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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
    I can't imagine how much "do u work on/hab 1.5 betazz? don't lieeee to meeee!" type of conspiracy messages Alzaire gets in his inbox. Must be annoying having to deal with those.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • I have a question, which I'm surprised hasn't been posed or addressed before. The Progenitor Virus was originally set to appear in the Resident Evil series much earlier than it actually did (in Code Veronica). It was originally going to be the centrepiece of Resident Evil 2. At that time it was called the Clay Virus (and only later renamed to the Progenitor Virus). Will the Clay Virus be in this completed version of Biohazard 1.5? Will the Clay Virus play a central and significant role? I hope that B.Zork or D.Birkin or some other member of 'the Team' will be willing to answer this. As a side note of interest, in Dark Biohazard, the Clay Virus was renamed to the Ancestor Virus (so here we have yet another, albeit unofficial but just as this completed version will be unofficial, alternative name). Apparently Dorian (who most people call Dominion) favored Ancestor Virus as a name over Clay Virus (and perhaps because Dark Biohazard was not meant to be a remake or rehashing of Resident Evil 1.5).

      The importance of the Progenitor Virus is impossible to overstate in the Resident Evil series, indeed, it is the 'God' or 'Creator-being' (Demiurge) of the Resident Evil series. As evidenced by Resident Evil 4 Prototype (sometimes called Resident Evil 3.5), the Progenitor Virus was originally going to be much more more supernatural. The Progenitor Virus of Resident Evil 5 is completely different than what it was originally intended to be. In Dark Biohazard, the Progenitor Virus (Ancestor Virus) was strongly implied to be the origin of life or the key to life, the mechanism which drove evolution and which was there at the time of the primordial soup or ooze preceding all life forms (microcosmic, mesocosmic or macrocosmic). The Progenitor Virus of Resident Evil 3.5 (where it was going to make its first appearance, whereas in Code Veronica it was present in name only in a retrievable document mentioning it) and in Dark Biohazard seems to be the very epitome of plague-magic.
      Last edited by BiohazardCat; 04-08-2013, 04:00 AM.


      • Originally posted by BiohazardCat View Post
        I have a question, which I'm surprised hasn't been posed or addressed before. The Progenitor Virus was originally set to appear in the Resident Evil series much earlier than it actually did (in Code Veronica). It was originally going to be the centrepiece of Resident Evil 2. At that time it was called the Clay Virus (and only later renamed to the Progenitor Virus). Will the Clay Virus be in this completed version of Biohazard 1.5? Will the Clay Virus play a central and significant role? I hope that B.Zork or D.Birkin or some other member of 'the Team' will be willing to answer this. As a side note of interest, in Dark Biohazard, the Clay Virus was renamed to the Ancestor Virus (so here we have yet another, albeit unofficial but just as this completed version will be unofficial, alternative name). Apparently Dorian (who most people call Dominion) favored Ancestor Virus as a name over Clay Virus (and perhaps because Dark Biohazard was not meant to be a remake or rehashing of Resident Evil 1.5).

        The importance of the Progenitor Virus is impossible to overstate in the Resident Evil series, indeed, it is the 'God' or 'Creator-being' (Demiurge) of the Resident Evil series. As evidenced by Resident Evil 4 Prototype (sometimes called Resident Evil 3.5), the Progenitor Virus was originally going to be much more more supernatural. The Progenitor Virus of Resident Evil 5 is completely different than what it was originally intended to be. In Dark Biohazard, the Progenitor Virus (Ancestor Virus) was strongly implied to be the origin of life or the key to life, the mechanism which drove evolution and which was there at the time of the primordial soup or ooze preceding all life forms (microcosmic, mesocosmic or macrocosmic). The Progenitor Virus of Resident Evil 3.5 (where it was going to make its first appearance, whereas in Code Veronica it was present in name only in a retrievable document mentioning it) and in Dark Biohazard seems to be the very epitome of plague-magic.
        The Clay Virus was actually the centerpiece of BH1, although it isn't mentioned in the game itself but mentioned extensively in its supplemental material and original scenario pages. It was originally meant to be mentioned in BH2's files, but it was removed prior to release once the concept of CODE:Veronica came up, which was planned as its first official mention while BH0 would elaborate on it and BH4 (Devil May Cry and Castle versions) would deal with its history and showcase its abilities.

