so whats the problem now exactly ? Martins patches caused your contacts who supposdly had other builds to disappear ?
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by DXP View PostNo but what I find weird is why you would remove certain aspects of a room that must have worked to begin with and in doing that you break it? Shutter for example PSM footage(since i'm assuming it is the same build as it more or less matches in terms of what was shown in the leak) that works in your leaked version it breaks the game now if it was fine to begin with why remove aspects that would in theory break the room? that makes no sense if you can see it from my way.
The problem seems quite clear to everybody but the parts got caught doing sneaky stuff: people claiming patches are their own work while they are just leaked and repacked data ("great job!!!11one!!eleven!", by the way), project security, and builds disappearing into nowhere thanks to geniuses who can't refrain from posting leaked data thanks to their constant attention whoring. Seriously no wonder why the project was kept a secret in the beginning. Would have been better this way as it seems this game brings only bitching, people playing deaf and / or super blind, reiterated nonsense, and retardedness in general. At this rate we could have already been exploring Mars while wearing Elza's spacesuit.Last edited by Gemini; 05-26-2013, 05:29 PM.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Jesus...this is why I don't post here all that often...full of people asking the same retarded questions over and over interspersed by people begging to get the vanilla build and people leaking s*** because they can't wait for the finished and retail quality product...SERIOUSLY PEOPLE...the vanilla build will play like s***...and the 80% won't be much better...just wait...Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 05-26-2013, 05:37 PM.
Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View PostFanmade status screen?Last edited by Mrox2; 05-26-2013, 05:39 PM.Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
^ Lol ...
Originally posted by Mrox2 View Postevidence ?PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by Mrox2 View Postevidence that vanilla ia a mess ?
What exactly is the big deal even if DB has a build? I can see that claiming patches as his own work, while its actually IGAS, thats one thing. But basically talking down on him really makes no difference. The builds are gonna release anyways. Dont get me wrong on what i say next, because i appreciate the work IGAS is doing, but none of this content is truly IGAS OR DB`s. Its capcom material that was never even meant to get out after it was cancelled. Moaning and crying about someone getting the data is pointless. Like i said above, its all gonna get out eventually. We should all be thankful that capcom has not decided to get a cash in and claim a Cease and Desist order.
But thats all hypothetical. Nobody really knows or has proof DB has a build. Even if he does, good for him. Wont affect IGAS right? So why the complaining?Last edited by ccrogers15; 05-26-2013, 06:00 PM.