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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I also wonder if they do manage to release this mode as an extra mini game if they will make other characters playable like ada , john , marvin , maybe they might add extras like chris jill barry ect since it's just a mini game.

    also if they are working on the mini game does that mean they are done with the main game ? or do you think the are just testing the mini game feature out ?


    • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
      I also wonder if they do manage to release this mode as an extra mini game if they will make other characters playable like ada , john , marvin , maybe they might add extras like chris jill barry ect since it's just a mini game.

      also if they are working on the mini game does that mean they are done with the main game ? or do you think the are just testing the mini game feature out ?
      Development is not linear, so they're more than likely working on both. Besides, this looks like JUST the project to let off some steam after fucking with bounding boxes and unfinished camera angles. XD


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        What 1.5 material could really be out there that the team might be in contact with? I assume it's possible someone out there might have the full scenario script, or perhaps someone out there somewhere has raw files of the VAs or FMVs, of course there's also the 80% build. There's always the argument of "why not just use the 80% build as the base" and I kind of understand where that argument comes from as dissecting the 80% just to use its assets in a customised older build doesn't really make much sense. When people such as B.Zork say things like "having contact to other 1.5 assets" and "many big surprises not just guess work" I really don't know what else could be out there which would be useful besides other builds of 1.5 they can take reference from. Whatever it is though I have no arguments, I appreciate the generosity of any and all contributions to this project, but it will be interesting to see on release exactly what it is they've managed to put into it.
        Here's my guess, based on logical observations. While they don't have access to the 80% build, they probably have access to assets in the form of screenshots, video, and other general information. This would explain why they are not using the 80% build as a base, but also why they seem to be pretty confident in how the game is structured and flows. This would basically put them in the same position as Kim back in the inflames days; that is, they have access to information related to the 80% but they cannot (and probably never will) get their hands on an actual copy. This may be especially true if the person they are sharing information with does not want, ever, for the 80% build to leave their possession, but perhaps, this same person is collaborating with the team to retro-fit the 40% build, so to speak, to be as close as possible.

        Other options that people have mentioned is just straight access to assets and materials related directly to 1.5, and perhaps not specific to anyone build, such as scenario, FMVs, voice acting and so on.


        • Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
          Development is not linear, so they're more than likely working on both. Besides, this looks like JUST the project to let off some steam after fucking with bounding boxes and unfinished camera angles. XD
          ah ok thanks for that I have no clue how it all works with hex editing ect , so is there any chance they are using lines of code from dino crisis ?
          or did they just rip the 3d arena from the game ? what do you think ?


          • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
            ah ok thanks for that I have no clue how it all works with hex editing ect , so is there any chance they are using lines of code from dino crisis ?
            or did they just rip the 3d arena from the game ? what do you think ?
            I have no clue what sort of black magic they're summoning to do the things they're doing- that's a question for some of the more experienced programmers/modders here.

            I mean, I would assume that they could use Dino Crisis assets- I think both games were made from the same engine more or less. But would they, or would it even be plausible? I have no clue.
            Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 02-22-2013, 08:37 PM.


            • Is it really that hard to believe they're coding it themselves? Didn't they say they're basically inserting lines of C code?


              • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                Is it really that hard to believe they're coding it themselves? Didn't they say they're basically inserting lines of C code?
                No it's not... but if I were doing all this shit for free, I'd be looking for any viable shortcuts available.


                • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  There's always the argument of "why not just use the 80% build as the base" and I kind of understand where that argument comes from as dissecting the 80% just to use its assets in a customised older build doesn't really make much sense.
                  If they have contact with someone who has the 80% build, that *doesn't mean* that the individual is just going to up and give them the damn 80% build, deeerp, but would possibly settle on giving them valuable information, assets, etc, to aid in their restoration project. Why do people think it must be they either give them the full build or give them nothing? That's just nonsensical.


                  • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                    If they have contact with someone who has the 80% build, that *doesn't mean* that the individual is just going to up and give them the damn 80% build, deeerp, but would possibly settle on giving them valuable information, assets, etc, to aid in their restoration project. Why do people think it must be they either give them the full build or give them nothing? That's just nonsensical.
                    Welcome to the Resident Evil Community. xD


                    • @0:11

                      Yes Mr. Zork, I am well aware that the team has assigned ROOM101 to both the north and south Interrogation Rooms. I had simply contended that in the raw build, ROOM100 was dedicated to the North Interrogation Room while ROOM101 was dedicated to the South Interrogation Room. This becomes most obvious when you consider that the map textures, which constitute the fragments of the map itself, correspond to individual RDT files. Thus, we see that even though rooms like the southwest prison cell (where Elza meets John) and the Service Bay (where Sherry is met) function as rooms separate from their adjoining spaces, they are depicted on the map as being incorporated into these spaces to form unified autonomous rooms. The Interrogation Rooms, on the other hand, are distinctly separate fragments of the map, as Dark_Biohazard's ripped map textures prove. Even without this data, there is clearly a line drawn between these two rooms.