        The Progenitor Virus was also never intended to be supernatural in any way. Its effects in BH5 are the exact same as always intended. "Ancestor Virus" is technically correct since the Japanese term for "Progenitor" can be interpreted as such (as well as "primordial", "mother", "founder", "primogenitor" and so on), and its connection to evolution is also correct, but I wouldn't take Dark Biohazard as a source. On the other hand, Clay is a completely separate word.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • The way it is in Biohazard 5 is not the way it was intended to be, this can be gleaned by the first Resident Evil 4 trailer and from earlier sources (including interviews with developers). Either way, I wasn't trying to elicit a response from you nor was I ask you anything. My post was and still is directed at the folks behind this attempt to bring Biohazard 1.5 to completion. And I already noted that Dark Biohazard is (just as this project) an unofficial source and thus open to interpretation and construction. Realistically, Dark Biohazard is just as 'canon' as the awful Resident Evil spin-offs developed by Capcom for commercial release (read: fanwank). Either way, we'll have to agree to disagree, but again, I didn't come here to talk to you and you have no place to respond to my post as such. I'll await word from B.Zork/D.Birkin or others. My question still stands. Oh and you're wrong about Clay Virus being in Biohazard 1, the earliest it was conceived would have been perhaps the time of Biohazard DASH. Most of the supplementary material created around Biohazard 1 was created long after Biohazard 1. In short, I didn't come here to talk to you. Not meaning to sound rude, just being up front and blunt. Your post has nothing to do with whether the Clay Virus will be in the unofficial completed version of 1.5 nor does it answer my question or address it at all. If you are privy to information from the team, by all means, feel free to disclose or deny, otherwise stop prattling about how you think I'm wrong about everything under the sun.
          Last edited by BiohazardCat; 04-08-2013, 05:07 AM.


          • Hohohohoho. Gonna have fun with this one.

            1) The Progenitor Virus in BH5 has the exact same characteristics as in BH0, BH4 and REmake. However, some are downplayed in favor of others. For example, in the scrapped versions of BH4, there was a heavy focus on the virus' ability to make certain humans immortal. This is barely evident in BH5, but hinted at in one of the files.

            2) The "fog" had nothing to do with the Progenitor Virus. It was created by a different virus, which was recycled as the Uroboros Virus.

            3) Realistically, Dark Biohazard has absolutely nothing to do with the series. It's fan-fiction, albeit very good.

            4) I'm not wrong about the Clay Virus. It was written by BH1's scenario writer, Kenichi Iwao, as the source of the t-Virus (which in itself is the Epsilon strain of the Clay Virus, which is mentioned in the BH2 files that were dropped prior to release). It was a key component of the game's plot from the very beginning, as Iwao devised the concept of a mutagenic virus after reading a theory proposed by a Japanese scientist that viruses may have had a hand in evolution. His enemy and character descriptions were directly included in the game's supplemental material, which include the Clay Virus. Please do some research before attempting to be "up front" and "blunt" with me.

            5) BIOHAZARD DASH did not have a scenario and was a concept nobody in the BIO team had any involvement with. It was proposed by Yoshiki Okamoto, who did not have anything to do with the active development of the series, he was an out-of-office producer.

            Most of the supplementary material created around Biohazard 1 was created long after Biohazard 1.
            The actual writing included in the supplemental material (such as this) was actually taken directly from the scenario pages written by Kenichi Iwao. Which extensively mention the Clay Virus and barely mention the t-Virus (it is referred to as the Clay Virus ε-strain). While the supplemental books were published after the game (why would they be published before?) the material contained therein pre-dates the game.

