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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • D.Birkin,

    I have one final question and then I stop bothering you ;). You mentioned all the enemy AI being rewritten with C injection/modification. Since the code is going to be replaced and the new code will be much improved, can we expect new enemy behaviour or perhaps the ability to shoot a zombie as they try to stand (like in retail)? My main complaint with the zombies is that you can't shoot them when they are trying to stand up as it's not coded into their AI.

    I do appreciate you answering all of our questions and I would like to shake your hand for being so open with us. I hope you didn't mind me asking all those questions.
    Last edited by Zombie_X; 03-31-2013, 11:35 PM.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Oh second emissary of the team, D-birkin, I beseech thee. The second weapon function, is there going to be a button to draw the knife/other weapon or are we going to have un equip the weapon in use, to use the "standard arms" one? Sorry if this sounds confusing my lord.


      • Having the ability to map the "Standard Arms" weapon to one of the shoulder buttons is a neat addition that the team should consider. I believe D.Birkin is already taking interface design ideas from Deadly Silence, so why not the quick knife draw function from it too? But of course, it should be just an optional feature that can be turned off in the options menu.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Could these unseen, undeveloped backgrounds of unknown/unseen areas that come from a build of Resident Evil 1.5?

          I WONDER.
          Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 04-01-2013, 05:38 AM.
          If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


          • Unfinished rooms from the sewers, perhaps? That's what it looks like to me. The plot thickens.
            Seibu teh geimu?


            • happy april fools everyone be on the look out for 1.5 fool tricks , at least we cant get the same old 1.5 LEAKED ! APRIL FOOLS joke anymore lol.


              • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                happy april fools everyone be on the look out for 1.5 fool tricks , at least we cant get the same old 1.5 LEAKED ! APRIL FOOLS joke anymore lol.
                If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


                • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                  happy april fools everyone be on the look out for 1.5 fool tricks , at least we cant get the same old 1.5 LEAKED ! APRIL FOOLS joke anymore lol.
                  Damnit. I totally forgot it's April Fools day today.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post

                    Could these unseen, undeveloped backgrounds of unknown/unseen areas that come from a build of Resident Evil 1.5?

                    I WONDER.
                    We have a nice Metal Gear Solid here.


                    • Children there is a map for the city of raccoon city of 1.5 ?


                      • Speaking of sewers, D.Birkin, what is the team planning on doing with the unused "green" sewer areas found on the disk? Since they seem to be from an earlier obsolete iteration of the sewers, will they be scrapped or will they be added in as a secret/bonus stage of sorts - an expansion of "Drains B1", perhaps?
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • will use to build new locate that connect thing directly to secret mansion of resident evil 1. like the bridge of an era!!

                          enough with questions of everything. wait and see for yourself what is use, how is use, when is use, why is use and where is use.


                          • Thanks for taking the time to reply. It's fine if you don't want to answer it to prevent spoiling things, but please don't be sassy.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                              I have one final question and then I stop bothering you ;). You mentioned all the enemy AI being rewritten with C injection/modification. Since the code is going to be replaced and the new code will be much improved, can we expect new enemy behaviour or perhaps the ability to shoot a zombie as they try to stand (like in retail)?
                              It is a planned feature for full AI rewrite. You can already hit zombies while they climb collisions.

                              I do appreciate you answering all of our questions and I would like to shake your hand for being so open with us. I hope you didn't mind me asking all those questions.
                              No problemo. It is like making of but public.

                              Originally posted by curse420 View Post
                              Oh second emissary of the team, D-birkin, I beseech thee. The second weapon function, is there going to be a button to draw the knife/other weapon or are we going to have un equip the weapon in use, to use the "standard arms" one? Sorry if this sounds confusing my lord.
                              I am examining a solution. My plan is to have tactical turn and aim+run button combination for quick weapon reload.

                              Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
                              Could these unseen, undeveloped backgrounds of unknown/unseen areas that come from a build of Resident Evil 1.5?
                              Only if 1.5 used real time scenario. But it does not. Nice green textures nevertheless.

                              Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                              Speaking of sewers, D.Birkin, what is the team planning on doing with the unused "green" sewer areas found on the disk? Since they seem to be from an earlier obsolete iteration of the sewers, will they be scrapped or will they be added in as a secret/bonus stage of sorts - an expansion of "Drains B1", perhaps?
                              Scrapped designs will not be used. They do not help us much.
                              “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                              • Ah, that's a shame then. Thank you for being so transparent with us, btw. This whole Q and A thing you have going really helps with the wait.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

