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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I think they have that covered. I am sure if they are making the game complete it will have FMV's, voices, and proper animations added. That's what I get from it.

    From what I understand the game will be complete from start to finish. Zork hinted at voice overs already. This makes me also believe they will have FMV's in the game. This is shaping up to be something really special.
    Last edited by Zombie_X; 03-17-2013, 07:44 PM.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
      I think they have that covered. I am sure if they are making the game complete it will have FMV's, voices, and proper animations added. That's what I get from it.

      From what I understand the game will be complete from start to finish. Zork hinted at voice overs already. This makes me also believe they will have FMV's in the game. This is shaping up to be something really special.
      Unfortunately not, the Team never said that. Making FMVs is almost impossible because the models used for that are not the same from the ones featured in-game.

      FMV models have far better model and rig quality and also have facial expressions, while ingame models are crappy low poly. And even if Capcom made FMV models for 1.5 (wich I don`t think so because there is no material about that), they never included that models in the game disc in the PSX era.

      So, the only way to have FMVs is making all characters in high quality from zero, as for what we know, the team is made by programmers, they would need modellers, rigers and animators to make FMVs, not to mention they need some cinematographic knowledge.

      I myself am a 3D animator and would be glad to animate PSX characters if I could have the FMV models, but there is no way to get those and making from scrath implies a lot of time, and talent of course.
      Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 03-17-2013, 08:22 PM.
      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


      • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
        I am sure if they are making the game complete it will have FMV's
        You should really stop day dreaming and speculating all the time like you always do.

        Who would want to spend months creating FMVs for a fan project? You seriously have no idea how time consuming and hard that would be.


        • i know that the game doesn't have any FMV Cutscene... They said that along time ago, it rises the amount of game at 80% or something like that, i don't remember, that's why BIOHAZARD 2 (Leon & Claire Version) is too short comparing to the BIO HAZARD 2 (Leon & Elza Version) that is storyline is the same (mostly) but the Walktrough is larger than the Final release in 1998... Sorry for bad english... Anyway... We hope that the game would be ready for April or May or June o July... We don't know how completed is the TEAMS Build... MrBzork is making a good job about the game, something that i dont get, why is the B1 Map form the Police Station is missplaced, after the Garage Double Doors in the map, there is another Hallways leading to another room, and near the Staricase 2, the door leading to the Kennel presents another hall... Well, we have to wait to the final release and i would love to see the original S. Redhawk Item Image... not the S&W M692C from BH3... I hope i don't spoil anything... Good night...


          • There is no proof that 1.5 was at his final -previous to restart- stage longer than retail RE2. It didn`t have FMVs, but it was only 1 CD, while RE2 has 2. Also, RE2 has four scenarios, hard to believe 1.5 was longer than that.
            Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 03-17-2013, 10:00 PM.
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
              Unfortunately not, the Team never said that. Making FMVs is almost impossible because the models used for that are not the same from the ones featured in-game.

              FMV models have far better model and rig quality and also have facial expressions, while ingame models are crappy low poly. And even if Capcom made FMV models for 1.5 (wich I don`t think so because there is no material about that), they never included that models in the game disc in the PSX era.

              So, the only way to have FMVs is making all characters in high quality from zero, as for what we know, the team is made by programmers, they would need modellers, rigers and animators to make FMVs, not to mention they need some cinematographic knowledge.

              I myself am a 3D animator and would be glad to animate PSX characters if I could have the FMV models, but there is no way to get those and making from scrath implies a lot of time, and talent of course.
              I know there probably won't be FMV's but there is always wishful thinking.

              Originally posted by Rick Hunter 2 View Post
              You should really stop day dreaming and speculating all the time like you always do.

              Who would want to spend months creating FMVs for a fan project? You seriously have no idea how time consuming and hard that would be.
              Not to be rude but why do you always sound like and ass to me man? Every time I speculate on something, you seem to be a jerk. I don't get it. I don't mean any disrespect to you but I always feel you have something to say that's a sort of buzz kill. Aren't we all entitled to speculate and daydream about this project?

              Whatever though, I don't want to start an argument or derail the thread so my complaint end here. I understand that they take a long time and am just "hoping" for them. We don't know what the team has up their sleeves. Until either Zork or Team says otherwise, I will be hopeful to having FMV's.
              Last edited by Zombie_X; 03-17-2013, 11:06 PM.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                There is no proof that 1.5 was at his final -previous to restart- stage longer than retail RE2. It didn`t have FMVs, but it was only 1 CD, while RE2 has 2. Also, RE2 has four scenarios, hard to believe 1.5 was longer than that.
                1.5 does seem to have a lot of replay value though, especially if there are different decisions to be made and different endings depending of the outcome of those decisions. Retail is very linear where as with 1.5 the player seems to have more control of where the scenario goes. The games seem very different in that respect.


