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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • It was ripped from the game. This version of the control deck has layout differences from the one in the final build, which wouldn't really make sense if it was a recreation. Also, details like the position of the locker in the alligator pit keeps on changing between angles, but this is the one focusing on it so I guess this is the definitive position for it:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	00000215.png
Views:	1
Size:	106.5 KB
ID:	402795

    Anyway, it doesn't look like a door. If anything, I assume it's where you pick up the "Time Bomb" item from, which you will need to use to blow up the wall leading to the exit corridor in the baby alligator room. The alcove in the room was probably put there for the character to take cover in:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	bomb.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	5.1 KB
ID:	402796
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 03-19-2013, 11:44 PM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
      It was ripped from the game. This version of the control deck has layout differences from the one in the final build, which wouldn't really make sense if it was a recreation. Also, details like the position of the locker in the alligator pit keeps on changing between angles, but this is the one focusing on it so I guess this is the definitive position for it:


      Anyway, it doesn't look like a door. If anything, I assume it's where you pick up the "Time Bomb" item from, which you will need to use to blow up the wall leading to the exit corridor in the baby alligator room. The alcove in the room was probably put there for the character to take cover in:
      Yea I figured if you got on that platform you could avoid the boss for a short period


      • I actually the meant the alcove in the baby alligator room. Aside from being used as an area to move around the crates, it could also be used as a place to take cover from the explosion. If you'll notice, there's really no way to go but up the ladder leading to the baby gator room after Leon manages to run away from the flood, so the sealed-off corridor next to it is likely to be the exit area in Drains B2. But yea, the platform in the gator room is probably meant to be used to get away from the boss. The battle probably plays out similarly to Plant 42's where you have to defeat it first before you can get the key item.
        Last edited by biohazard_star; 03-20-2013, 12:05 AM.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
          I actually the meant the alcove in the baby alligator room. Aside from being used as an area to move around the crates, it could also be used as a place to take cover from the explosion. If you'll notice, there's really no way to go but up the ladder leading to the baby gator room after Leon manages to run away from the flood, so the sealed-off corridor next to it is likely to be the exit area in Drains B2. But yea, the platform in the gator room is probably meant to be used to get away from the boss. The battle probably plays out similarly to Plant 42's where you have to defeat it first before you can get the key item.
          There's just so much mystery around this specific boss which makes it so interesting! I'm still convinced the flood chase is right after the Alligator boss and you probably leave the sewer shortly after.


          • Yes. The flood chase is most definitely after the boss fight. The layout of the area attests to that. Draining the alligator pool probably opened a flood gate/ruptured some pipes/messed with the water levels, hence the massive flood coming from the central room that chases after Leon.
            Seibu teh geimu?


            • The idea of going into a pool with a giant alligator is just so creepy to. I could imagine this section of the game being quite tense in my opinion.


              • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                Whatever that is
                This is disappointing.

                Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
                In watchmen Rorschach wears a moving mask, like this...what can you see?
                You, on the other hand, seem to be a highly educated individual and get a cookie. The Rorschach test has been a psychological standard for many, many years.

                Back on topic, I've been away for a while due to medical issues. Have we heard anything new from the team or Bzork?
                Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 03-20-2013, 01:31 AM.


                • A few things:

                  Both the control deck and the east tank itself are 100% Capcom creations. The backgrounds on the PSM disc reflect slightly older renders of the control deck and slightly updated renders of the east tank. Both of these rooms were modified considerably by the time of the final build; additional details and objects were added, some of the architectural geometry was altered, and the textures were enriched (explaining their greener appearance). If Team IGAS made these backgrounds, why on earth would they build a staircase to the central tank when both the legitimate map and the Inflames-exclusive images were already in perfect agreement? (a hallway and ladder configuration replaced the original staircase and door configuration)

                  The alligator boss wasn't nearly as large in 1.5 as it was in retail. In fact, judging by the silhouettes in the Inflames-exclusive images, the alligator boss was only slightly larger than the baby alligators.

