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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
    It´s evident the Team use the image with the jumping monkeys like guide.
    BG artist used both as reference. Some items and lights were left out on purpose. Remember it is a work in progress.

    Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
    How accurate is that room that is being debated about compared to the BF image? We all know it was taken with a poor quality digital camera on a crt/older tv (I was the first to point this out) but you can clarify for us about this small debate. Also what other problems are you recoding like the image you just posted about the item box which seemed to plague for quite a while?
    Picture is as accurate as proof of concepts need to be. We considered TV overscan and some engine elements. Camera should match well. What aspect of item box are you referring? I do not think I have told much about them.

    Originally posted by skyrunner14 View Post
    Let's see... Green for healing items, Red for weaponry, Blue for ammunition, and Yellow for key items....
    All our base are belong to you.

    Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    I always thought that thing John is facing in the back of the room is a sidetable with a phone on it. RE1 and 1.5 used some pretty huge phone models that can be seen from a mile away.
    Phone on table=useless room element. We gave it a purpose with transformation to ancient book.
    “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


    • Totally amazing! I'm sure this'll be worth the wait


      • Nice stuff D.Birkin. Perhaps to keep the game somewhat mysterious, you should not show us the final version of the Conference room till we get our hands on the final version of your work. I'm sure note everyone wants the game spoiled

        Will all the item boxes be linked or will they be separate like in REmakes Survival Mode?
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Birkin what I meant was you mentioned that the item box was a challenge which in the image you posted looks like you succeeded. What I was asking is since you managed to get the item box working, what other huge challenges still need to me addressed?


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            Nice stuff D.Birkin. Perhaps to keep the game somewhat mysterious, you should not show us the final version of the Conference room till we get our hands on the final version of your work. I'm sure note everyone wants the game spoiled
            Of course. What I show in the picture is the same case as room 112. You will see the complete room much later.

            Will all the item boxes be linked or will they be separate like in REmakes Survival Mode?
            This is not BIO Remake.

            Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
            Birkin what I meant was you mentioned that the item box was a challenge which in the image you posted looks like you succeeded. What I was asking is since you managed to get the item box working, what other huge challenges still need to me addressed?
            I think you are talking about the item USE command. That was fixed a few weeks back.
            “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


            • Hey D.Birikin I was wondering if you could tell me when 1.5 was supposed to have taken place? Such as how much longer after RE1 did things go down? Just curious because I'm not sure if it's a different time frame than retail or if it was actually already stated.


              • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                All our base are belong to you.
                You haven't any clue how much this made my day.


                • Hello again D.Birkin.

                  I have a question about control schemes. Will they use the American/Eur controls(X for Action, Square for run), or the JAP ones (Square for action, X for run). To be honest I like the japanese controls haha. Maybe it will be configurable? Cheers.


                  • oh my god! AMAZING item box!


                    • Originally posted by curse420 View Post
                      Hello again D.Birkin.

                      I have a question about control schemes. Will they use the American/Eur controls(X for Action, Square for run), or the JAP ones (Square for action, X for run). To be honest I like the japanese controls haha. Maybe it will be configurable? Cheers.
                      While I can't speak for D.Birkin, I guess it will be fully customizable.

                      I once asked the team whether they'd consider adding an option to disable auto aim to the config menu and he told me that the control scheme, including auto aim can be customized to your personal liking in the final release.

                      It is already possible to switch the X and Square button in the config menu of the Magic Zombie Door build, however, the text describing the button layout is a bit messed up right now.
                      Last edited by Upaluppa; 05-06-2013, 05:01 AM.


                      • Originally posted by curse420 View Post
                        Hello again D.Birkin.

                        I have a question about control schemes. Will they use the American/Eur controls(X for Action, Square for run), or the JAP ones (Square for action, X for run). To be honest I like the japanese controls haha. Maybe it will be configurable? Cheers.
                        There is a configuration option in the "leaked" version


                        • Hey D.Birkin, sorry to add to the constant barrage of questions, but there is something that I really have to ask, it concerns missing content / bosses (I would understand if you choose not to answer to keep some surprises for the final version).

                          I'm sorry if this has been asked before but, will you have to make Salom and Golgotha or where they already there? If you do have to make them yourself from what artwork / concept will you be basing thier apperence on?

                          I only ask becasue I have only seen 1 picture of Salom and it was a terrible quality picture, also the concept scetchs i've seen are not very clear at all.


                          • They were never implemented in the game and are part of many concept arts that weren't used for the game. So nope.


                            • Looking forward to seeing a gameplay clip of all of these little things that improve the game. It's looking pretty interesting so far.
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                              • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                                Looking forward to seeing a gameplay clip of all of these little things that improve the game. It's looking pretty interesting so far.
                                Wouldn't count on it. More then likely they will keep certain elements under wraps till the finally realease it. They probably don't want to give any spoilers and just give info. for fixes and features.
                                Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 05-06-2013, 01:45 PM.

