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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I have a friend asking on the 123 forums if someone can make a model of this for retail re2 for me. Hope someone does.

    But if someone here can do it for me, ill give you an internet.
    Last edited by ccrogers15; 04-16-2013, 09:38 PM.


    • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
      It looks 5 times better than the final. What i would want is mainly his hair to go back to how it was in pre release shots. It looked more realistic for a police officer. Police usually dont tend to have emo looking hair waving in their eyes.
      100% agree. I never did like the retail Leon Decaprio look (it's ridiculous-looking).


      • You must be a fan of Steve then


        • It would make cool alt leon skin but I don't think it's on top the the teams priorities ATM what with all the bugs and glitches they have to remove ect.


          • They have stated several times that we will basically have to wait and see what they choose when asked about alternate costumes, etc. They want it to be left a surprise. It's meant to be the same experience as buying the game and opening it; you don't know what's in store. The excitement and anticipation is a large part of the enjoyment. I too want to play this and see what all they have planned, but they need more time and we have to leave it to our imaginations. We've waited this long, we know its coming, it's gonna be worth it.
            Last edited by Graco; 04-17-2013, 05:18 AM.
            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


            • Originally posted by Graco View Post
              They have stated several times that we will basically have to wait and see what they choose when asked about alternate costumes, etc. They want it to be left a surprise. It's meant to be the same experience as buying the game and opening it; you don't know what's in store. The excitement and anticipation is a large part of the enjoyment. I too want to play this and see what all they have planned, but they need more time and we have to leave it to our imaginations. We've waited this long, we know its coming, it's gonna be worth it.
              Completely agree. I don't want to many spoilers myself but don't mind knowing fixes.


              • Do you guys think they'll have a beta-testing period internally, or release it to a small group of people to test as well?


                • I hope they do another public build soon.


                  • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                    Do you guys think they'll have a beta-testing period internally, or release it to a small group of people to test as well?
                    As mentioned in the first developer's diary video, they have their own group of internal beta testers. Probably for good reasons too, as they would want to avoid further leaks.
                    Last edited by biohazard_star; 04-17-2013, 06:18 PM.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • I'd prefer early version Leon model myself too. Its better in every aspect IMHO, for instance hes stance is stronger and over all comparable to Chris as of fighting strenght (visual). Retail Leon is kind of weak player as of woman. If you play Extreme Battle with Crhis on RE2 retail and see how he handles large shotgun with ease you will understand (Leon with same shotgun is very slow and he falls back a lot after taking fire)

                      But then again, if project aim is to full fill final build, then I'd prefer retail look Leon. But as bonus costume/player? Yes, please!
                      ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                      • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                        I'd prefer early version Leon model myself too. Its better in every aspect IMHO, for instance hes stance is stronger and over all comparable to Chris as of fighting strenght (visual). Retail Leon is kind of weak player as of woman. If you play Extreme Battle with Crhis on RE2 retail and see how he handles large shotgun with ease you will understand (Leon with same shotgun is very slow and he falls back a lot after taking fire)

                        But then again, if project aim is to full fill final build, then I'd prefer retail look Leon. But as bonus costume/player? Yes, please!
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	546010_455486484527938_332245162_n.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	10.4 KB
ID:	402862


                        • Working on something ...
                          actually I don't see the retail/final/1.5 leon as womanly as you guys think ... that's just .... weird.
                          Last edited by Mrox2; 04-17-2013, 03:29 PM.
                          Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                          ^ Lol ...


                          • both leons look fine to me but I'm happy with the leon we have in the beta/demo we got recently.
                            the team have a lot more on their plate then worrying about a leon skin ATM lol.


                            • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                              I'd prefer early version Leon model myself too. Its better in every aspect IMHO, for instance hes stance is stronger and over all comparable to Chris as of fighting strenght (visual). Retail Leon is kind of weak player as of woman. If you play Extreme Battle with Crhis on RE2 retail and see how he handles large shotgun with ease you will understand (Leon with same shotgun is very slow and he falls back a lot after taking fire)

                              But then again, if project aim is to full fill final build, then I'd prefer retail look Leon. But as bonus costume/player? Yes, please!
                              Ah people from countries where feminine traits=weakness. Gotta love the bigotry. This is what made Leon an interesting character in RE2, IMO. In many ways, Claire was stronger and more butch. It was a nice reversal on the expected "roles" from the first game. Too bad that went flying head first out the window with RE4 and on.


                              • Dont really mean hes week, but the problem with leon retail and late 1.5 is that, well... his hair.

                                He would be perfectly fine with his current body and face and stuff if he had his very very early 1.5 hair.