                  The ruler on the wall was most likely for a water-level puzzle, which the following background seemed to be designed for specifically:
                  (once these backgrounds had received updated renders, the water-level ruler would have become visible; the elbow pipes most likely dumped the massive amounts of water into the tank while the drain outlined below drained it)

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	00000205.png
Views:	2
Size:	99.5 KB
ID:	402797

                  While this background may have highlighted the impending flood:
                  (the elbow pipes most likely began flowing out of control after the boss fight, which is what caused the massive flood)

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	00000201.png
Views:	2
Size:	86.9 KB
ID:	402798

                  Also notice that in the final build, a large drain was added to the east tank (outlined in red). It seems very likely that this drain dumps into the central pool, creating the massive flood from which Leon flees.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	sewerdrain.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	91.1 KB
ID:	402799
                  Last edited by Enigmatism415; 03-20-2013, 01:50 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    A few things:

                    Both the control deck and the east tank itself are 100% Capcom creations. The backgrounds on the PSM disc reflect slightly older renders of the control deck and slightly updated renders of the east tank. Both of these rooms were modified considerably by the time of the final build; additional details and objects were added, some of the architectural geometry was altered, and the textures were enriched (explaining their greener appearance). If Team IGAS made these backgrounds, why on earth would they build a staircase to the central tank when both the legitimate map and the Inflames-exclusive images were already in perfect agreement? (a hallway and ladder configuration replaced the original staircase and door configuration)
                    I already added my reasons to it: No Alpha masks, the objects doesn't match their positions in the final version and that ruler thing.
                    Still waiting for the original release, so I can check it by myself.
                    Last edited by Guest; 03-20-2013, 02:47 AM.


                    • What would be the point in adding ADT masks if the room is obviously a wip? That's usually added last once they have finalized the room, as even somefinished rooms in RE2 Beta 2 are missing them. Our local modders here know that. Objects look the same to me, and the water level marker could have been moved, omitted, or is simply not visible enough in the bioflames' shot. Anyway, it's exactly like what Enigmatism said, if this is a recreation then they wouldn't have replaced the control room entrance passage with stairs and removed the protruding observation area by the railings.
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                        What would be the point in adding ADT masks if the room is obviously a wip? That's usually added last once they have finalized the room, as even somefinished rooms in RE2 Beta 2 are missing them. Our local modders here know that. Objects look the same to me, and the water level marker could have been moved, omitted, or is simply not visible enough in the bioflames' shot. Anyway, it's exactly like what Enigmatism said, if this is a recreation then they wouldn't have replaced the control room entrance passage with stairs and removed the protruding observation area by the railings.
                        Alright then, I might have been wrong, but I have to wait for the original to confirm it. At least YOU TWO had convincent arguments, not just "you're coming out as a douche, I'm right because my friend says so and because you can clearly see it".
                        Last edited by Guest; 03-20-2013, 04:05 AM.


                        • I'd imagine that the water draining puzzle is analogous to the rotating bridge in the retail sewers. The structure of the alligator room -- a large open pool lower area with a walkway over the top of it -- seems to be quite similar to the bridge room, for one. Notice that the ruler that measures water level goes right up to the second level? I'm assuming there was a platform or something that rises and falls with the water level. The puzzle would be altering the water level to bring the platform up so you can cross to the other side of the walkway, and then perhaps lowering it to help you access something on the lower level before or after the alligator fight.

                          Perhaps the character was trying to manipulate a platform so as to AVOID going down where the alligator is, but then a floodgate collapses or something, making the water drain down to the alligator level, forcing the player to have to fight it, and being responsible for the water flooding the rest of the sewers.
                          Obligatory signature ad for things I've made:

                          You can find out more at my website or Facebook


                          • Purged the thread of Black Crow. Remember ladies and gentlefolks, he's easier to get rid of if you don't reply to him - then I can just deleted all his posts and threads in three clicks. But I have to manually delete posts replying to and quoting him (especially the porn ones) and that takes five to ten minutes of my bust schedule, and that makes me sad. I might have to delay my morning quicky, and that ruins my time table for a nooner.


                            • Thanks for getting rid of the troll posts. I'm accessing THIA on the university computers, and some of the pictures he was posting were unsafe for public eyes. Seemed a little too... crude to be Black Crow, I guess.
                              Obligatory signature ad for things I've made:

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                              • I dunno about a platform. To me it seems like it's just your simple RE puzzle where you lower the water level via the right combination of switch flips. Kinda like a sewer-themed version of the power room puzzle in the RPD, where each button will add/subtract a certain amount of water. There could actually even be no puzzle at all, as the sewers is already quite saturated with a couple of box puzzles and possibly another switch flipping puzzle in the motor/pump room. A good chunk of the sewer portion actually seems to be focused on draining the pool in the central sewer room, so you can access the ladder leading to the sewer control/boss gator pit and retrieve whatever key item is located there:

                                Mock-up of the central room with all the pertinent details labelled:
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	mockup.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	106.8 KB
ID:	402801
                                Seibu teh geimu?

