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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
    Where the new pictures came from anyway? Who found them and where?

    They came out of nowhere
    i never heard where did they come from. but its alright, no source asking. let the time pass, they are doing the best. if they can, they will bring us screenshots. when the time comes, they will give us the game(i guess, hope noone turns into a darth vader in the backstage eheh), and thats enough, no names, no sites, no groups, since they keep us updated.


    • anyone to tell if pictures is fake?


      • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
        anyone to tell if pictures is fake?
        Probably are 100% legit
        Last edited by Ketsui; 07-31-2012, 03:26 PM.


        • Mmm... "Biohazard 2 Mod - 1.5 Morgue" (uploaded on You Tube = June 20, 2012)
          Watch at 1:10

          Our "source":

          Different Textures.
          Last edited by killer7ITA; 07-31-2012, 07:20 PM.
          I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


          • I really don't understand how 1.5 can be a bad game, or how nothing but scrapping it could have stopped it from becoming a bad game. There's only three main points of focus, the programming, the artwork and the scenario. The game was based off Biohazard's engine so it's not like the game was built from scratch with buggy controls or any sort of serious problems that didn't plague Biohazard (assuming you liked playing Biohazard it could be easy to enjoy any game with the same controls and zombie head popping action). That only leaves the artwork and the scenario, one of which we can already make an opinion on, the artwork, which is up to personal appreciation. So the only major things I can think of (that don't include the lack of technological advancements) is that the scenario wasn't up to scratch, and surely that could have been fixed along with giving the engine an overhaul without actually scrapping the majority of the artwork.

            As bad as 1.5 might appear in it's unfinished state I already know that I like the artwork, so I don't see how any of the other things will stop me from enjoying what little I get to play of the game. Control problems could have been fixed, engine issues could have been upgraded, scenario problems could have been rewritten, characters could have been polished, etc, etc. The game could probably have been very good and I imagine if you put any superficial technical aspects aside knowing it's unfinished, it probably is still a good game.


            • They doesn't look the same simply because I modeled, textured and rendered the basement backgrounds, they are way older than June 2012 lol.


              • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                I really don't understand how 1.5 can be a bad game, or how nothing but scrapping it could have stopped it from becoming a bad game. There's only three main points of focus, the programming, the artwork and the scenario. The game was based off Biohazard's engine so it's not like the game was built from scratch with buggy controls or any sort of serious problems that didn't plague Biohazard (assuming you liked playing Biohazard it could be easy to enjoy any game with the same controls and zombie head popping action). That only leaves the artwork and the scenario, one of which we can already make an opinion on, the artwork, which is up to personal appreciation. So the only major things I can think of (that don't include the lack of technological advancements) is that the scenario wasn't up to scratch, and surely that could have been fixed along with giving the engine an overhaul without actually scrapping the majority of the artwork.

                As bad as 1.5 might appear in it's unfinished state I already know that I like the artwork, so I don't see how any of the other things will stop me from enjoying what little I get to play of the game. Control problems could have been fixed, engine issues could have been upgraded, scenario problems could have been rewritten, characters could have been polished, etc, etc. The game could probably have been very good and I imagine if you put any superficial technical aspects aside knowing it's unfinished, it probably is still a good game.
                It wasn't really one specific problem with the game. The actual tipping point was the scenario, but the game itself just lacked quality and was not what they wanted. They weren't confident in it and have openly stated that their own work was deficient, which takes quite a lot of balls to do. In their own words, it was "Shit. A good for nothing game." That is, in comparison with the BH2 we got. Some of the dev team members have said that while it would probably be received as a "good" game with good sales, it would not be of the stellar quality they wanted and ultimately got with the final version.
                Last edited by News Bot; 07-31-2012, 08:43 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  I really don't understand how 1.5 can be a bad game, or how nothing but scrapping it could have stopped it from becoming a bad game. There's only three main points of focus, the programming, the artwork and the scenario. The game was based off Biohazard's engine so it's not like the game was built from scratch with buggy controls or any sort of serious problems that didn't plague Biohazard (assuming you liked playing Biohazard it could be easy to enjoy any game with the same controls and zombie head popping action). That only leaves the artwork and the scenario, one of which we can already make an opinion on, the artwork, which is up to personal appreciation. So the only major things I can think of (that don't include the lack of technological advancements) is that the scenario wasn't up to scratch, and surely that could have been fixed along with giving the engine an overhaul without actually scrapping the majority of the artwork.

