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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by blackpower View Post
    I hope one day that will become resident evil 4 a survival horror game as the previous chapters of the series ,writing the whole story.
    Or even better, RE1.5 to play like RE6, Wouldn't that be soo sweet ?
    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
    ^ Lol ...


    • lol... Are you serious?

      Why would you want 1.5 to play like RE6? One of the worst games of all time?

      ANYWAYS: On topic:
      This may of been answered before but has the Grenades been fixed?
      Last edited by ccrogers15; 03-27-2013, 04:26 PM.


      • An interview with Hiroyuki Kobayasi has recently featured within the hallowed pages of the EDGE magazine, revealing one or two gems of information about the ...

        We hope this beta in the future.


        • Birkin second mutation VS manspider!!!

          Click image for larger version

Name:	2.gif
Views:	1
Size:	510.5 KB
ID:	402822

          The manspider of the era 5 has a different colour than the ones of vanilla build...
          Last edited by The_Wes; 03-27-2013, 04:53 PM.
          Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


          • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
            D.Birkin: Here's an idea, when you get the RPD complete, you could design a basic playthrough for Leon & Elza's scenarios up to the point of entering the Sewers, then the Demo ends, like a Trial Edition. You could disable the Debug Function for that build, so there is no cheating, letting us preview a rough progression to the point of escaping the RPD. Doesn't have to be a final cut, just a Demo to show how a real game progressing RE 1.5 will feel like. Even if the Files and such aren't working, just having a progressive playthrough with weapons, ammo, and items laying around, more complete cutscenes, up to the escape would be interesting.
            We already have demo ideas. Funny that you mentioned FILEs. I have almost finished the implementation for them. A new FILE browser with black background and picture is called when you pick a FILE or access any from menu.

            But regardless of what you choose, any stable, bug fixed, more complete demo than the "Magic Zombie Door" build would be appreciated by the community.
            Stable builds are always good.

            Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
            Why would you want 1.5 to play like RE6? One of the worst games of all time?
            I did not play RE6.

            This may of been answered before but has the Grenades been fixed?
            Temp fixed. They do not crash the game anymore in the precinct.

            Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
            In my opinion I don't think the Team should add new enemies, characters or anything else that differs the game from the restoration and instead into something completely different.
            We will only restore missing things. Adding inconsistencies is not what we do.
            “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


            • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
              Temp fixed. They do not crash the game anymore in the precinct.
              OK, but do they still have to be completely close to the enemies to hit them?


              • I just have a question for you D.Birkin, why you use a diferent structure/order for the data into the RDT files?


                • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                  I did not play RE6.
                  smart dudes save their time.


                  • I just found out about Resident Evil Dash the side-sequel to RE1 that was gonna possibly be exclusive to the saturn and the basic plot elements are on the internet. That'd be an idea for a future RE


                    • i like new resident evil ;)

                      Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                      I just have a question for you D.Birkin, why you use a diferent structure/order for the data into the RDT files?
                      i think we turn this around and maybe say maybe why you use different structure and order for data in RDT files? on our end i think D. Birkin idea was to make order in chaos. how you say... optimize? but how you know is different...?
                      Last edited by B.Zork; 03-27-2013, 06:09 PM.


                      • I was wondering why the S.T.A.R.S office doesn't exist in RE1.5's RPD building ? wasn't S.T.A.R.S supposed to be the RPD's special unit ?


                        • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                          i think we turn this around and maybe say maybe why you use different structure and order for data in RDT files? on our end i think D. Birkin idea was to make order in chaos. how you say... optimize? but how you know is different...?
                          I just wondering man, because I extract and see a lot of RDTs and some of them use almost the same structure as RE2 final, but for example your custom rooms have a different structure. No matter, just asking for curiosity.


                          • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                            I was wondering why the S.T.A.R.S office doesn't exist in RE1.5's RPD building ? wasn't S.T.A.R.S supposed to be the RPD's special unit ?
                            i think maybe because special unit does not always mean special treatment. ask architect of 1.5 police station and not us.

                            Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                            I just wondering man, because I extract and see a lot of RDTs and some of them use almost the same structure as RE2 final, but for example your custom rooms have a different structure. No matter, just asking for curiosity.
                            syntax error. does not compupe


                            • When do you think we can expect another video Mr. Bzork?


                              • D&B, does sherry use a gun, or is the file just left over from concept?

                                will any of the storyline be made up, or is it all from official sources?