                • Hey everyone, long time lurker who decided to register in the aftermath of 1.5 to post a few observations.

                  I've been following the discussion in this thread and the other threads closely with quite a bit of interest (it's amazing how you guys have managed to piece together pretty much the whole game based on what little we have of it), but there's something that keeps sticking in my mind about 1.5 that I haven't really seen anyone touch on yet, and thought I'd point out.

                  Has anybody noticed how "messy" this build is, in terms of game development progression, compared to builds of other RE games of similar completion (ie. the RE1 Alpha builds)? I guess this observation is mainly borne from being a game developer myself, but I can't help but notice that the dev team of 1.5 didn't really seem to have a clear idea of which direction they wanted to take the game in from the start. The "proof" for this (I guess) can be seen in what they've actually completed in the build. Now, I know game development isn't always linear (while I develop my games from the start to finish, others probably don't, and 1.5 may have been this way), but in this "40%" build (which, based on the stability of engine and amount of content present, I'd equate more to something along the lines of the RE1 Alphas we got last year), development is literally all over the place. We have a handful of rooms from the RPD, the sewers, the warehouse and the labs, and even a handful of cutscenes from each area, with huge chunks of the game literally non existent in between. Compare this to the RE1 alphas, where they seemed to be developing the mansion in one continuous chunk before moving onto other areas, or even the RE2 trial, where it seems they had the RPD pretty much complete, but hadn't yet started on anything else.

                  In 1.5, it seems as if they were just working on it haphazardly, picking and choosing various rooms from all areas of the game depending on what they felt like on any given day, whereas in RE1 and retail RE2, they seem to have developed the game in a more linear fashion, starting with the mansion/RPD and working on the areas in sequence. The RE1 alphas don't have random room jumps and missing corridors in the mansion -- it definitely seems as if they knew what they wanted out of the mansion, whereas they weren't quite sure about 1.5, and kept leaving out rooms to work on later. To me, this indicates that the team didn't quite have quite as strong a sense of direction when compared to the other RE titles, and this might have been one of the reasons it was later scrapped.

                  What does everyone think?

                  Also, @STARSRedfield: To me honestly, 1.5 looks like it would have been shorter than retail RE2. Taking a look at Enigmatism's maps and the areas present in the Magic Zombie Door build, it seems as if the areas are quite a bit smaller than their equivalents in RE2 (for example, the RPD in RE2 has less levels than 1.5's, but has far more rooms), and it doesn't look to me like there's a lot to do in them. Based on what you guys have surmised about game progression, many of the rooms serve only one purpose and are only visited once. There isn't any scope for backtracking like in RE2 and, given that 1.5 seems to be lighter on puzzles as well (to a point -- the coloured card keys are RE1's mansion keys, so there's probably a crest type puzzle to leave the RPD as well, which would have several smaller puzzles), I can't really see 1.5 being much longer than RE1, let alone RE2.
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                  • Deffinately something I've observed my self. After thinking on it for quite some time my questions turn more to what the purpose was for this stage of development as opposed to how the build looks and functions as game. Imo, and this is strictly my interpretation, is that at this stage of development the game was still in drafting stages and things hadn't quite been finalised on any front (News Bot sources state that the scenario was likely complete on paper at this point, however I'd question if anything was ever final at this stage of development).

                    Builds from around the PSM era appear to be designed as a demonstration and first scenario draft, this is evident by there being little to no consecutive gameplay from room to room and most rooms have been designed to be independent on their own. This is contrary to flag observations that can be made in the debug build of Biohazard or retail build of Biohazard 2, where very minute events take place in almost every room that have effects somewhere else down the line, the PSM build of 1.5 seems to have very little of this scripting work actually done.

                    In my opinion the PSM build comes from a line of work which represents the end of the drafting stages of the 1.5 scenario. Each room is a little demo which seems to be designed to give a viewer a basic idea of what takes place. The bulk of the scenario hasn't been coded yet, but minor events have been created in order to demonstrate the purpose of the room and where it sits chronologically.

                    Perhaps a lesson learned from the original Biohazard is to plan your stages ahead of development as opposed to diving in head first and developing right out of the door. 1.5 seems to have deffinately been drafted from start to finish, as from a gameplay perspective most of the events in the PSM build are meaningless. It might explain their reluctance to settle on any one thing until they were sure they knew where they were going, the content of the PSM build certainly suggests they wanted to have backgrounds drafted and boundaries created for multiple stages before starting the main bulk of the scripting work, something they didn't appear to do for the original Biohazard (although any other beta builds of Biohazard might show differently).