                      I am not saying that I disagree with your choice to free ROOM100 for an alternative room (merging the north and south Interrogation Rooms in the process); I just wanted to point out what ROOM100 was originally intended for. Prior to this new video showing a "Battle Colosseum" in place of the (retail-era) RPD basement corridor that was found on the WIP build, the original occupant of slot 100 seemed to be the most appropriate identity to reference in my directory.
                      Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-22-2013, 09:23 PM.


                      • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                        Where's the RE6 fans with their "RE2 HAD TANK CONTROLS" again?
                        All those gamers that hate tank controls are naive and fools.

                        every game has tank controls and if not, there is a ridiculous system of turning with the same walk ahead animation.


                        • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                          All those gamers that hate tank controls are naive and fools.

                          every game has tank controls and if not, there is a ridiculous system of turning with the same walk ahead animation.
                          They probably just mean fixed camera angles.


                          • Somehow it makes me think... If the team is working on things like a mini game, they should be very confident and not to far from the game completion.
                            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                            • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                              Somehow it makes me think... If the team is working on things like a mini game, they should be very confident and not to far from the game completion.
                              Nope, its a proof of concept is all.


                              • Originally posted by Gemini View Post

                                It's fap time.
                                Now I don't know if this is a result of my post here a few days ago or just a huge coincidence, but this is pretty much exactly what I requested. Thank you B.Zork/Team!!

                                Edit: I feel "1.5" is the better game here, even this broken build. Retail 2 tries too hard and is too 'big scale' where many things in it just seem too convenient. The whole Chris' brother thing is cheesy and annoying. I don't miss the lickers, I think the enemies here in 1.5 are far more intimidating.

                                Retail 2 has too much of a warm and inviting feeling to me, which likely has a lot to do with the color scheme. And the game doesn't really feel claustrophobic at all. It's funny, Capcom claiming 1.5 is too much like the first game. Retail is the grande enchilada of RE1 clones - right down to the mansion structure and set renamed armor/shield/helmet keys. While this same structure works for the first game, it doesn't quite here because it isn't that game. Here, the layout seems too convenient. It just seems more of a 'Hollywood' decision for scrapping the initial version here -- heavily recut the movie so it mimics the original, because then the product will br more of a sure thing to them due to what came before it being successful. 1.5 feels quite different than the first and this wouldn't be such a scenario for them. But that doesn't mean it wouldn't have been successful - I think it would've been.

                                1.5 has lots of atmosphere and retains the claustrophic feel of the original. Yes it feels a little barren, but to me that is the point and what I prefer. Retail 2 has an almost cluttered feel. 1.5 reminds me of a blend of classic favorite films such as Dawn of the dead & Assault on Precinct 13 (the originals not the remakes). While assault doesn't actually feature zombies (you'd just about think it does due to its strong atmosphere), ironically this is probably the closest you can get to a full length Resident evil movie done right.

                                Yes the characters running into eachother in 1.5 feels random, but I also think that's the point and I prefer it. If a situation such as this were to actually occur, i'm sure people would be scrambling amongst one another just to survive. None of that convenient 'Hi, i'm Chris' kid sis so lets team up crap.

                                I like that you can't hurt the 1.5 zombies as they get up and that they can be bullet sponges. It adds more of a strategy element to shots fired. The zombies here just feel more threatening by default. The only time I feel that in retail are during 4th survivor.

                                I'm really looking forward to the armor feature in the game (at least I hope it's in the final release). This was a feature that adds something fresh. I actually quite like the visible damage system and the blood stays on your character even after you use a healing item. In most other games, your character will because magically clean after healing.

                                I disagree with the ambition comment - it's a good thing. If no one is ever ambitious, things stay the same. And the same becomes stale and boring. Like Retail RE2.

                                I can't tell you how excited I am that the team is finishing this game. I've waited for years to play the real game, and now it's gonna [hopefuly being things go right for them] finally happen.
                                Last edited by Deus Flux; 02-23-2013, 12:34 AM.

