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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
    Yeah I meant AI, i´m spanish and english is not my native language. Maybe the female zombies models are in the disk, but the issue with the manspider is more odd...
    It's ok it's not mine either, I understand that was clearly a typo I was just making sure if that's what you were meaning, your english is pretty good though !
    About the AI I'm not sure if that's an AI issue or maybe animations ? only DB/Martin can comment on that for now.

    But I dont understand why Team Igas are mad/sad about it, he didnt leak anything like pure/vanilla files If I'm right ? if it was only patches then this shouldn't be an Issue at all for them ;/
    They should keep it up with their work ;)
    Last edited by Mrox2; 05-27-2013, 06:35 AM.
    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
    ^ Lol ...


    • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
      But I dont understand why Team Igas are mad/sad about it, he didnt leak anything like pure/vanilla files If I'am right ? this shouldn't be an Issue at all for them ;/
      They should keep it up with their work ;)
      Maybe you should try looking at the big picture. Someone has been leaking things which they shouldn't have. If I were (hypothetically) in possession of a different build of 1.5, I certainly wouldn't want to be touching or making contact with anyone that has "leaks" written all over them, even with a 10 foot pole. The same goes for pretty much anything, in which trust and credibility is involved. For example, would you willingly hand Colvin/Welsh the entire project folder for your Distant Memories project if you knew he has a knack for leaking, distributing and making profit off of things he shouldn't be? That's my take/personal view on it anyway, if you factor in the matter of "other builds".
      Last edited by biohazard_star; 05-27-2013, 06:47 AM.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
        Back on here, I recreated the Red Hawk using the image "Okeji Dragon" posted of the 1.5 inventory recreation, some sharpening filters and saturation changes and tadaa ! that's the result.
        Artifacted jpeg do not make able to recreate pixel perfect reproducts with only few swapped indexes. Remember we know who has vanilla assets.

        he didnt leak anything like pure/vanilla files If I'm right ?
        I think public understands.
        Last edited by D.Birkin; 05-27-2013, 06:50 AM.
        “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
          Color me interested. I'd love to see someone else's take on what I consider one of the worst games I ever had in my youth.
          I'll not post screenshots in this thread as I don't want to derail discussion but you can find screen shots taken throughout progress + general info on the project here:
          Hey all I mentioned this over in the "What Are You Making" thread but thought I'd make a proper thread for it. As mentioned: Ok TTLG peoples the time has FINALLY come for a demo release of my remake of the NES game "Dragonslair".

          A very brief run down is that I coded it from scratch. Combining sprites, enemies, obstacles etc from the 2 versions of the NES game (the American NTSC version and a later PAL version that came with extra enemies). Created a level editor for users to make their own levels, converted over the levels present in the original game + created a few extras of my own design and also developed a few music tracks for it in addition to the music from the original being ported over.

          Released 4 alphas throughout progress so far. Final version is very close to completion. If you'd like any further info either go to the link above or feel free to send me a PM.
          Last edited by icemann; 05-27-2013, 07:02 AM.


          • If the later builds of 1.5 ever reach the common folk, I'll probably be pushing 50 and not care anymore

            It's a shame that we've lost things over something so...worthless. I keep hearing about these patches and I never give a damn about them because I'm waiting on what's coming, and now the community lost out because of these?

            The other thing that surprises me is that after all this time since its inception, 1.5 is treated the same and any builds of it (especially later ones now) can easily buy a car or a down payment on a house. I don't know if I'll even be playing video games anymore if these lost opportunities ever happen again.

            Before IGAS, I had given up on 1.5 a long long time ago. I didn't even know about the Curator incident until many years had passed and I just happened to hear about what IGAS is doing. I couldn't believe it was true. It just seemed far too unrealistic to expect ever playing it.

            And now this. It's truly depressing and disheartening. It's naive to think that just because we have confirmation of later builds existing outside of Capcom that it means it's bound to end up in our hands. It's entirely possible that the negotiations that IGAS were in the middle of before said parties pulled out was the only chance we as a community ever had of playing them. Such a shame.
            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


            • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
              Artifacted jpeg do not make able to recreate pixel perfect reproducts with only few swapped indexes.
              you might be amazing at coding or whatever it is you do, no offense, but you obviously are not too familiar with photoshop.


              • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                Back on here, I recreated the Red Hawk using the image "Okeji Dragon" posted of the 1.5 inventory recreation, some sharpening filters and saturation changes and tadaa ! that's the result.
                This one ...

