows the same kind of path as RE1's
                  Quoted for truth. There's a lot more stuff that seemed to be reused from BH1 in BH1.5. I know this is unrelated to story, but things like backtracking a certain segment in the Drains or the use of the flood event. I'm pretty sure there would be a lot more that would contrast perfectly with BH1 if we ever had a chance to play the final build.

                  Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
                  I just wish that Capcom followed even more the RE1 "model" and had the gamer go back in the RPD ( - maybe after reaching the Factory). I remember how devastated I felt while playing RE1 and realizing that not only I had to go back in the Mansion (after all the work I did to escape it! lol) but I had also to face the most dangerous enemies in the game... great memories
                  That's an interesting way to look at it. Never thought too much about it because I was a kid back then, but that thought resonates a lot with the intended mindset that the developers were looking for when designing that portion of the game.

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                  • Originally posted by Gemini View Post

                    It's fap time.
                    HOLY SHIT! This must happen. Either that or Dino Crisis Battle Mode (survival with scarce resources).

                    BioHazard YouTube Channel
                    BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                    • OH MY GOD.
                      Leon prepares for the outbreak in VR training, LOL!


                      • Someone always posts those videos after me, grr.

                        Also, AWESOME! So, they're using code from Dino Crisis 2 now, Mrox?
                        Hail the heros of the revolution!


                        • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                          That's alright. I understood perfectly what you were saying.

                          That's even more proof that retail zombies pale in comparison to 1.5's. Imagine if instead of being knocked out with 2 to 3 bullets, you needed 4 or 5 bullets instead? If the rate of fire of the handgun was the same as in retails? If you could shot them down multiple times while they were getting up (which, despite what you might think could be a good idea, it wouldn't, since it would force the idea on the player to waste unnecessary ammo and get properly setup to be surrounded by other zombies)? 1.5 zombies are a puzzle. The design is so clever that, much like in BH1, you're not supposed to think you're a commando and waste every single one of them, but carefully plan your approach not to get mindlessly slaughtered.
                          I understand your points, but don't necessarily agree with them, that 1.5 zombies are more challenging and that they're a puzzle. I think you're giving them way too much credit. Retail zombies are fundamentally scarier (as in, you're in more real danger) than 1.5 by virtue that they can quick turn at any time. If you hover around the 1.5 zombies at their side, they just shuffle around in a circle. You can even get as close as you want (outside of touching them that is). There's a smaller "window" for this kind of carouseling in retail. Like you said so yourself, in extreme battle mode, the zombies are a beast, and actually in this instance, them going down with more shots (1.5 take 3-4 shots, on average, remember) makes it more difficult.

                          Anyway, in all this, there is something we are forgetting. It was obvious that the developers wanted the game to be a natural evolution. Fundamentally, the 1.5 zombies feel like a half step above the RE1 zombies. We can also take away their natural advantages, such as climbing ledges (since it is never used in retail), and being unable to be shot when getting up (since they take fewer shots for them to fall over). As an evolution, the retail zombies are more mobile (can lunge and 180 degree as they please), can be mutilated in more ways, and can be used both defensively (sometimes, it's actually WORTH getting bitten, to clear a room, especially in 4th Survivor). The one thing in 1.5's favor is the added speed burst in RE3. RE3 zombies basically combined the best and most forward thinking traits of 1.5 and 2 zombies, being even more mobile, and scarier in larger numbers.
                          Last edited by doriantoki; 02-22-2013, 05:27 PM.


                          • Is not being able to shoot zombies while they are in animations (like getting up from the ground) a feature or a bug?


                            • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                              So, they're using code from Dino Crisis 2 now, Mrox?
                              I bet they've stolen code from Dino Crisis and RE4. BAD MODDERS!

                              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                              • lol feature

                                It just seems to me like a leftover from RE1. I'm glad it was added. It just doesn't make sense that the zombies are all of a sudden invincible when they fall over/are getting up.

                                The battle coliseum is awesome by the way and reminds me of RE4.

