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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I like having a few not-so-obvious easter eggs like the "Soft Image" boxes in the east corridor. But I really wish would they would tone down the more blatant ones, like the meme poster in the interrogation room and the Kamiya plushie on the third floor corridor. I realize it's probably supposed to be the artist(s') personal touch, but some of them stick out like a sore thumb and they break the immersion for some players.

    To go along with the Claire missing poster, i'd like to see a zombie 'super' Claire somewhere in the game that can be killed for a special key or special weapon or something along those lines, like Brad.
    I'd love it if they make the corpse in the east corridor Claire (that becomes a super zombie on the next playthrough). On the topic of the east corridor, did anyone else notice that it's supposed to be a full-on homage to retail? Claire poster, a dead body drenched in a pool of blood, the reuse of Claire's lines in retail, and oh... what do we have here:

    Outdoor window shot:

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    and a broken fluoerescent lamp bar in front of said window, as if something crawled on the ceiling and dislodged it from its place:

    Click image for larger version

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    Looks like a certain something's gonna be making a cameo appearance once you pick up the fire extinguisher from the wall box.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-24-2013, 09:10 AM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
      does anyone know if the dogs name wasn't really claire?
      The only shot I know of the kennels with the doors is too low quality - you can't read the other names.


      • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
        No idea how many could have been thrown together, the 40% varies from October 96 on wards, then to think how many "80%" was messed around before it halted in Feb 97. Some builds could even hold the smallest amount of changes and still be a different month.
        Wasn't the 40% version from November and the final build from December? Nothing halted in Feb 97, it was just the date it was officially canceled. I don't think they kept working on it past December 96.


        • If it helps put things in perspective, the updated backgrounds for the lab freezer room (a keypad/console was added in) were added to the game in November 8, 1996. The PSM build is using an earlier version of the room without the keypad. Assuming the PSM build is from October, that's about 2 or 3 months worth of development not present in the PSM build.

          Also, there are rooms being updated in late November (11/27 and 11/28) which are related to cutscene animations, so it seems like the animations were added in around that time:

          The height of the lift console in the warehouse room was adjusted to account for Sherry's height while she's using (pressing buttons on) it. The C-2 corridor room was updated to change how the Birkin/man-spider scene would have started (player seeing him lift open the blast door vs player seeing him after he has already done so).
          Click image for larger version

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          Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-24-2013, 10:43 AM.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
            If it helps put things in perspective, the updated backgrounds for the lab freezer room (a keypad/console was added in) were added to the game in November 8, 1996. The PSM build is using an earlier version of the room without the keypad. Assuming the PSM build is from October, that's about 2 or 3 months worth of development not present in the PSM build.

            Also, there are rooms being updated in late November (11/27 and 11/28) which are related to cutscene animations, so it seems like the animations were added in around that time:

            The height of the lift console in the warehouse room was adjusted to account for Sherry's height while she's using (pressing buttons on) it. The C-2 corridor room was updated to change how the Birkin/man-spider scene would have started (player seeing him lift open the blast door vs player seeing him after he has already done so).
            PSM BUILD /////// FINAL BETA ERA/BUILD
            Your detective work is superb, I attribute bioflames to that.

            Looks like alot of minor changes took place.
            Also, mind = blown at the possible cameo. Gorillas plus Spoiler:
            Yes please.
            Last edited by Darkness; 02-24-2013, 10:48 AM.


            • Do we have that cut-scene of Birkin killing the man spider in the 40% build? These are very interesting changes. We should maybe create a topic to list the differences between that build and the final build?


              • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                If it helps put things in perspective, the updated backgrounds for the lab freezer room (a keypad/console was added in) were added to the game in November 8, 1996. The PSM build is using an earlier version of the room without the keypad. Assuming the PSM build is from October, that's about 2 or 3 months worth of development not present in the PSM build.

                Also, there are rooms being updated in late November (11/27 and 11/28) which are related to cutscene animations, so it seems like the animations were added in around that time:

                The height of the lift console in the warehouse room was adjusted to account for Sherry's height while she's using (pressing buttons on) it. The C-2 corridor room was updated to change how the Birkin/man-spider scene would have started (player seeing him lift open the blast door vs player seeing him after he has already done so).
                PSM BUILD /////// FINAL BETA ERA/BUILD
                The heliport shows some differences too. Could you compare these? I would but I don't ahve time right now.
                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                  Do we have that cut-scene of Birkin killing the man spider in the 40% build? These are very interesting changes. We should maybe create a topic to list the differences between that build and the final build?
                  It would be an interesting topic, and would be much more convenient to see the differences there then having to explore the many pages of this topic.


                  • We can not compare both games. and im starting to think if this is a real scrapped game. story-line is almost the same, scenarios are almost the same. its just the game's development process. they improved monsters/character visuals/mechanics, elza turned into claire and linked her to chris and this to the arklay incident to make it more consistent.

                    the main problem is that we lost some good assets like unique 1.5 musics, zombie moans, RPD lobby and factory.


                    • We should head back to Bioflames and revive the place. It's the best time for 1.5 in a long time. Although I think the registrations are still closed.

                      "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


                      • Does anyone know what is this...? ------>


                        • Originally posted by Morellus View Post
                          Does anyone know what is this...? ------>
                          Just seems like a playthrough of the WIP Build that the Team released recently.


                          • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
                            Just seems like a playthrough of the WIP Build that the Team released recently.


                            • Originally posted by Morellus View Post
                              There should be a download link on the first post of this topic, unless something has happened to it?
                              Last edited by Akimbo; 02-24-2013, 11:15 AM.


                              • The 40% build doesn't have the man-spider cutscene. It seems to have already been planned, but not yet programmed in like a bunch of other cutscenes which already have the cutscene angles compiled but not yet utilized:

                                Left to right: Jumping down from the vent connected to the rear balcony, entering the vent to the kennel, dogs jumping out of the vent, freeing John from the cell/zombie busting out (take your pick), Leon and Elza's starting sewer cutscenes, final-era angle for gorilla cutscene (apparently, altered so Ada can disappear/hide in a police wagon off-screen)
                                Click image for larger version

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                                The final era heliport has more buildings/light in the vicinity, but no added cutscene angles. Someone made a comparison of it in an earlier thread but I can't find it. Also, the heliport stairs does not have this cutscene yet, nor is the cutscene angle for it included in the build:
                                Click image for larger version

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Size:	45.3 KB
ID:	402655
                                Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-24-2013, 11:35 AM.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

