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  • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
    Air Jesus was an original bug and it was not intentional. It is buggy because Capcom updated the original BIO1 code for new features. Air Jesus is caused by climb action. In BIO1 you could not jump on boxes. Bug is caused by new climb flags not considered in the procedure. When I added flag check Air Jesus disappered by itself. No collateral effects appeared. Many parts of my new code behaves like that. No bugs ahead when I deeply test procedures.
    Sorry that was my bad then. I thought it was induced for testing purposes.

    How stable is the current build of 1.5 that you are working on? Still anymore crashes or are they all gone?
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
      How do you wanna know no one missed him? Also, having registered two weeks ago, you shouldn't tell anyone to go away. You also seem to have ignored Darkmoons post about insults, calling Deathlygasm a "fucktard". The only thing you do is throwing insults at users on nearly every post you make. So I'd say the only one who should leave the forum is you.
      (And no one asked me to write this post, I felt I had to)
      lol Alfred it seems like we had another Blackcrow 2.0 they seem to be showing up again....


      • And now you can drop it. Especially since I really should ban you too for restarting this bullshit.


        • Ultimacloud123 and DBirkin:
          I think that thanks to you especially Dbirkin is Mr. Bzork, you are the 2 phase of the resident evil universe.

          The MULTIVERSE of the resident evil universe

          Step 1: This and the resident evil universe that we all know (RE 1, RE2, RE3, RE: survivor, RE: CV, King DC, RE4, RE Degeneration, RE: Revelations, RE 5, RE: Damnation, RE6, RE7)

          Step 2: ( Resident evil , Resident evil 2 (1.5),???

          Step 3: (Dark Biohazard).

          Step 4: the resident evil universe, created by Paul w. s. Anderson. (Resident Evil, RE: Apocalypse, RE: Extinction, RE: Afterlife, RE: Retribution, RE:???).

          Step 5: (Resident evil Reboot).

          I'm making concept art on the following 1.5, on continuity of phase 2 of the resident evil universe.
          Last edited by blackpower; 04-14-2013, 07:05 AM.


          • Step 5:
            No reboot. Give us outbreak 3 and Remake 2.


            • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
              Step 5:
              No reboot. Give us outbreak 3 and Remake 2.
              Exactly! Its just so simple capcom


              • Remake 2, another Remake of the first game? I'd want a Resident Evil 2 Remake
                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                • Until they've made a new "classic" game better than REmake and RE2, I don't want to see them go anywhere near the concept of trying to let one of their kings reclaim the throne.


                  • We all need a RE2 Remake as well as a RE3 Remake. If RE Remake can't be re-remade then suggest porting to current gen systems and maybe add some extras to it. RE2/RE3 is a must for sure and people would be crazy not to agree. I swear everything is there to make the Remakes however I swear they will wait last minute to do so. Maybe if RE does really good or really poor then they will Remake them. I know doesn't make sense but I know remakes will happen for sure. 110% to me precise.


                    • They really have no excuse not to make a remake. They have no *good* RE games coming out and capcom knows it.

                      RE Darkside and RE Operation RC contain perfect models to make an RE2 remake.
                      (Just please god of all that is holy use the character models from RE Darkside and not the god ugly RE ORC ones)


                      • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                        How stable is the current build of 1.5 that you are working on? Still anymore crashes or are they all gone?
                        Current build has no crashes and is very stable. Many things changed in 2 months. For example game can save from computers. Original could not save and forcing save screen crashed engine.
                        “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                        • Very nice sir! Does the save feature also record the name of the room you are in, or is that still in the works? Also is the save function working 100%, as in it retains all your weapons and such?
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                            Very nice sir! Does the save feature also record the name of the room you are in, or is that still in the works? Also is the save function working 100%, as in it retains all your weapons and such?
                            it work exactly like save in retail game. all important infos and statistics is kept for later in save data.


                            • A question could repair an D.Birkin boxes of objects saved? Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_19022013_201330_0625.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	13.2 KB
ID:	402852
                              Resident Evil 2: Back 2 Origins




                              • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
                                We all need a RE2 Remake as well as a RE3 Remake.
                                No we don't.

                                Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                                RE Darkside and RE Operation RC contain perfect models to make an RE2 remake.
                                Nope. Darkside is painfully inferior in the model department to even Outbreak (especially evident with Marvin's model) and generally isn't very well-made when it comes to models and textures (with some notable exceptions) while Operation Raccoon City has some of the worst models in recent history. A remake also wouldn't be acceptable at GameCube graphic standards anymore.
                                Last edited by News Bot; 04-14-2013, 08:09 PM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

