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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    The "tetris" puzzle in the water treatment room and the vaccine synthesizer puzzle in the hospital. My God, those were both a major pain in the ass.
    If you think about them logically they are easy, not like that one puzzle in Onimusha -shudders-
    The only puzzle I ever use a guide for...I did it once, I'll never try to do it again


    • The "puzzles" in the RE series have always been very logical. If you sit and think about them for a minute or so, they're all pretty much a snap. I will admit that some of the puzzles from CV threw me for a loop, though. They added a little extra complexity there, probably because seasoned fans by that point were too used to the straight forward puzzles from the previous games.


      • Worst puzzle for me was the pool table puzzle in BIO1, often that puzzle threw me off as a kid. You learn though in these games to always read documents, you never know what useful pieces of information are lurking inside!


        • I think that BIO3 represented the pinnacle of trademark "Resident Evil atmosphere".


          • I think BH3 was on par with the two previous episodes, if not better. There are a lot of different locations, it's the first time in the series we can really "visit" the town, lots of different ennemies, Nemesis, situations in which you are confronted to two different choices to move forward, an interesting ammo system, mercenaries mode, lots of unlockables, upgraded gameplay, etc...

            In terms of content it's one of the best. Code Veronica felt outdated in comparison.
            Last edited by Rick Hunter; 04-07-2013, 05:36 PM.


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              Poppycock. BH3 is one of the best.
              to each there own but I agree with you I love BH3


              • RE3 had the best atmosphere in the game's history if you think about it. It scared the shit out of me when I was younger while RE1 and RE2 didn't. It was the first game where you have a real isolation. In RE1 I always thought they could easily call for assistance compared to RE2 and RE3 because just the mansion was full of zombies while the city wasn't. Also the soundtrack was one of the best. RECV and even RE2 sounded too much like a movie with wrong placed music. Don't get me wrong, it was nice but RE3 was nicer.
                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                • re3 had the best music and zombehs. its why im glad both of those seem to be reminiscent of 1.5 and can be used


                  • Resident evil 3 was the first one I played. We used to live in a big house by the beach, and I often got left home alone... When it was night I was so frighetened because of this game, I kept thinking Nemesis would break into the library then say his trademark "STARRSSS", and run up the stairs to get
                    Last edited by Guest; 04-07-2013, 07:46 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                      It was the first game where you have a real isolation.
                      I felt the same way

                      Originally posted by curse420 View Post
                      Resident evil 3 was the first one I played.
                      Me too!


                      • Many people unconsciously tend to feel a special "love" for the first played RE. I started with RE2 and loved it, and when I played RE3, it didn`t impact too much on me, but probably I would like more RE3 if I would started with it.
                        But to each one, I also prefer RE2 atmosphere because it has more underground locations and that fits more what I like, while RE3 is more urban.
                        The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                        • I don't know if someone feels the same way, but after getting access to the areas in downtown which were locked up and could only be unlocked by the lockpick, I kinda did not wanted to return to the warehouse, I don't know what it is but I kinda felt afraid of going back to Dario. LoL call me crazy ~
                          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                          • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                            I think BH3 was on par with the two previous episodes, if not better. There are a lot of different locations, it's the first time in the series we can really "visit" the town, lots of different ennemies, Nemesis, situations in which you are confronted to two different choices to move forward, an interesting ammo system, mercenaries mode, lots of unlockables, upgraded gameplay, etc...

                            In terms of content it's one of the best. Code Veronica felt outdated in comparison.
                            It's true. It took everything I liked about RE2 and expanded upon it. When I go to play classic RE it's usually the game I go to first.
                            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                            • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                              personal worries ?
                              Yeah man. I know they are trying to be as faithful to the original material as possible, but why guess about stuff when you have people like Alzaire you can ask? The big worry I'm sure everyone has is that they will release 1.5 in all it's glory, then have Alzaire or somebody else point out mistakes they've made. And D.Birkin says they have internal 1.5 experts.........well, we can only hope they know what they are talking about.
                              It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


                              • Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
                                Yeah man. I know they are trying to be as faithful to the original material as possible, but why guess about stuff when you have people like Alzaire you can ask? The big worry I'm sure everyone has is that they will release 1.5 in all it's glory, then have Alzaire or somebody else point out mistakes they've made. And D.Birkin says they have internal 1.5 experts.........well, we can only hope they know what they are talking about.

