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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Man, what a concise way to sum up this entire topic. Applause.
    Actually, yeah, pretty much the whole topic can be summed up by this image. XD


    • each to there own.


      • Here's a translation from the Research on BIOHAZARD 2 Final Edition related to 1.5. Working on the rest as we speak, but I thought this was the most important part.

        Remaking While 80% Complete

        If you look at the "1.5" version, you can see there were already glimpses of the completed form of "2." But the development of "2" that progressed like this experienced the hardship of a sudden remake at the brink of release. What on earth happened? According to Shinji Mikami, father of the "BIO" series, it was because its degree of perfection as a product was too low.

        "I left "1.5" to be created by the younger staff, but there were many problems. Since the raw materials were good to some extent, I thought it just depended on the cooking after that. Even if it was probably unsavory, we could fix it in three months. However, when I opened the lid, the seasoning wasn't at such a level. Well, we decided we would rebuild it from scratch.

        Mikami's memory about "1.5" is bitter. But the staff held out from here and completed "2" as an entertainment product to which fun elements such as "HUNK" and "To-fu" were eventually also attached. "The differences between "1.5" and "2" were huge. If it went it as it was, it would've fallen to the extent that we didn't know whether it would sell 500,000 even if we made "3." Well, if it was released, it would've been thoroughly criticized, then it would've been the end" (Mr Mikami). The needless anxieties were beautifully resolved.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Comment

          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
            No way .. I rewatched this today LOL
            "Everyone has AIDES" hehehehe
            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


            • Ok, I just found the video I heard the translator for the Re 2 look back video, 54 seconds in , I think, where he says the game was about 80% complete. I don't remember who asked me, but here is the video
              DepositFiles provides you with a legitimate technical solution, which enables you to upload, store, access and download text, software, scripts, images, sounds, videos, animations and any other materials in form of one or several electronic files.
              Last edited by Black~Crow; 02-24-2013, 05:08 PM.
              I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


              • Originally posted by Morellus View Post
                Sorry for being off-topic, but can anyone think of any user who had been hanging around before the WIP release but has not made a peep since? I want to make sure that someone didn't just take a very untimely holiday or something and still doesn't know that BH1.5 has been released.

                (inb4 Alzaire)


                • I don't know about any missing users, but I have friends who know of 1.5. I just told my friend Jerry about it being released and he was ecstatic. My other friend Devin never heard of 1.5 but when I dropped the disc by him he said it was pretty cool.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Guys , i looked at some videos in Youtube , and people seem to have access to more rooms... could someone explain me please?


                    • Select -> Press Triangle (while the room jump option is highlighted). Maybe Aleff could add in a small guide for the debug controls in the first post?
                      Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-25-2013, 01:47 AM.
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                        Sorry for being off-topic, but can anyone think of any user who had been hanging around before the WIP release but has not made a peep since? I want to make sure that someone didn't just take a very untimely holiday or something and still doesn't know that BH1.5 has been released.

                        (inb4 Alzaire)
                        Makes you wonder, doesn't it? He said way back when that he was sitting on "certain assets," or something like that, until RE15 got released. Here it is a week after said release, and he's still quiet as a mouse. Who knows?

                        I think all the other people left because they got what they wanted. RE15 got released. No matter what some of you might think, that's how it's being reported in the real world. They got what they wanted and left. The debate has now moved on to other topics - how good/bad it is, how can it be fixed/ported/mined/ripped/etc, what's "the Team" going to do now and when, are there any more builds/assets/resources out there, and so on. There's no more grand mystery, no more missing beta, no more "lost RE game" to find. It's here and anyone can get it. The big show is over. Nothing else more to see, people. Move along, move along ....

                        All that's left are the hardcore fans or outsiders like me who got sucked into this for various and sundry reasons, and remain by choice. I can only speak for myself, but I'd like to see this through to the end - at least, to the end of "the Team's" efforts, anyway. We'll see.
                        Last edited by RMandel; 02-25-2013, 02:44 AM.


                        • I've actually not said anything since the leak was made, because there really wasn't anything to say that hasn't already been said.

                          The leak came as a sudden shock, and it was great to finally play the beta (something I didn't think I was going to do for a very very long time after that whole PSM incident back in '07). Still, I feel a bit empty, partly because we finally have 1.5, but then partly because the build we have is rather lacking, other than the few new tid-bits, there's still allot of stuff missing that we know does exist at least in the final build. It also bothers me that this build has been tampered with.

                          I know I should just "STFU" and be grateful, which I am, but it's still difficult not the feel the way I do. Hopefully my attitude will change was those French dudes finish off the game.

                          Now here's a question that I don't know if has already been answered, since the release I've looked through allot of posts, but I've not seen anything about anyone pointing out what build it probably is. All I have to ask is: is this the same build as the PSM build that surfaced back in '07? If not, is it a later or earlier build?

                          My initial thoughts is that it doesn't seem to be the same build and is probably earlier, the PSM build at least looked like it had much better, working animations.


                          • No, this appears to the Curator's build, albeit it with a few tweeks. Remember, we saw fifteen minutes of chosen, edited video out however many hours of footage he had.


                            • The characteristics of the G-Virus are another thing which is completely different between 1.5 and 2.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                                No, this appears to the Curator's build, albeit it with a few tweeks. Remember, we saw fifteen minutes of chosen, edited video out however many hours of footage he had.
                                I guess the team broke the animations during the tweaking process, which is understandable. I say this because if you look at parts of the old Curator footage, you can see animations in play that do not work in the leak we have. Such as climbing into the back of the lorry near the Umbrella factory, dropping down from the outside RPD front balcony and any sort of interaction with the Man-Spider causes the game to crash.