            As a side-note, the P-ε gas in BH2 is named as such because it is named after the Clay Virus ε-strain, since it is designed to weaken B.O.W.s based on the ε-strain (t-Virus).
            Last edited by News Bot; 04-08-2013, 06:59 AM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by BiohazardCat View Post
              Will the Clay Virus be in this completed version of Biohazard 1.5? Will the Clay Virus play a central and significant role? I hope that B.Zork or D.Birkin or some other member of 'the Team' will be willing to answer this.
              Maybe only mentioned in Umbrella labs. Clay Virus is not part of 1.5.
              “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                Hohohohoho. Gonna have fun with this one.

                1) The Progenitor Virus in BH5 has the exact same characteristics as in BH0, BH4 and REmake. However, some are downplayed in favor of others. For example, in the scrapped versions of BH4, there was a heavy focus on the virus' ability to make certain humans immortal. This is barely evident in BH5, but hinted at in one of the files.

                2) The "fog" had nothing to do with the Progenitor Virus. It was created by a different virus, which was recycled as the Uroboros Virus.

                3) Realistically, Dark Biohazard has absolutely nothing to do with the series. It's fan-fiction, albeit very good.

                4) I'm not wrong about the Clay Virus. It was written by BH1's scenario writer, Kenichi Iwao, as the source of the t-Virus (which in itself is the Epsilon strain of the Clay Virus, which is mentioned in the BH2 files that were dropped prior to release). It was a key component of the game's plot from the very beginning, as Iwao devised the concept of a mutagenic virus after reading a theory proposed by a Japanese scientist that viruses may have had a hand in evolution. His enemy and character descriptions were directly included in the game's supplemental material, which include the Clay Virus. Please do some research before attempting to be "up front" and "blunt" with me.

                5) BIOHAZARD DASH did not have a scenario and was a concept nobody in the BIO team had any involvement with. It was proposed by Yoshiki Okamoto, who did not have anything to do with the active development of the series, he was an out-of-office producer.

                The actual writing included in the supplemental material (such as this) was actually taken directly from the scenario pages written by Kenichi Iwao. Which extensively mention the Clay Virus and barely mention the t-Virus (it is referred to as the Clay Virus ε-strain). While the supplemental books were published after the game (why would they be published before?) the material contained therein pre-dates the game.

                As a side-note, the P-ε gas in BH2 is named as such because it is named after the Clay Virus ε-strain, since it is designed to weaken B.O.W.s based on the ε-strain (t-Virus).
                you know your stuff well said


                • But this section is not to talk about Resident Evil 1.5? we are distracted. I can not wait to finish the game to make a guide.


                  • Until D.Birkin throws these dogs another bone, it's whatever.

                    News Bot, nice to see you back on your game!


                    • @News Bot,

                      I completely disagree with you, I think you are totally wack and full of shit. But more importantly, you don't now how to read. I wasn't talking to you nor do I give a crap about your response to me. What I wrote wasn't addressed to you. And you are flat out wrong about the Progenitor Virus and you know jack about the Clay Virus. But I didn't come here to argue about it with you, I don't care about you. Why you tried to respond to something that wasn't addressed about you is because you are trolling.


                      • Originally posted by BiohazardCat View Post
                        @News Bot,

                        I completely disagree with you, I think you are totally wack and full of shit. But more importantly, you don't now how to read. I wasn't talking to you nor do I give a crap about your response to me. What I wrote wasn't addressed to you. And you are flat out wrong about the Progenitor Virus and you know jack about the Clay Virus. But I didn't come here to argue about it with you, I don't care about you. Why you tried to respond to something that wasn't addressed about you is because you are trolling.
                        Oh boy here we go
                        PSN Gamercards


                        • Sounds like Black Crow is back. Where is my popcorn?
                          Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                          • and biohazardcat *coughBLACKCROWcough* If you dont give a shit about his reply, why did you respond to it? You are really that much of an idiot that you contradict yourself. Plus telling someone who has contacts with the actual producers, developers, etc, wrong is just ridiculous. News Bot knows his shit from the most reliable of sources. So sit down and shut up
                            PSN Gamercards


                            • It's not Crow. It is another member using an alt, but since that member was never banned...

                              Bot was responding because he does know about this. Hopefully, he'll be able to post his sources later.


                              • Of course it's not Crow, just look at his english. At least this guy can write correctly, that's a plus.