                There's no reason to use the RE3 Item Avatar as it's not from the same era.
                as for the m870 its here and in the files of the released build, its in data/st_00.tim everyone can check that easily by using BH2BinEx Morti released few days ago
                Biohazard 2 Bin Extractor
                Heheeheh, nice try

                Please, explain how it became pixel perfect compatible with the other icons after your sharpening treatment, knowing that the Okeji Dragon icon have a different pixel size and aspect ratio.


                • ^you suck at photoshop.


                  • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                    you might be amazing at coding or whatever it is you do, no offense, but you obviously are not too familiar with photoshop.
                    No and I am familiar.
                    “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                    • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                      ^you suck at photoshop.
                      Sorry, I don't even know how to use it


                      • wow ...just wow..... more "drama" Checked all the pages and all I see is a bunch of people getting crazy over a video game from the 90's I am a huge 1.5 fan , have been since I was a teenager , but seriously get a life , please tell me there is more to your lives than waiting for 1.5 to come out please tell me you all have family friends and other video games to be playing or going out side or exercising , this is not directed at everyone (Obviously).

                        these patches that come out come and go we all know the teams will be the best yet people love to keep repeating and repeating AND REPEATING themselves , which then causes more Idiots to come on in and join the fight thinking they know everything.

                        life moves on, if the teams game comes out one day then that's great! if it doesn't for some reason then that's that. Is it possible for people on here to not fight for one week we have people with Sour Grapes people with superiority complex's just get over yourselves . it's getting pathetic.


                        • creating, overlaying, and restoring are entirely different.

                          that said, and after playing around for just a little bit, the thing that baffles me is the barrel. with some manual editing it would be very possible, or just someone more skilled than i using filters.

                          although, pixel perfect placement of the dark grey dots under the white line of the barrel does seem a little far-fecthed or just lucky without a reference.

                          what i really don't get is, how are questions and points of view drama? it seems like any discussion thats not just observations or praise makes alot of people here uncomfortable.
                          Last edited by J0shuaKane; 05-27-2013, 08:12 AM.


                          • I can't masturbate to this.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                              Yes Mr admin, I`m so the drama, because i so started you're petty argument that don't even have valid evidence to back it up. Typical of Mods and Admins on this forum. Pretending they are some untouchable force. Carnivol the most out of any of Them.
                              Nah, he's right, you are drama. You post comments towards other members of this forum and they are always negative. I've also noticed you post some pretty stupid shit.... You seem like a very young and immature child. Calm down and think about what you're going to post before you post. Smh.

                              All the stupidity makes me never want to look at this thread again. The 1.5 community can't have nice things.... even after we get what we've wanted for 15 plus years some of you still complain and bitch. NO we do not have the right to demand anything from the team, whether it be the Vanilla Build or anything related to that subject, the fact someone actually gets mad at the team for not releasing the raw build is quite confusing. They purchased the build, why are they obligated to release it? explain. Also, all the suggestions are great but some of them are going so far from 1.5, I have to stop and think, why the hell did some of these people even suggest these ideas. (and I know me posting this kind of stuff doesn't help this thread get back on track but it's hard to even enjoy this thread now)
                              Last edited by Guest; 05-27-2013, 08:35 AM.


                              • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                                Nah, he's right, you are drama. You post comments towards other members of this forum and they are always negative. I've also noticed you post some pretty stupid shit.... You seem like a very young and immature child. Calm down and think about what you're going to post before you post. Smh.

                                All the stupidity makes me never want to look at this thread again. The 1.5 community can't have nice things.... even after we get what we've wanted for 15 plus years some of you still complain and bitch. NO we do not have the right to demand anything from the team, whether it be the Vanilla Build or anything related to that subject, the fact someone actually gets mad at the team for not releasing the raw build is quite confusing. They purchased the build, why are they obligated to release it? explain. Also, all the suggestions are great but some of them are going so far from 1.5, I have to stop and think, why the hell did some of these people even suggest these ideas. (and I know me posting this kind of stuff doesn't help this thread get back on track but it's hard to even enjoy this thread now)
                                Real-talk, people chatted, discussed, flamed and bitched about this title for so long that I'm beginning to believe it's all people know (concerning said video game). It seems not to matter how many steps we take forward, as a community, when most people are living in the past (combing-through 15 year old magazine images, etc).

                                Maybe it's possible that people will move-on/grow up, when the restoration is complete.
                                I'm a blackstar.

