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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • this stuff extracted from MZD build? Damn good finds lol.
    Its up to the team to create what they can and salvage what they can, with all that on the disc i bet there are half done scenes.


    • Originally posted by Morellus View Post
      ah I had the same excitement last week lol ENJOY IT , It may be buggy but I still got a lot of fun out of it and still am


      • Not so hot about the RE4 style battle concept..
        I think if they were gonna do it, would be better as classic RE (kinda similar to Dino Crisis 2's - note the same background hehe)
        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


        • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
          Not so hot about the RE4 style battle concept..
          I think if they were gonna do it, would be better as classic RE (kinda similar to Dino Crisis 2's - note the same background hehe)
          Probably more to show off their crazy programming skills than anything else.


          • Really enjoying the level of butthurt so far. Now it's moved onto the "buh it my opinionnn" crying stage.

            Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
            If I remember correctly there's only one month separating the "40%" and "65/80%" build, right? Things changed a lot between these two builds. Imagine Capcom working another 1 or 2 months on the current final build before release, a lot could have changed and the game could have been much more polished.
            Not very much actually changed judging from what we've seen so far (and a few other things). Things just got more "complete." Most of the groundwork is there in the "40%" build, and while the build itself is missing most of it, the scenario was complete at the time. Incidentally, they DID try and give it another month or two of development and rewriting and tried to fix a lot of issues. Then they found that it was beyond saving in its current form.

            I do find it amusing how quick people are to heap endless praise on the likes of Mikami and Kamiya, but the minute they say something right that conflicts with their beloved opinion? LIARS. They scrapped an infinitely superior game for an inferior retail product, the swine! 1.5 features didn't make it into retail because they simply weren't very good (functionally or aesthetically) or didn't fit the style they were going for. They wouldn't remove something without a reason, and so far we've been given the exact reasons for most of them. They did in-fact salvage quite a bit from the game for the retail version, so it's not as if they just blindly ignored everything that came before.
            Last edited by News Bot; 02-24-2013, 11:54 AM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • no dude, its moved on past that. why are you trying to start shit again?


              • I congratulate the team for releasing the demo I thought I would never get to play this game or demo and also thought the topic of the post was a lie but after releasing the demo was shown that it is not so grasia team for their work, not if Diero demo account but this is where the video October sucrose and what does not appreciate the work of the team 1.5 are one dumb! .


                • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                  no dude, its moved on past that. why are you trying to start shit again?
                  Stating an observation. Why are you always compelled to chime in and make some ill-informed comment about how THIA doesn't allow people to have opinions, just because nobody accommodates the idiotic ramblings of DXP or whomever?

                  EDIT: The 80% figure comes from two CAPCOM books: Research on BIOHAZARD 2 Final Edition and biohazard archives. Looks like Mikami was making a guesstimation in Famitsu.
                  Last edited by News Bot; 02-24-2013, 12:49 PM.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • no, i feel the need to chime in when what i say is mentioned, or when people say things like "all the old school modders" are doing this or that.

                    im old school in my personality to, mention me and i will chime in.

                    strange almost everyone else responds to what i say with logic and respect, you say shit like "Really enjoying the level of butthurt so far. Now it's moved onto the "buh it my opinionnn" crying stage.", that's not simply stating anything, you are egging on for a response.

                    it's like other people have came around and said things they are worried about, and even not liking the battle mode, but if a modder from the board were to have said something like that it would be jealousy and nothing but hate. its a prejudice stereotype i am also fighting against.


                    • Being "old school" has nothing to do with it. I haven't seen a comment directly attacking "old school" ways of thinking. DXP catches flak because he goes out of his way to be negative just for the sake of being negative (due to jealousy or simply for the sake of being an ass), usually through strained exaggeration.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                        but if a modder from the board were to have said something like that it would be jealousy and nothing but hate. its a prejudice stereotype i am also fighting against.
                        You still don't understand the difference between "I don't especially like this battlemode idea" and something like "This is bullshit I don't like it these asshole should release the pure build"? You're just reasoning like newsbot when he says people consider it better than the retail game, once you make up your own reality you just keep insisting even though it doesn't reflect the current situation at all.

                        Nobody said people can't criticize it. But we don't need people bitching about Claire posters all the time while lacking of respect towers the team members in some occasions and asking for the release of a build they contributed 0$ for. I'm sure you can understand that and stop making up bullshit about criticism being forbidden on THIA. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


                        • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                          no, i feel the need to chime in when what i say is mentioned, or when people say things like "all the old school modders" are doing this or that.

                          im old school in my personality to, mention me and i will chime in.

                          strange almost everyone else responds to what i say with logic and respect, you say shit like "Really enjoying the level of butthurt so far. Now it's moved onto the "buh it my opinionnn" crying stage.", that's not simply stating anything, you are egging on for a response.

                          it's like other people have came around and said things they are worried about, and even not liking the battle mode, but if a modder from the board were to have said something like that it would be jealousy and nothing but hate. its a prejudice stereotype i am also fighting against.
                          There is no prejudice or stereotypes in this case. Many opinions have been expressed in this topic, and usually nobody will say anything against it, unless they person is hating on the Team's work for no real reason.

                          Some people have hated on the Team's work, calling it a many different names, accusing them of taking the code from other games and bastardizing it. Yes, they're allowed their opinion, however there is a difference between giving an opinion and just pure hating on the Team, especially when one of the people in question, gives a lot of negative responses towards peoples work. Whether it's because of jealousy, or because the Team is getting the spotlight or whatever it may be. Once again, there is a difference between having an opinion and just pure hate.


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            Being "old school" has nothing to do with it. I haven't seen a comment directly attacking "old school" ways of thinking. DXP catches flak because he goes out of his way to be negative just for the sake of being negative (due to jealousy or simply for the sake of being an ass), usually through strained exaggeration.
                            me saying i am old school in my personality had nothing to do with modding, but everyone on the 123board was referred to as "old school modders" in a recent bashing. i guess the pun was lost in translation.

                            as far as defending DXP, i never wanted to speak for him, but people were taking what they didn't like from his statements and throwing it back at all of us. i was trying to get people to realize acting in the same manner they are complaining about is no way to handle the situation if you want it resolved/put in the past.
                            Last edited by J0shuaKane; 02-24-2013, 01:34 PM.


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              Really enjoying the level of butthurt so far. Now it's moved onto the "buh it my opinionnn" crying stage.

                              Not very much actually changed judging from what we've seen so far (and a few other things). Things just got more "complete." Most of the groundwork is there in the "40%" build, and while the build itself is missing most of it, the scenario was complete at the time. Incidentally, they DID try and give it another month or two of development and rewriting and tried to fix a lot of issues. Then they found that it was beyond saving in its current form.

                              I do find it amusing how quick people are to heap endless praise on the likes of Mikami and Kamiya, but the minute they say something right that conflicts with their beloved opinion? LIARS. They scrapped an infinitely superior game for an inferior retail product, the swine! 1.5 features didn't make it into retail because they simply weren't very good (functionally or aesthetically) or didn't fit the style they were going for. They wouldn't remove something without a reason, and so far we've been given the exact reasons for most of them. They did in-fact salvage quite a bit from the game for the retail version, so it's not as if they just blindly ignored everything that came before.
                              Click image for larger version

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ID:	402659


                              • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                                Man, what a concise way to sum up this entire topic. Applause.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

