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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
    Still dont go with the fact that its been encrypted. It should be freely open, since its really not their data to begin with.
    There is not reason to encrypt it besides 1 thing:
    This "Team" is locking the data so no one "Steals" it. Unfortunately for them, its not even theirs to encrypt.

    And how does complain make me look like a bad guy? I appreciate the work but still think we should have open access. This way, it would be easy to craft our own hacks and mods for the release, and possibly expand on their work ourselves.

    But since im not going to get through, ill just wait for someone to either leak a unencrypted version or ill wait till someone cracks the encryption. Eitherway.
    If you want at the damn data so bad, figure out how to get to it yourself/yourselves. Their goal isn't to extract the data, their goal is to build upon and restore the game if you will. To do anything else just because you want at the data would be counter-productive at best.
    Last edited by Anomaladox; 04-10-2013, 09:23 PM.


    • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
      Whatever. Its just that 99% of PSX games you can extract, play around with contents, etc.

      While this 1.5 release was purposely encrypted for stupid reasons.
      More typical 1.5 BS.
      No one gives a shit, go cry some where else.


      • ccrogers15, the data is not encrypted at all. The LBA references were removed from the ISO, so files won't be seen in an ISO modifying program, like IsoBuster. There no encryption. If you were to load the .BIN in a hew editor, you can modify the values and restore those references.

        So stop complaining. All the data has been extracted from their build anyways. Look around online for it if you want it.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • I don't understand nothing of this "encryption", but, dude, seriously.
          These guys have bought, translated and fixed the game for a bunch of psycho fans.
          They have all the right to encrypt the data, and if you don't like it, why don't you just go and buy your own unchanged 1.5? That if you find one!


          • ^


            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              ccrogers15, the data is not encrypted at all. The LBA references were removed from the ISO, so files won't be seen in an ISO modifying program, like IsoBuster. There no encryption. If you were to load the .BIN in a hew editor, you can modify the values and restore those references.
              Removing them seems pretty pointless, though. My money's on "weren't actually generated in the first place".


              • If it exists, it can be hacked, whether or not its creator wishes for it to be.


                • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                  Still dont go with the fact that its been encrypted. It should be freely open, since its really not their data to begin with.
                  Then move your lazy ass and go look for a raw build yourself. What have you contributed to the RE1.5 community? Seeing you don't even know what "encryption" means, certainly not much.

                  So what about you shut the hell up for a while and stop making stupid requests about something you clearly don't deserve.


                  • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                    Still dont go with the fact that its been encrypted. It should be freely open, since its really not their data to begin with.
                    There is not reason to encrypt it besides 1 thing:
                    This "Team" is locking the data so no one "Steals" it. Unfortunately for them, its not even theirs to encrypt.

                    And how does complain make me look like a bad guy? I appreciate the work but still think we should have open access. This way, it would be easy to craft our own hacks and mods for the release, and possibly expand on their work ourselves.

                    But since im not going to get through, ill just wait for someone to either leak a unencrypted version or ill wait till someone cracks the encryption. Eitherway.
                    A lot of it is theirs, though.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • There are quite a few people on here that I am surprised didn't receive the ban hammer.


                      • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                        you are right. maybe best we no pure build at all.
                        Didn't Even understand you Domi but .... "No pure build at all" ... really ? Cool so we are forced to play the fan made "not really" complete build ? Ks Umk Yl 5neeth, well that's selfish.

                        But it's not like the pure build wont leak at all .. there are other ways around, pretty sure it would happen whether IGAS liked it or not, some people still prefer pure early content for many obvious reasons but its not like saying IGAS work is bad but you get the Idea, Good luck anyway

                        Of course you have the right to encrypt you mods "that are already based on RE2 Retail content ..." including reskins, but if that happens for a pure build release, bricks will fall on some peoples heads .. lol.

                        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        A lot of it is theirs, though.
                        Soo much defending team IGAS there .... Well they did some great work but still most or all of it is STILL based on Capcom's materials, don't say no.
                        Last edited by Mrox2; 04-11-2013, 10:45 AM.
                        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                        ^ Lol ...


                        • We get that you should stop feeling entitled about that game and go look for your own build if you aren't happy with the current situation. Your incessant trolls are getting old.


                          • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                            We get that you should stop feeling entitled about that game and go look for your own build if you aren't happy with the current situation. Your incessant trolls are getting old.
                            Shut up, I won't quit talking when what I'm saying isn't wrong, unless it bothers you it's not my problem.
                            On the other hand, consider just consider I do have what I'm talking about others still deserve to get their hands on it.
                            Last edited by Mrox2; 04-11-2013, 11:00 AM.
                            Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                            ^ Lol ...


                            • blah blah blah tell me when the unnecessary childish drama is over , still find it very funny watching grown men getting all bent out of shape over this game , just enjoy what ever the team does, it's out of your hands (people complaining).


                              • I suppose it is human nature in which a person can't just let go and admit they're wrong (I'm not pointing fingers or anything because an immature person would have a hissy fit at me regardless).

                                Is it me or do some of you get sick of actually looking at posts like this because of all the bickering? (and don't give me "this iz de internetz, If you don't like it go away" bullshit). It's like some of you only think about yourself regardless of whatever the situation is. You get some people talking about stuff they don't even know about (I'm not on about having an educated guess on things, that's fair enough), some people saying, "give me, because I'm more important" etc. I swear some of you act less mature than my teenage brother, and he's a pain in the arse.

                                Yeah, I suppose it would be nice to have an untouched build, but if whomever has control of untouched builds doesn't want to release them, I'm not gonna scream and have tantrum about it.

                                Anyway it doesn't matter, people will always have the "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude about everything. Why can't some people just learn that everything isn't so black and white.

                                To Team IGAS

                                Some great work you and the guys are doing, I was probably amongst the first to doubt the validity of the project, but as I saw more material it was stupid of me to doubt it (Sorry). If your team can produce something sort of close to a retail quality product, I'm sure most people will be happy. I suppose all we have to do is be patient. Thanks a bunch, you're making many peoples dreams come true. If you guys don't mind I have a few questions (Not sure if some of them may be answered, or if someone else has the answer feel free...):

                                Q: How long did it take for you to create your tool-set for modifying certain elements of the game? (Or were you building tools as you went along?)

                                Q: Are you guys a bunch of friends?, work colleagues? or people met through online?

                                Q: I assume by now you won't be adding in voice acting, but will your in game events be built in mind in which fans could add in their own voice acting?

