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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    ^But so is 1.5 too, so I think they'd be a match made in heaven
    I meant the puzzle, I loved RE3

    Wasn't the puzzle from RE2 (The one that unlocks the RPD armoury) supposed to be in 1.5?


    • Water Puzzle is for kids. I mean...aligning blocks? Seriously? Is this so hard?


      • D.Birkin, If by some miracle the 80% build is leaked before you guys are able to finish, would you guys then halt production immediately on the 40% build restoration? And then, presumably, start working off the 80% build basically from scratch?


        • OO do I see the options screen? D.Birkin, will your build retain the control customization like RE1 had? Also is there any chance of the RE2 infinite ammo code making and appearance?

          Lead, you live in Milwaukee as well? Where about may I ask?
          Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-09-2013, 09:17 PM.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            Lead, you live in Milwaukee as well? Where about may I ask?
            Yes I do! On the South side. Funny seeing another Milwaukeean on a RE fan thread . Cheers!


            • Indeed. DSC is also from Milwaukee. I live in the Riverwest area, the east side more precisely.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • River west/eastside look surprisingly similar to Raccoon City, it is actually kind of shocking.


                • Originally posted by BiohazardCat View Post
                  The first part, that the G-Virus was different in 1.5 does seem obvious. But the latter part of your statement, that it had a much smaller role in 1.5 is completely and utterly baseless. There is no evidence of that at all. Doctor Birkin, the creator of the G-Virus was still the primary antagonist of 1.5 as he was in retail. The G-Virus is colloquially called the Immortality Virus. Either the central focus of 1.5 is the Clay Virus (and it most definately was as I asserted earlier) or the G-Virus. Obviously in this fan-made project, the Clay Virus has no part in it as one the developers already indicated. I don't know where in the world you are getting your plot and story details on 1.5 from. There is absolutely nothing to suggest the G-Virus was going to play a smaller and insignificant role in 1.5 than in retail. And even if that were true, and it isn't, but hypothetically, then what, pray tell, is the Virus of 1.5 going to be? Every Resident Evil game has had a Virus (usually a new one made up along the way) that becomes the central focus and also the reason for the presence of new enemies and new BOW types. Sometimes the disease is not a virus but a parasite, as in Resident Evil 4, for example.
                  1) Considering I have the scenario draft of 1.5 and contact with its writer, no, it isn't baseless. Don't make assumptions.
                  2) Birkin wasn't an antagonistic character in 1.5. He was just a mutated enemy. He is murdered for different reasons and Umbrella's goal is not to seize the G-Virus. The virus only serves to justify Birkin's transformations and give a reason to save Sherry. It serves no other purpose in 1.5.
                  3) The G-Virus is not called the Immortality Virus in any way by anyone. It is unknown if it promotes immortality, which is one of the main characteristics of the Progenitor Virus upon successful adaptation to certain humans.
                  4) The main virus in 1.5 is the t-Virus.
                  5) The main virus in 1.5 is not the Clay Virus, unless you mean that it was the Clay Virus ε-strain, an alternative name for the Tyrant Virus. Please provide a source.

                  Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                  Well, I know this is not the place, but, if Progenitor/Clay/Mother virus strains were:

                  A Strain: Administred to Jessica Trevor causing her dead > Later somehow derivates into Uroboros project
                  B Strain: Administred to Lisa Trevor > later derivates into G virus research
                  E Strain: First manufactured virus named T-Virus

                  So, I`m missing C and D strains, wich were those?
                  TYPE-A and TYPE-B are the first variant strains of the Progenitor Virus secretly produced at the Arklay Laboratory in a quick attempt to make the virus adapt to humans without the natural genetic resistance. They are not part of the official t-Virus Project.

                  The actual t-Virus development project consisted of these strains:

                  α-strain (creates Web Spinner and Neptune)
                  βI-strain (creates Cerberus)
                  βII-strain (creates Hunter)
                  ε-strain, t-Virus (creates Tyrant)
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • The writer for Biohazard 1.5 wouldn't happen to be Hiroyuki Kobayashi would it? I ask this if I may ask and if you are willing to divulge. Colvin told me that Hiroyuki Kobayashi was the director of 1.5 before the reigns were handed over to Hideki Kamiya (as would be a frequence occurance in the development of Resident Evil games, where the director would change once or twice, sometimes three times). Anyway, how in the world did you come into contact with the writer? You must know Japanese or have deep contacts in Japan.

                    And yes you are correct, after double-checking, it appears the immortality virus was something that Wesker and Marcus created, and is not the same thing as the G-virus.

                    Additionally, if Doctor Birkin is NOT the main antagonist in 1.5, who is?

