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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • D birkin, you're very good at getting back to people and their questions, though I hope the hounding doesn't scare you off... We're good people (most of us).


    • I noticed Dbirkin that in part of the kennel of resident evil 1.5 there are three names family 1)Claire 2)Piers the character of resident evil 6, ub third name that I am surprised and 3)JOJo the name of the protagonist of the famous la manga the quaint adventures of JOJO ?

      Guys it would be nice build a day the project lost "Dark Biohazard".


      • I dont wanna try to ask you a bunch of stupid boring questions... but do you have the source code to RE 2? Or are you developing and adding on from Hex Editors?

        If you have the source code, do you have any plans on a PC port?

        Now my compliment:
        When you and the team release this, you will go down in history for making the best Resident Evil game of all time (Aside from outbreak )

        But not i have a small request (or big! )
        Maybe soon after you do this, do you think you and the team could possibly try to hack RE Outbreak or redevelop the code to make creating servers possible? Im sure me and *Many* others would be extremely happy.


        • About adding more zombie models : Ahh, i can understand about keeping it as close to authentic as possible

          Will the iron pipe be a useable weapon in the released version (assuming its a weapon, i dont think ive seen any screens or videos of it being used)


          • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
            If you have the source code, do you have any plans on a PC port?
            Emulators exists, you know?


            • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
              If you have the source code, do you have any plans on a PC port?
              They don't have access to the source code unfortunately, they have to modify everything through C no chance of a pc port
              Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 03-28-2013, 05:52 AM.


              • Never say never. A PC port is being worked on even as we speak over at the 1 2 3 Modding Forums. Just the RDTs and models for now, but they plan on using a modified RE2 engine (like MB's work) for the rest. It'll take time, but it's underway - and the people behind it are some of the best in the RE PMOD community. You'll just have to wait for their work to bear fruit. In the meantime, there's always emulation - and RE15 works quite well with just about any good PSX emulator you care to use.
                Last edited by RMandel; 03-28-2013, 06:08 AM.


                  I wonder how they will achieve that without the source code, unless they are going to take RE1 for the pc and completely rebuild 1.5 from the ground up


                  • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post

                    I know what to show. It is not a hack that will keep your breath away but it is new. 1.5 writes now like Deadly Silence. This makes up for Capcom's clumsy idea of indenting all with blank space. This code is also connected to FILE obtainment.
                    They look GORGEOUS !!!!! love the picture of those handgun rounds .


                    • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
                      I wonder how they will achieve that without the source code, unless they are going to take RE1 for the pc and completely rebuild 1.5 from the ground up
                      The same could probably happen on the PC as is happening right here. I assume the team have used functions from both BIO1 and BIO2 to reconstruct the old 1.5 engine into something that's much more manageable and much more stable. It's already possible to port RDTs, boundaries, character models, animations etc; given the amazing knowledge and talent at work here I'm sure reconstructing something 1.5 on PC platform would be very much possible.


                      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                        I assume the team have used functions from both BIO1 and BIO2 to reconstruct the old 1.5 engine into something that's much more manageable and much more stable.
                        Patches are all coded from scratch. For example Air Jesus is caused by procedure Oma_pl_updown_ck() that is also present in BIO2. The BIO2 version is very different and refers to subprocedures that do not exist in 1.5. I tried patching it like retail code but it is not usable and I ended up translating the procedure to C and patching the error. Many other functions are like Oma_pl_updown_ck() or contain corrupted bits.

                        It's already possible to port RDTs, boundaries, character models, animations etc; given the amazing knowledge and talent at work here I'm sure reconstructing something 1.5 on PC platform would be very much possible.
                        To make BIO2 work like 1.5 you need too much rewrite. Better and faster to work on the real 1.5 or result will be BIO2 with 1.5 skins. We are using the old and buggy 1.5 engine because we know people want a genuine experience and BIO2 has too many changes. 1.5 with code rewrites can be transformed into retail much easily because base structure is there waiting to be patched.
                        “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                        • Wow, thanks for clarifying all that! Mr.Bzork made a comment a while ago something about it being a BIO1, BIO1.5 and BIO2 hybrid, it's nice to learn the majority of it is actually your own code and not just taken straight from other games in the series.
                          Last edited by Guest; 03-28-2013, 09:28 AM.


                          • He means 1.5's code is something between BIO1 and BIO2. It is closer to BIO2 but there are similarities with BIO1 in some structures.
                            “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                            • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post

                              I know what to show. It is not a hack that will keep your breath away but it is new. 1.5 writes now like Deadly Silence. This makes up for Capcom's clumsy idea of indenting all with blank space. This code is also connected to FILE obtainment.
                              "Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015


                              • @D.Birkin: Will you add a breath animation to the characters? Since It's something that's missing.
                                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!