                    1.5's development deffinately seemed hectic at this point but I don't necessarily think it was a problem for them from a development stand point, it was likely useful to have all the ground work laid out before scripting everything for real. For all we know the PSM build might come from an era that went through more changes than we think, while it looks like the RPD is a mess it might only be because of the changes they've made and not because of lack of order in its development.


                    • @Gaia Revane

                      Welcome to THIA!

                      It is worth noting that the entire layout of the game had been decided by Era-4 (the PSM build that Team IGAS built upon), with the Era-3 RPD B1 map found in this build being a very curious exception; the final design for RPD B1 had actually already been determined, as evidenced by the Firing Range air duct leading to the Kennel, as well as the untextured B1 Corridor, yet the map hadn't been updated at that point to reflect these newer features.

                      It was actually during Era-4 when the existing RPD rooms had their designs finalized, and Era-5 seemed to focus primarily on actually constructing the rooms that had only existed as shapes on the maps previously. Era-4 is also when the Era-2/3 Sewer was in the process of being scrapped, while the Era-4/5 Sewer was being built concurrently.


                      • Despite backgrounds and the rooms them selves there's a lot of other stuff that simply hasn't been implemented in era 4, such as weapon balance, item placement or puzzle functionality, further showing the infancy of the build. Although I'm reserving judgement on those sorts of details until I see the original build as a lot of absent stuff in the MZD build might simply be down to the teams changes.
                        Last edited by Guest; 03-18-2013, 12:51 AM.


                        • Im kinda curious how different the two editions of the sewer are


                          • @geluda: That's definitely something that I was pondering myself. The "40%" build certainly seems to exist more as a draft/proof of concept, as it doesn't really work as a game (many of the rooms have nothing to do in them except kill zombies, flags don't work, cutscenes can be seen out of order etc). In fact, I'd say your interpretation is a pretty likely one, as the handful of rooms that are actually in the build seem to me to be "important" ones in terms of game chronology -- they're all rooms in which cutscenes take place or, I'd assume, where puzzles and important key items are found (though this is hard to say, since the rooms themselves have nothing in them, even though it seems obvious that rooms like the morgue, armoury and shooting range would probably have held important puzzles or keys in them). In that sense, all of the "meaningless" rooms are absent (such as corridors or rooms that only exist as distractions or supply caches), leaving only the rooms where important things happened.

                            I guess they were probably intending to create these "important" rooms first, and then fill in the gaps between them. This makes some degree of sense to me, but it still seems like a haphazard way to develop a game, especially since they appear to have gone back to a linear development cycle for the retail RE2 -- this is the method I use to develop games myself, completing the game in sequential order (since there isn't any need to make things out of order as a guideline if you have a clear direction established in your design document).

                            @Enigmatism: That's true as well. More so than the other RE games, it looks like 1.5 was subject to a lot of changes, and the "40%" build comes from the most chaotic period of changes. If anything, this just enforces to me that the development team never were quite happy with what they were making, which isn't an attitude exhibited in the development cycles of the other RE games (even RE1, which went through a fair few changes itself, was still apparently developed in one continuous stream from beginning to end). It also seems as if they weren't quite sure what features in terms of gameplay and engine functionality they wanted in the game -- they were obviously still in the process of upgrading and finalising the game's engine, which is why we have features that were working fine in RE1 (such as saving, item boxes, picking up items, files etc) that are broken in 1.5, even though they've carried over the same engine.
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                            • I suspect there will be in game movies. Perhaps not FMV's, but making single image story clips with a voice over similar to RE3, or in game cut scenes, probably would be within the teams abilities, and they seem intent on making the camp as complete as possible. That means story cutscenes. Of course, unless there are some hidden in the data that bugs prevent the launch of, they're going to be made up...

                              As for 1.5 being made up wierdly, I admit, it is a little odd. I'm guessing it's because they had a different set of people in charge for this one? Although I imagine the process of switching from 1.5 to RE2 would have been interesting, slowly deciding that all the areas bar the lab weren't suitable.


                              • Never forget that this particular build was a demo in the first place, made for the trade shows and game reviewers of the day. That explains a lot of those "issues" some of you have brought up - such as missing rooms, broken code and so on - and the additional bugs that "the Team" introduced/reported with their modifications to this particular build account for the rest. At the end of the day it always was and will be a demo, not a true game - and that's the way Capcom originally (and privately) "released" it at the time - "the Team's" efforts aside. It's got a LOT of that game in there, admittedly, but it's still just a demo. "The Team" has a lot of work ahead of them - hence all of the C code injection, background/model recreation,and the like - and I don't envy them. They've got a hard row to hoe ahead of them.

