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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by geluda View Post
    That's not your typical voice file however, right? Technically the build doesn't have voice files?
    Yeah. I don't really know shit but, as I recall someone was saying something about it being a '.vag' audio clip, that's loaded into ram and executed during events, much like nemesis' 'S.T.A.R.S."


    • Originally posted by curse420 View Post
      Yeah. I don't really know shit but, as I recall someone was saying something about it being a '.vag' audio clip, that's loaded into ram and executed during events, much like nemesis' 'S.T.A.R.S."
      Yeah, that's kind of what I remember someone saying too.


      • Normal voice files are in .XA or .XAS format. Enemy sounds are in a similar format, but not quite the same. They are much smaller in size and quality in 1.5. You can hear how crap the moans sound. Like a very low bitrate file.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • They aren't similar, really. It'd be more or less like comparing MP3 and Atrac 3 Plus or JPEG and PNG.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • See well my basic understanding was wrong then. I was always under the impression they are a similar file type/container. Guess I was wrong.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • They could insert retail code for VA.


              • Indded, all they need is to find the command to access and play those files, and hook that into the code. It's more complicated than that I'd think but it should work.

                Then again there still is not any confirmation that there will be voice acting. The only hint we have is from Zork "what Resident Evil not have voice acting?".
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  They could insert retail code for VA.
                  Code copy is not possible. Itembox procedures I created are all made from zero and code is very long. Good fact 1.5 has voice stream code built in.
                  “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                  • What do you mean by that? Is it that the voices ARE in the game but unimplemented, or there aren't any voices in the build but there is programming already in place that would allow there to be voices?


                    • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                      Code copy is not possible. Itembox procedures I created are all made from zero and code is very long. Good fact 1.5 has voice stream code built in.
                      Okay, good to know all code has to be made from scratch by you. You're fucking talented.

                      And there we go. 1.5 has voice streaming code. BADASS.


                      • Originally posted by skyrunner14 View Post
                        What do you mean by that? Is it that the voices ARE in the game but unimplemented, or there aren't any voices in the build but there is programming already in place that would allow there to be voices?
                        Must be BIO1 code remains. From disassembly it looks similar to BIO2 Xa_on procedure.

                        Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                        Okay, good to know all code has to be made from scratch by you. You're fucking talented.
                        It is not hard for videogame developers.
                        “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                        • So all that would be needed to do to implement voices is to convert them into a proper XA container (as 1 XA file will have multiple streams within it, and not only voices), find out how the code works and set the designated hooks on where to look, start playback , and stop playback.

                          All XA stream files I've looked at have multiple streams within them and not are all voices. In beta 2 some music is in the XA format and is mixed in with the voice data. So lets say you record dialog and have 10 files. You convert them and put them in a XA container. Now within the container there are the files. Now using the XA_on code, you have to access those files and set which files is loaded, how long it plays, whether it loops, and so on.

                          I think that is right, I may be wrong though.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Birkin is there voice/dialouge files for the game are is it non existant? Would you need people for voice-over work? If there is dialouge would it be possible for you to give us a sample/video?


                            • I'm pretty sure the only voice work on disc is the damage grunts the team has added. Otherwise it's not there.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • Im a noob making gif still pretty interesting headless zombie.

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