                    Another question for the 'Team'. I have noticed that there are these figurines scattered about Resident Evil 1.5, one of them is sitting atop a Playstation console in the memory card screen, the same figurine is located elsewhere in the game. It appears to be an asian man wearing all black with glasses (perhaps sunglasses). Who is this?
                    Last edited by BiohazardCat; 04-10-2013, 02:44 AM.


                    • Kobayashi is a series producer. I'm not sure if he was director at any point, but the game was written by Kamiya and Isao Oishi (one of the artists). I do know Japanese to an extent, which is how stuff like this is even translated.

                      Umbrella is the main antagonist in 1.5. There are no evil humans in it. Technically Birkin isn't an antagonist (in terms of motive and goal) in BH2 either, since "G" is a completely new organism and is not Birkin acting on his own will. But if you're referring solely to his mutant form rather than the character himself, then he is an antagonist in that sense in both versions.

                      The "immortality virus" has only ever been used as a substitute for the nameless virus developed by Alex Wesker, which reportedly harnesses the immortality capability of the Progenitor Virus and was ordered by Spencer.

                      On the subject of the Clay Virus being present in 1.5, if it was present in any form, it would've been only mentioned in files (as was originally the case with BH2). But there's nothing to suggest any files were ever written for the game before it was scrapped.
                      Last edited by News Bot; 04-10-2013, 03:12 AM.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Well I was in the understanding that 1.5 would have provided closure and resolution to the Resident Evil series, and so the virus that the T-virus was derived from, the Clay Virus, was meant to be introduced to provide answers to questions left open by Resident Evil 1. So it surprises me that the Clay Virus was not in 1.5, I don't see how else any closure could have been provided without it. Even Biohazard 5 was able to answer many long-standing questions and address open wounds via the Progenitor Virus, although it seems they only wanted to provide certain closure so as to explore a new story with a new evil multinational corporation (Tri-cell) and new viruses so absurd that they make the earlier viruses in the series seem rational and realistic. Anyway thanks for clarifying. I think it is very revelatory that you've been in contact with Oishi (I'm sure it was him as Kamiya hates 1.5) and I hope you've been able to provide a first draft overall plot to the 'Team', though they themselves will have to find a writer to create the files in the game and otherwise all the details aside from the overarching general plot.

                        I wish Isao Oishi would come in and be the writer for the Team so that he could write the game's files/journals/diaries, etc. He could even just do it on his free time. That would be awesome, for the original writer to come in and help the team finish it.
                        Last edited by BiohazardCat; 04-10-2013, 04:54 AM.


                        • When writing 1.5, they actually planned for a tentative closure to the series to be BH3. The former served as a set-up for Umbrella to show the company in an even more outright sinister light.

                          (1) Show the strength of the warfare organization Umbrella while filling out the foreshadowing of BIO1, since we intended to put a tentative conclusion in BIO3.
                          (2) Get players to feel hostility towards Umbrella by choreographing the organization's cruelty.
                          All answers to the Clay Virus and t-Virus were already provided in the scenario of BH1 written by Kenichi Iwao, the details were then printed in the guidebook I linked to earlier aside from how/when/where it was discovered, which wasn't written or a concern at the time and ended up being a focus for Noboru Sugimura when he became the head writer (the details and location of its discovery changed several times until BH5 settled it). Sugimura also filled in its characteristics and abilities early on using Iwao's information on the Clay Virus as a foundation, and they've been the same since. Its first proper mention was planned for CODE:Veronica while its actual appearance would've been in the Devil May Cry version of BH4, where it would be entirely explained. However, when plans changed, they decided to make it a more central plot element that would be built-up through several games rather than resolved in one.

                          The final version of BH4 and the subsequent tragic passing of Sugimura pretty much put the Progenitor Virus on complete hold, though. They did a pretty good job of it in BH5 without having its writer there.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • By the way, does anyone know if Dark Biohazard is still in development? I know Dorian (Dominion) prefers to work in the shadows and out of public view, so I thought maybe there was some hope in that. Also, with the recent early alpha release of BIO 1.5, I thought maybe that would inspire him to continue working on Dark Biohazard. I ask here because I don't want to create a whole new thread just to ask about it and as I've said before, I definitely want Dark Biohazard more than I have ever wanted Resident Evil 1.5 so I am still holding out hope for DarkBIO.


                            • Between the social and economic problems in Spain, job issues, and the loss of a hard drive it's been hard for him to get much done. While it hasn't been scrapped I wouldn't hold your breath.


                              • Worst news ever. Dark Biohazard looked to be the most amazing thing ever, just based upon what little was shown and teased. So Spain is going to be the next Cyprus/Greece/Italy? That's so sad because he is such a talented artist, it's sad that he can't make money off being an artist, I would totally invest in him if I was in the position to be a wealthy investor who could help aspiring artists that interest or appeal to me.

