I like having a few not-so-obvious easter eggs like the "Soft Image" boxes in the east corridor. But I really wish would they would tone down the more blatant ones, like the meme poster in the interrogation room and the Kamiya plushie on the third floor corridor. I realize it's probably supposed to be the artist(s') personal touch, but some of them stick out like a sore thumb and they break the immersion for some players.
I'd love it if they make the corpse in the east corridor Claire (that becomes a super zombie on the next playthrough). On the topic of the east corridor, did anyone else notice that it's supposed to be a full-on homage to retail? Claire poster, a dead body drenched in a pool of blood, the reuse of Claire's lines in retail, and oh... what do we have here:
Outdoor window shot:

and a broken fluoerescent lamp bar in front of said window, as if something crawled on the ceiling and dislodged it from its place:

Looks like a certain something's gonna be making a cameo appearance once you pick up the fire extinguisher from the wall box.
To go along with the Claire missing poster, i'd like to see a zombie 'super' Claire somewhere in the game that can be killed for a special key or special weapon or something along those lines, like Brad.
Outdoor window shot:
and a broken fluoerescent lamp bar in front of said window, as if something crawled on the ceiling and dislodged it from its place:
Looks like a certain something's gonna be making a cameo appearance once you pick up the fire extinguisher from the wall box.
