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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by MrSoft View Post
    No need to lock the thread, just needs a mod to come in and ask people to keep it friendly or there will be infractions.

    The thread has some useful information, and whats the point in starting another, for the same thing to happen when the info drys up.

    Im not sure where B.zork found those pictures a few pages back, but I hope he comes back with more. (if he found them in the first place)
    Don't think anyone will be losing sleep over an infraction or even a ban, it's not like this community is even active anymore. This community has been dead for a couple years now. All the old regulars are either gone or banned, and I don't blame them.
    Last edited by VirusPunk; 08-04-2012, 07:16 PM.


    • Im a very long time lurker myself, been checking these boards and assemblers for years. Just only recently bothered to register and post.

      I know a lot of people have left and got on with their lives, but I still find it interesting when new info pops up, and the discussion it sparks. Usually makes for a good read. When it turns into arguing and trolling it gets shitty.

      Just hoping we get some more new stuff, and that everyone can have a civilised discussion


      • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
        Don't think anyone will be losing sleep over an infraction or even a ban, it's not like this community is even active anymore. This community has been dead for a couple years now. All the old regulars are either gone or banned, and I don't blame them.
        Just wait until RE6 is released, this community booms at every RE new reveal, 1.5 news and big game releases.


        • Just a heads up, but even if you calmly state your opinions on this board people will immediately jump to attack you.

          Oh well, I'll just enjoy my copy of 1.5 in peace.


          • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
            Just a heads up, but even if you calmly state your opinions on this board people will immediately jump to attack you.

            Oh well, I'll just enjoy my copy of 1.5 in peace.

            The "helipad2" picture icon at the bottom-left side of the picture makes me believe this might be fake.


            • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
              Just a heads up, but even if you calmly state your opinions on this board people will immediately jump to attack you.

              Oh well, I'll just enjoy my copy of 1.5 in peace.

              Chris: hahaha
              Wesker: Chris?
              Chris: HAHAHAHAHA
              Wesker: Stop it!
              Hail the heros of the revolution!


              • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                Just a heads up, but even if you calmly state your opinions on this board people will immediately jump to attack you.

                Oh well, I'll just enjoy my copy of 1.5 in peace.

                Nice attempt but... NO!
                Last edited by braders1986; 08-04-2012, 07:38 PM.


                • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                  Just a heads up, but even if you calmly state your opinions on this board people will immediately jump to attack you.

                  Oh well, I'll just enjoy my copy of 1.5 in peace.

                  dude, give us RE1.5, i give you a new television.


                  • ^^lulz


                    • Cheap way to make money. Once you click on the link an ad pops up. I do not know why people act like I am so terrible? I never exploited people here with pop up ads or the like. And never try to profit off of someones obsession.But that may change with my demo.
                      I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                      • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                        Cheap way to make money. Once you click on the link an ad pops up. I do not know why people act like I am so terrible? I never exploited people here with pop up ads or the like. And never try to profit off of someones obsession.But that may change with my demo.
                        Please, can't you see that you're ruining this thread? Don't act like you're not doing anything wrong. I hope you have a change of heart to stop derailing this thread...
                        Hail the heros of the revolution!


                        • I also have a 1.5 demo, look at it:

                          Who wants a copy?


                          • Originally posted by Ketsui View Post
                            I've resized them. Much better now

                            I think the female zombie it's a leftover from previuos builds
                            The head of the zombi looks really scary

                            Last edited by DZIAD; 08-04-2012, 09:01 PM.

                            I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


                            • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                              Please, can't you see that you're ruining this thread? Don't act like you're not doing anything wrong. I hope you have a change of heart to stop derailing this thread...
                              You are whats wrong with society.

                              Anyway, I will say to the guy with the game/screenshots. Do you have anymore images to show us? What do you plan to do with the game? Do you just have the RE1.5 3D models and using them in a RE2 mod? Lets see if he will answer now.
                              I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                              • I can totally see "him" replying, like "he" did in the last 54 pages.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