                  As bad as 1.5 might appear in it's unfinished state I already know that I like the artwork, so I don't see how any of the other things will stop me from enjoying what little I get to play of the game. Control problems could have been fixed, engine issues could have been upgraded, scenario problems could have been rewritten, characters could have been polished, etc, etc. The game could probably have been very good and I imagine if you put any superficial technical aspects aside knowing it's unfinished, it probably is still a good game.
                  In my personal opinion, they just cancelled it because "it was too conclusive".
                  No sequels = No money


                  • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                    I really don't understand how 1.5 can be a bad game, or how nothing but scrapping it could have stopped it from becoming a bad game. There's only three main points of focus, the programming, the artwork and the scenario. The game was based off Biohazard's engine so it's not like the game was built from scratch with buggy controls or any sort of serious problems that didn't plague Biohazard (assuming you liked playing Biohazard it could be easy to enjoy any game with the same controls and zombie head popping action). That only leaves the artwork and the scenario, one of which we can already make an opinion on, the artwork, which is up to personal appreciation. So the only major things I can think of (that don't include the lack of technological advancements) is that the scenario wasn't up to scratch, and surely that could have been fixed along with giving the engine an overhaul without actually scrapping the majority of the artwork.

                    As bad as 1.5 might appear in it's unfinished state I already know that I like the artwork, so I don't see how any of the other things will stop me from enjoying what little I get to play of the game. Control problems could have been fixed, engine issues could have been upgraded, scenario problems could have been rewritten, characters could have been polished, etc, etc. The game could probably have been very good and I imagine if you put any superficial technical aspects aside knowing it's unfinished, it probably is still a good game.
                    RE2 transcended that generation, i cant see only one defect. forgetting the technical issues, the RE2 plot and structure is perfect.

                    but, 1.5 would be a good game. but not revolutionary like RE2. 1.5 would probably close the RE series or would be forgotten like many of the good psx games from that age. anyway, this question cannot be solved, but it was made also in RE4.


                    • They killed Elza, a "random" character that was involved in this mess trying to escape Racoon City, was she the problem with the plot? Since no one was involved with the first game, it would be like a standalone installation, so they decided to add the "zombies rape my brother" stuff to get a continuity with the plot, who knows, the game was bad? Probably, but this doesn't mean that it couldn't be fixed and polished, for sure we know that they scraped all the new stuff and reused the old mechanisms, with very sad puzzles and few challenges compared to the first game. I still don't understand why this game is kept outside of people hands, I mean, it's just a game what did you want to do with it, watch the game disc all day?

                      I prefer to be remember as the one that released BioHazard 1.5 to the public rather than the one that don't want others to have it, just because it's mine *repeatedly hits the floor with his feet*.


                      • sonic dude, i saw the same talking on alan wake's forum. there was a beta version of it, people were expecting that game, and boom, another game. it featured a fancy, cristate alan wake using a scarf in an entirely open world. people used to ask directly to the Remedy's founders, since they are on the forum, they keep saying they dont have it anymore. maybe capcom did the same thing, just erased the game by putting it on the recycle bin like any file we dont need/want.


                        • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                          In my personal opinion, they just cancelled it because "it was too conclusive".
                          No sequels = No money
                          Invalid argument, you can always make a sequel. As I said, it would barely have changed anything for the future episodes. BH3, CV, 4 and 5 could have been exactly the same games with just some minor changes.


                          • Someone could gently send me a link for the 1.5 pre-rendered backgrounds found in the trial edition?


                            • Originally posted by yurieu
                              sonic dude, i saw the same talking on alan wake's forum. there was a beta version of it, people were expecting that game, and boom, another game. it featured a fancy, cristate alan wake using a scarf in an entirely open world. people used to ask directly to the Remedy's founders, since they are on the forum, they keep saying they dont have it anymore. maybe capcom did the same thing, just erased the game by putting it on the recycle bin like any file we dont need/want.
                              There are developers who cares about their fanbase, for example GSC Game World (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) released the 2004 beta of the game, as the demand was very high.

                              Fortunately I didn't have any hype for that game.

                              Originally posted by Ketsui View Post
                              Someone could gently send me a link for the 1.5 pre-rendered backgrounds found in the trial edition?
                              here you can find many others too:


                              • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                                There are developers who cares about their fanbase, for example GSC Game World (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) released the 2004 beta of the game, as the demand was very high.
                                3D realms did the same when they released "lameduke", an early version of Duke Nukem 3d. It was very interesting, completely different from the final game. But I can't see a japanese company doing something like that, they are far too detached from their communities. Only "small" devs would do something like that nowadays I think.

